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1、职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityUnit 6职业综合英语职业综合英语 2 2ENGLISH FOR CAREERSUnit 6Quality新职业英语新职业英语职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityContentsListening&Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6Language Lab7Entertainment8职业综合职业综合职业综

2、合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityWarm-upTask 1Task 2职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityWarm-1Task 1 Work in pairs.Discuss with your partner and match the quality symbols with their meanings.()1.It is a compulsory conformity mark on many products placed on the single market in the Europe

3、an Economic Area.It certifies that a product has met European consumer safety,health or environmental requirements.()2.It is a standard for quality management systems.It is maintained by the International Organization for Standardization.()3.It is the abbreviation for China Compulsory Certification.

4、It covers 135 products divided into 20 categories,including household appliances,motor vehicles,motorcycles,safety glasses,medical devices,lighting apparatus,cables and wires,etc.BACNotes职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityNotes-1ISO 9000国际标准化组织国际标准化组织90009000。ISO9000ISO9000系列是众多由系列是众多由 IS

5、OISO(国际标准化组织)设立的国际标准中最(国际标准化组织)设立的国际标准中最著名的标准。此标准并不是评估产品的质量。著名的标准。此标准并不是评估产品的质量。而是评估产品在生产过程中的品质控制,是一而是评估产品在生产过程中的品质控制,是一个组织管理的标准。个组织管理的标准。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityNotes-2CE欧洲合格认证。大部分来自欧洲经济区(欧洲合格认证。大部分来自欧洲经济区(EEAEEA)的产品,都需要印上欧洲合格认证的产品,都需要印上欧洲合格认证CECE标志,代标志,代表产品制造商或服务提供者已确保产品符合相表产

6、品制造商或服务提供者已确保产品符合相应的欧盟要求,而相应的评估程序也已完成。应的欧盟要求,而相应的评估程序也已完成。相关欧盟要求包括玩具安全、机械工具等。相关欧盟要求包括玩具安全、机械工具等。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityNotes-3CCC中国强制性产品认证,又名中国强制认证,简中国强制性产品认证,又名中国强制认证,简称称 CCC CCC 或或 3C3C。它是中华人民共和国强制规定。它是中华人民共和国强制规定各类产品进出口、出厂、销售和使用必须取得各类产品进出口、出厂、销售和使用必须取得的认证,只有通过认证的产品才能被认为在安的认

7、证,只有通过认证的产品才能被认为在安全、电磁兼容性(全、电磁兼容性(EMCEMC)、环保等方面符合强、环保等方面符合强制要求。制要求。CCC CCC 标志的图案由基本图案、认证种标志的图案由基本图案、认证种类标注组成。类标注组成。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityWarm-2Task 2 Work in pairs.Discuss with your partner and match the following quality symbols with their corresponding products.A F HB D GC

8、ENotes职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityNotes-1中国质量认证中心中国质量认证中心(CQC)是经中央机构编制委员会批准、由国家质量监督检验检是经中央机构编制委员会批准、由国家质量监督检验检疫总局设立、委托国家认证认可监督管理委员会管理的疫总局设立、委托国家认证认可监督管理委员会管理的国家级认证机构。该中心颁发的认证包括产品认证(国家级认证机构。该中心颁发的认证包括产品认证(CCCC产品认证、农食产品认证、产品认证、农食产品认证、CQC CQC 自愿性产品认证等)、自愿性产品认证等)、体系认证(体系认证(ISO9001 ISO9

9、001 认证、认证、ISO4001 ISO4001 认证等)和国际认认证等)和国际认证(证(CBCB认证、认证、CECE认证等)。认证等)。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityNotes-2中国质量认证中心农食产品认证 中国质量认证中心(中国质量认证中心(CQCCQC)认证的一种。)认证的一种。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityReading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Business Know-how职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2

10、2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-1Product Recall1 1 A product A product recallrecall is is defineddefined as the action taken to prevent as the action taken to prevent the distribution,sales and use of a product which may the distribution,sales and use of a product which may posepose a a safety safety haza

11、rdhazard to consumers.Such action may be taken if there to consumers.Such action may be taken if there is probability that the use of the product would cause health is probability that the use of the product would cause health consequences,injury or death.consequences,injury or death.Reading A职业综合职业

12、综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-22 2 Recalls are Recalls are costlycostly to a company because they often to a company because they often entailentail replacing the recalled product or paying for damage caused in replacing the recalled product or paying for damage caused in use.In add

13、ition,there is also indirect cost following damage to a use.In addition,there is also indirect cost following damage to a brand name and reduced trust in the manufacturer.A good brand name and reduced trust in the manufacturer.A good example is the recall of over 500,000 Toyota Tundra example is the

14、 recall of over 500,000 Toyota Tundra pickup pickup truckstrucks,which had a steering problem,forcing the manufacturer,which had a steering problem,forcing the manufacturer to attempt to to attempt to rightright the problem.the problem.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-33

15、 3 A A countrys countrys consumer consumer protection protection laws laws usually usually have have specific specific requirements requirements in in regard regard toto product product recalls.recalls.Such Such regulations regulations may may include include how how much much of of the the cost cos

16、t the the maker maker will will have have to to bear,bear,situations situations in in which which a a recall recall is is compulsorycompulsory,or or penaltiespenalties for for failure failure to to recall.recall.A A company company may may also also initiateinitiate a a recall recall voluntarily,vol

17、untarily,subject subject toto the the same same regulations.regulations.Suppliers Suppliers are are encouraged encouraged to to voluntarily voluntarily recall recall a a product product as as soon soon as as a a defect defect is is found.found.It It is is in in the the best best interest interest of

18、of the the suppliers suppliers to to make make sure sure that that these these products products are are effectively effectively removed removed or or prevented prevented from from reaching reaching the the market market A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-44 4

19、Consumer Consumer organizations organizations often often examine examine products products and and warn warn the the public public of of possible possible defects defects that that diminishdiminish a a products products functional functional value value or or In the the meantime,me

20、antime,individual individual consumers consumers may may use use grass-roots grass-roots tacticstactics to to bring bring public public attention attention to to corporate corporate misconduct.misconduct.They They may may write write to to newspapers newspapers and and post post information informat

21、ion on on product product defects,defects,threatening threatening the the makers makers publicity if the faults are not put right.publicity if the faults are not put right.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-55 5 When When it it becomes becomes apparentapparent that that a

22、a product product is is likely likely to to cause cause injury injury or or health health problems problems to to a a person,person,the the supplier supplier should should take take the the necessary necessary steps steps required required to to recall recall the the product product and and control

23、control the the risk.risk.A A product product can can bebe recalled recalled at at three three levels:levels:wholesale,wholesale,retail retail and and individual individual consumer.consumer.After After assessing assessing the the product product distribution distribution in in market market place,p

24、lace,the the supplier supplier should should determine determine the the levels levels of of product product recalls.recalls.Determination Determination of of the the level level of of recalls recalls is is dependent dependent on on how how far far the the product product has has penetratedpenetrate

25、d the the market market from from the the supplier.supplier.An An individual individual consumer consumer recall recall is is the the most most serious serious and and extensive extensive type type and and involves involves recoveryrecovery of of the the product product from individual consumers.fro

26、m individual consumers.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityText A-66 6 Being aware of product recalls isBeing aware of product recalls is important for the safety of anyone important for the safety of anyone who comes in contact with the product.who comes in contact with the produ

27、ct.Unfortunately,recalls are not alwaysUnfortunately,recalls are not always easy to learn about,and companies easy to learn about,and companies do not always do not always publicizepublicize a recall in an a recall in an effort to limit the cost of replacing effort to limit the cost of replacing the

28、 product.the product.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-1Reading A产品召回产品召回1 1 1 1 产品召回是指针对存在消费安全隐患的产品所采取产品召回是指针对存在消费安全隐患的产品所采取的防止其流通、销售或使用的行动。如果消费者使用的防止其流通、销售或使用的行动。如果消费者使用产品有可能导致健康问题、身体损伤或死亡,那么就产品有可能导致健康问题、身体损伤或死亡,那么就需要采取产品召回的行动。需要采取产品召回的行动。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2

29、 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-2 2 2 2 2 对于公司来说对于公司来说,产品召回需要付出高昂的产品召回需要付出高昂的代价,因为公司通常要替换被召回的产品或赔代价,因为公司通常要替换被召回的产品或赔偿消费者因使用该产品受到的伤害。一个典型偿消费者因使用该产品受到的伤害。一个典型的例子就是丰田公司曾召回超过的例子就是丰田公司曾召回超过 50 50 万辆坦途万辆坦途牌轻型货车:由于转向装置存在问题,生产商牌轻型货车:由于转向装置存在问题,生产商不得不采取行动纠正这一错误。不得不采取行动纠正这一错误。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2

30、2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-3 3 3 3 3 一个国家的消费者保护法对于产品召回一个国家的消费者保护法对于产品召回通常都有具体的要求。这些法规涉及制造商应通常都有具体的要求。这些法规涉及制造商应承担的损失、哪些情况下必须召回产品,以及承担的损失、哪些情况下必须召回产品,以及制造商不召回产品所将面临的处罚。公司也会制造商不召回产品所将面临的处罚。公司也会主动召回产品,但需要遵从上述相同的法规。主动召回产品,但需要遵从上述相同的法规。一旦发现产品存在缺陷,供应商最好能主动召一旦发现产品存在缺陷,供应商最好能主动召回产品。有效确保这些产品不在市场上流通也回产品。有效确保这些产品不

31、在市场上流通也是最符合供应商利益的。是最符合供应商利益的。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-4 4 4 4 4 消费者协会经常会进行产品检查并告知公众消费者协会经常会进行产品检查并告知公众那些可能降低产品使用价值及安全性的缺陷。同那些可能降低产品使用价值及安全性的缺陷。同时,个体消费者也可以利用一些平民化的手段让时,个体消费者也可以利用一些平民化的手段让公众注意到一些企业的错误行为,比如写信到报公众注意到一些企业的错误行为,比如写信到报社,发布有关产品缺陷的信息,这样在错误得不社,发布有关产品缺陷的信息

32、,这样在错误得不到更正时就可以威胁制造商的声誉。到更正时就可以威胁制造商的声誉。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-5 5 5 5 5 当某种产品明显可能造成人身伤害或危及当某种产品明显可能造成人身伤害或危及消费者健康时,供应商应遵从必要的步骤召回消费者健康时,供应商应遵从必要的步骤召回产品以控制风险。产品召回可分为三个层面:产品以控制风险。产品召回可分为三个层面:批发商、零售商及单个消费者。供应商在评估批发商、零售商及单个消费者。供应商在评估完产品在市场的流通情况后,就应该决定从哪完产品在市场的流通情况

33、后,就应该决定从哪个层面上召回产品。产品召回的层面取决于其个层面上召回产品。产品召回的层面取决于其在市场的渗透情况。从单个消费者层面召回产在市场的渗透情况。从单个消费者层面召回产品最为严重,涉及范围也最广,需要从每位消品最为严重,涉及范围也最广,需要从每位消费者手中收回产品。费者手中收回产品。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 QualityA-Trans-6 6 6 6 6 充分了解产品召回对于保证接触产品的人充分了解产品召回对于保证接触产品的人员的安全意义重大。令人遗憾的是,消费者并员的安全意义重大。令人遗憾的是,消费者并不容易获

34、知有关产品召回的信息,而公司为了不容易获知有关产品召回的信息,而公司为了控制替换产品的成本,通常也不会公布有关产控制替换产品的成本,通常也不会公布有关产品召回的信息。品召回的信息。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualityn.a request by the manufacturer of a product that has been identified as defective to return it,as for necessary repairs or adjustments Reading Arecalle.g.

35、e.g.The company issued a recall of all their latest ask for something to be returned,often because there is something wrong with it e.g.e.g.The makers have recalled a lot of cars that were unsafe.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 say or explain what the meaning of a

36、word or phrase is Some words are hard to defineSome words are hard to define because they have many different because they have many different uses.uses.e.g.e.g.A budget is defined as“a plan of action expressed in money terms”.Reading AdefineTran:一些词汇有很多不同用法,所以很难定义。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Un

37、it 6 create a threat,problem,etc.that has to be dealt with;to sit or stand in a particular position in order to be painted,drawn or photographede.g.e.g.Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.Tran:她摆了个姿势微笑着让摄影师拍照。She posed and smiled for theShe posed and smile

38、d for the cameraman.cameraman.Reading Apose职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualityn.something that can be dangerous or cause damage e.g.e.g.Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population.Tran:每个人都意识到抽烟的危害。Everyone is aware of the Everyone is aware of the

39、 hazards of smoking.hazards of smoking.Reading Ahazard职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualitya.causing problems or the loss of something;costing a lot of money,esp.when this is regarded as unreasonable or unnecessary e.g.e.g.a costly mistake/failure e.g.e.g.Mining can be costly in terms of li

40、ves.Tran:卖自己房子是一件高成本,耗时间的差事。Selling your house can be a costly andSelling your house can be a costly and time-consuming business.time-consuming business.Reading Acostly职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 involve something as a necessary part or resulte.g.e.g.The work entails driving a

41、 long distance every day.Tran:这样大的投资不可避免地带来一些风险。Such a large investment inevitablySuch a large investment inevitably entails some risks.entails some risks.Reading Aentail职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 correct something that is wrong or not in its normal state e.g.e.g.Its a terrib

42、le situation and we should right it as soon as possible.Tran:这个错误正在被纠正。The mistake is being righted.The mistake is being righted.Reading Aright职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Quality(=with regard to)concerning someone or something e.g.e.g.The companys position in regard to overtime is made cl

43、ear in their contracts.Tran:关于你近来提交的工作申请,恐怕我们不能提供这份 工作给你。In regard to your recent application,IIn regard to your recent application,I am afraid we are unable to offer you the am afraid we are unable to offer you the job.job.Reading Ain regard to职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualitya.that mu

44、st be done because it is a law or someone in authority orders you to e.g.e.g.Wearing seat belts in cars is compulsory by law.Tran:在许多大学英语是一门必修课。English is a compulsory subject in manyEnglish is a compulsory subject in many universities.universities.Reading Acompulsory职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2

45、Unit 6 Qualityn.a punishment for breaking a law,rule or contract e.g.e.g.The law imposes tough penalties on advertisers who do not tell the truth.Tran:逃票旅游的惩罚金额是200美元。The penalty for traveling without a ticketThe penalty for traveling without a ticket is$$200.Reading Apenalty职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语

46、英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 arrange for something important to start e.g.e.g.The government has initiated a program of economic reform.Tran:质控部围绕如何提高产品质量开展了一场 讨论。The staff of quality control have of quality control have initiated a debate on how to improve the initiated a debate on how to impro

47、ve the quality of the products.quality of the products.Reading Ainitiate职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualitydepending on e.g.e.g.They have authority to decide,subject to the ministers approval.Tran:我们的计划根据天气而定。Our plans may change Our plans may change subject to the weather.subject to the

48、weather.Reading Asubject to职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualitybeing a good result or an advantage of someone orsomething e.g.e.g.These reforms were in the best interests of the local government.Tran:为了安全起见,加油站禁止吸烟。In the interest of safety,smoking isIn the interest of safety,smoking is fo

49、rbidden at the gas station.forbidden at the gas station.Reading Ain the interest(s)of职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 become or make something become smaller,weaker,etc.e.g.e.g.I dont want to diminish her achievements,but she did have a lot of help.Tran:这些记忆不会随时间淡淡消逝。These memories

50、 will not be diminished byThese memories will not be diminished by time.time.Reading Adiminish职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 6 Qualityn.a particular method you use to achieve something e.g.e.g.Different circumstances involve adopting different tactics.Tran:他们尝试了各种策略来防止醉驾。They tried all kinds o


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