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1、2021/10/1012021/10/102开头:开头:(询问情况及写作目的)(询问情况及写作目的)1.你最进学习怎么样?你最进学习怎么样?2.我很高兴收到你的来信。我很高兴收到你的来信。1.How are you getting along with your study recently?2.I am glad to receive your letter.2021/10/1033.1我正写信告诉你我下月将拜访你。我正写信告诉你我下月将拜访你。3.2我正写信询问你关于学习英语方面的一些我正写信询问你关于学习英语方面的一些信息信息3.I am writing totell you that

2、I am going to visit you next month.I want to ask for some information about how to learn English2021/10/104中间中间:(表明观点)(表明观点)4.众所周知,英语正变得越来越重要。众所周知,英语正变得越来越重要。4.As we all know,English is becoming more and more important.As is well-known to us2021/10/1055.此外,英语正变得越来越重要。此外,英语正变得越来越重要。6.我认为,我认为,80%的学生认为

3、英语正变得越来的学生认为英语正变得越来越重要。越重要。5.Besides,English is becoming more and more important.6.In my opinion,80%(of the students)think that English is becoming more and more important.whats more2021/10/106结尾:结尾:(祝福,期望)(祝福,期望)7.我非常抱歉,但我不得不停下来写,因为我非常抱歉,但我不得不停下来写,因为我明天还有测试。我明天还有测试。8.我正盼望着收到你的来信。我正盼望着收到你的来信。7.I am

4、sorry but I have to stop writing,because I will have a test tomorrow.8.I am looking forward to hearing from you.2021/10/1079.把我最好的祝福送给你父母。把我最好的祝福送给你父母。10.总之,我们应该努力学习。总之,我们应该努力学习。9.Give my best wishes to your parents.10.In short,we should study hard.In a word2021/10/1082021/10/1092021/10/10102021/10/

5、1011开头:(询问情况及写作目的)1.How are you getting along with your study?2.I am glad to receive your letter.3.I am writing totell you that I am going to visit you next month.I want to ask for some information about how to learn English2021/10/1012中间中间:(表明观点)(表明观点)4.As we all know,English is becoming more and m

6、ore important.5.Besides,English is becoming more and more important.6.In my opinion,80%of the students think that English is becoming more and more important.As is well-known to uswhats more2021/10/1013结尾:结尾:(祝福,期望)(祝福,期望)7.I am sorry but I have to stop writing,because I will have a test tomorrow.8.

7、I am looking forward to hearing from you.9.Give my best wishes to your parents.10.In short,we should study hard.In a word2021/10/1014 例文2021/10/1015Writing(2008 全国全国)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信向你咨询来信向你咨询如何能学好中文。请根据下列要点写封回信。如何能学好中文。请根据下列要点写封回信。要点:要点:1.参加中文学习班;参加中文学习班;2.看中文书刊、电视;看中文书刊、电视;3.学唱中文歌

8、曲;学唱中文歌曲;4.交中国朋友。交中国朋友。注意:注意:1.词数词数100左右;左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;Dear Peter,I am glad to_ Li Hua.2021/10/1016Dear Peter,Im glad to hear from you.In your letter,you asked me how to learn Chinese well.As we know,Chinese is becoming more and more important.Here are some suggestions.First,it

9、is important to take a Chinese course.If so,you will be able to learn from your teacher and practise with your classmates.Then,youd better read books,newspapers and magazines and watch TV in Chinese.Besides,in my opinion,I think it useful to learn and sing Chinese songs,by doing so youll learn and r

10、emember Chinese words more easily.2021/10/1017You can also make more Chinese friends.They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.I am sorry but I have to stop writing,because I will have a test tomorrow.I am looking forward to hearing from your letter.Give my best wishes to your

11、parents.Li Hua.2021/10/1018Dear Peter,Im glad to hear from you.In your letter,you asked me how to learn Chinese well.As we know,Chinese is becoming more and more important.Here are some suggestions.First,it is important to take a Chinese course.If so,you will be able to learn from your teacher and p

12、ractise with your classmates.Then,youd better read books,newspapers and magazines and watch TV in Chinese.Besides,in my opinion,I think it useful to learn and sing Chinese songs,by doing so youll learn and remember Chinese words more easily.You can also make more Chinese friends.They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.I am sorry but I have to stop writing,because I will have a test tomorrow.I am looking forward to hearing from you.Give my best wishes to your parents.2021/10/1019

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