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1、 ZhangXiangfengfrom Akesu No.15 Middle SchoolSection B2 2a2cride a horsetake the shiptake the traintake the carfourIn the city,its easy to go somewhere.we can.2aLook at the picture and title below.Guess what the passage is about.Crossing the River to SchoolHow do students go to school?Pre-readingboa

2、t n.小船小船river n.河;江河;江bridge n.桥桥village n.村庄村庄;村镇村镇villager n.村民村民ropeway n.索道索道cross v.横过横过;越过越过2bRead the passage and answer the questions,at the same time,number the paragraghs.Fast readingWho is Liangliang?he is one 11-year-old boy,and he crosses the river every school day.1.How do the students

3、 in the village go to school?They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.2.Why do they go to school like this?Because there is a big river between their school and the village.Theres no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats.Read paragraph 1 to answer the question.阅读第一段回答问题。阅读第一段回答问题。

4、2b Yes,he does.He loves to play with his classmates.He loves his teacher.3.Does the boy like this school?Why?Read paragraph 2 to answer the question.阅读第二段回答问题。阅读第二段回答问题。2b4.Do other villagers often leave the village?Whats the villagers dream?Do you think their dream can come true?Why or why not?Thei

5、r dream is to have a bridge.Yes.I think so.Many kind people will help them.Read paragraph 3 to answer the question.阅读第三段回答问题。阅读第三段回答问题。No,they never leave the village.2b1.For the students in the village,it is _ to get to school.2.They have to cross a very _ river between their school and the village

6、.3.They cannot go by boat because the river runs too _.2cRead the passage again.Complete the sentences with words from the passage.difficultbigquicklyPost-readingPost-readingPost-readingPost-reading4.It is not easy to cross the river on a ropeway,but the boy is not _.5.The students and villagers wan

7、t to have a bridge.Can their dream come _?afraidtrueways of getting to schoolmany studentsstudents in one small villageLiangliangone 11-year-old boymany of the students and villagerseasydifficultcross the riverlove schoolnever leave the villagetheir dreama very big riverno bridgeno boatsgo on a rope

8、wayReviewConclusionCrossing the River to SchoolRead the title once more再读一次课文标题再读一次课文标题Its for the students in small village to cross the to school.But they go on a to school.They have a to have a bridge.difficultropewayriverdreamThinking and discussingHow do you feel after you read this passage?I t

9、hink Liangliang is I think I can (learn from him)I think I am You are not afraid of difficulty,difficulty is afraid of you.你不怕困难。困难就会怕你你不怕困难。困难就会怕你How do your parents get to the Great Wall?Complete the conversation like this:A:How do they get to the Great Wall?B:First,they C:Next,they D:Finally they To get to the Great Wall,first they to.Next they to Finally they

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