1、AdditionStructural AdditionSemantic AdditionRhetorical AdditionStructural AdditionWe wont retreat;we never have and never will.我们不后退,我们从来没有后退过,我们将来也决不后退。They have our interest at heart as we have theirs.他们关心我们的利益,我们也关心他们的利益。Supplying words omitted or substituted in the originalSupplying words necess
2、ary in structure or collocation of the target text:You cannot build a ship,a house,or a machine tool if you do not know how to make or read a design.如果不懂得制图或不懂图纸,就不能造船、盖房子或制造机床。He was a quiet and thoughtful man.他举止文雅,待人体贴。Principles:Semantic and structural requirement of the target language in expre
3、ssion!Semantic Addition补充辅助性名词、动词以及概括性的词增加辅助性动词:In the evening,afer the banquets,the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions,he would work on the drafting of the final communique.晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后,他还得起草最后的公报。This was a record increase.We advise an immediate decision.Decisionmake decision.增加概
4、括性的词增加概括性的词This report summed up the new achievements made by Siemens in home appliances,medical equipment and communication facilities.这篇报告总结了西门子在家用电器、医疗器械及通讯设施这三方面这三方面的新成就。The principal functions that may be performed by vacuum tubes are rectification,amplification,oscillation,modulation,and detec
5、tion.真空管的五大职能五大职能是:整流、放大、振荡、调制和检波。增加解释性词语增加解释性词语Here enthusiasts can enjoy the fantastic experience brought about by our new Porsches.在这里,车迷们将会体验全系新款保时捷跑车跑车所带来的震撼感受。Have you got an iPhone yet?Youre not Robinson Crusoe.Youre not alone,so dont be so damned selfish.你又不是流落孤岛、与世隔绝的鲁宾逊,不要事事只为自己打算。Presiden
6、t Hu was wined and dined by Obama.Rhetorical AdditionThe host carved,poured,served,cut bread,talked and laughed.主人割、倒、端、切面包、说和笑。主人割肉呀、斟酒呀,端菜呀,切面包呀,又说又笑,忙的不亦乐乎。They drifted across America and gathered in the big cities when winter came,hungry,defeated,empty,hopeless,restless,driven by they knew not w
7、hat,always on the move,looking everywhere for work,for the bare crumbs to support their miserable lives,and finding neither work nor crumbs.他们漂泊啊,漂泊,走遍了美国,冬天到了,才在各大城市聚集起来,忍饥挨饿,到处碰壁,一无所有,前途渺茫,焦躁不安,心烦意乱,辗转奔波,到处找活干,到处找仅能糊口的面包,以维持他们悲惨的生活,可是一样也没找到。总之,增补的原则是基于目标语在总之,增补的原则是基于目标语在结构与结构与语义语义上的双重需要。因此,必须充分了解目
9、意留,善敷者辞殊而义显。”(刘勰:(刘勰:文心雕龙文心雕龙 熔裁篇熔裁篇同时,在运用省略技能时,也适用上述原则。同时,在运用省略技能时,也适用上述原则。1.省略英语特有的词,如it,there,a(n),the,pronouns,connectives,prepositions(see Page 158),甚至是动词或分词,如:A teacher should be responsible.The wish is the father to the thought.She was a Jones before she married Bill.You should keep calm when you are in danger.If you have read these stories,tell them in your own words.She covered her face with her hands as if to protect her eyes.Even if you go there it wont do any good.