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1、 If you want to talk,you can go onlineUnit 8制作执行:蔡艳珊v.聊天;闲聊聊天;闲聊v.发送;邮寄发送;邮寄v.下载下载v.寻找;搜索;搜寻寻找;搜索;搜寻n.软件软件n.网址;网站网址;网站 go online 在线,上网在线,上网登出登出n.密码密码电子书电子书chatsenddownloadsearchsoftwarewebsitelog outpassworde-bookTick the things you do with the Internet.chat with friendssend and receive emailsdownlo

2、ad music and filmslearn Englishwatch filmslisten to musicplay computer gamesbuy thingssearch for informationlearn how to use softwareread novelsread newsA:B:A:B:A:B:Hello,I am WY.Im .May I ask you?Sure.?Well,its about the Internet.Do you often?Yes,I do.How long do you online every day?Well,about 5 h

3、our every day.Listen and fill in the blanks 听力填空听力填空doing a surveya few questionsusinggo onlinespendWhat is it aboutA:B:A:B:A:B:What do you online?I always play computer games and my friends.Do you use the Internet to?No,I dont.I dont know any .Well,you should join our .We can introduce lots of webs

4、ites to you.Sounds .Maybe I will join you.Thanks.usually dolearn Englishgood websitescomputer clubinterestingchat withuseful Read aloud after the tape and underline words or phrases about the Internet.Ken:Emily:Ken:Emily:Ken:Emily:Excuse me,I am Ken.Im doing a survey.May I ask you a few questions?Su

5、re.What is it about?Well,its about using the Internet.Do you often go online?Yes,I do.How long do you spend online every day?Well,about 1 hour every day.Read aloud after the tape and underline words or phrases about the Internet.Ken:Emily:Ken:Emily:Ken:Emily:What do you usually do online?I send emai

6、ls and read the news.Do you use the Internet to learn English?Yes,sometimes.Ive found several good websites.Well,you can join our computer club.We can introduce more useful websites to you.Sounds interesting.Maybe I will join you.Thanks.Questionst t Do you often go online?Do you often go online?t t

7、t t t t t t t t Spoken English Answer the following questions in English.in English.用英语回答下面问题用英语回答下面问题How much time do you spend online every day?What do you usually do online?What do you usually do online?Do you use the Internet to learn English?Do you make friends on the Internet?Do you make frien

8、ds on the Internet?Do you play computer games on the Internet?Do you buy things on the Internet?Do you buy things on the Internet?What do you think of the Internet?Do you often go online?Do you often go online?How much time do you spend How much time do you spend online every day?online every day?Wh

9、at do you usually do online?What do you usually do online?You have to register.You have to register.Do you really want to log out?Do you really want to log out?Sorry,the password is wrong.Sorry,the password is wrong.Try again.Try again.你经常上网吗?你经常上网吗?你每天上网花多长时间你每天上网花多长时间?你一般上网做些什么?你一般上网做些什么?你需要注册你需要注册。你真的要登出吗?你真的要登出吗?对不起,密码错误,请对不起,密码错误,请再试一次。再试一次。

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