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1、甘显豪 张向裕 孙吉刚 劳建成 范 超Face Recognition Contents Face RecognitionProcessing FlowFundamentalsstep1step3step2Application What is Face Recognition nAn advance biometric identification technique n A computer application for automatically identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video fram

2、e from a video source.Processing Flow Fundamentalsnstep 1)face detectionIn this step,the system will check is input image a face or not?face detection is a computer technology that identifies human faces in digital images.It detects human faces which might then be used for recognizing a particular f

3、ace.This technology is being used in a variety of applications nowadays.Fundamentalsnstep 2)feature extraction for trained set(database)at the same time for input image Feature extraction can provide effective information.Like those pictures,a birthmark under the right eye is useful to distinguish t

4、hat they are one person.Fundamentalsnstep 3)recognization processAfter step2,the extracted feature of the input face is matched against those faces in the database;just like this pictuer,it outputs the result when a match is found.ApplicationnFace recognition to payAlibaba Group founder Jack Ma show

5、ed off the technology Sunday during a CeBIT event that would seamlessly scan users faces via their smartphones to verify mobile payments.The technology,called“Smile to Pay,”is being developed by Alibabas finance arm,Ant Financial.Application Find My Face-a tagging suggestion tool for its Google+soci

6、al network.Find My Face scans users and their friends photos for recognizable faces,and suggests nametags for the faces by matching them with users profile photos and other tagged photos on the social network.ApplicationFace Recognition Access Control System Face Recognition access control system is

7、 called FaceGate,Whenever one wishes to access a building,FaceGate verifies the persons entry code or card,then compares his face with its stored“key.”It re-gisters him as being authorized and allows him to enter the building.Access is denied to anyone whose face does not match.Face recognition-based systems in these applications can achieve high accuracy without much cooperation from the users.Thank You!

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