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1、晚词优先老师偏爱“学得晚”的单词,因为使用学得比较晚的单词,可以体现一个人“学以致用”的意识。如果一个意思既可以用初中单词来表达,又可以用高二、高三单词来表达,那尽量选择高二、高三的单词,如:adj.困难的简单词:difficult高分亮点词:challenging 有挑战性的adj.重要的简单词:important高分亮点词:vital 至关重要的;essential 必不可少的;significant 有重要意义的;adj.美丽的简单词:beautiful高分亮点词:appealing动人的;attractive 吸引人的;charming迷人的;fascinating 迷人的注:这五个词

2、既能修饰人,又能修饰物,非常好用,务必记熟!+原则二:短语优先在阅卷老师看来,活用短语是一个考生能力的体现。因此,我们可以掌握一些将某些常见单词转化为短语的用法,如:v.参加简单词:join高分亮点词:take part inv.使用简单词:use高分亮点词:make good use ofv.拜访简单词:visit高分亮点词:pay a visit to最常见的换词手段:形容词=of+同根名词原则三:“具体化”单词优先请先对比以下几组句子:例句1:I go to school everyday.例句2:I ride to school everyday.在课堂上,老师经常以这两个句子为例,讲

3、解“具体化”的重要性。很多同学都能感觉到例句2要比例句1好。究其原因,是例句2中的ride比例句1中的go更加具体:go只表达了“去”的意思,而ride不但表达出“去”的意思,还能表达出具体的交通方式。也就是说,例句2表达的信息量比例句1更加丰富。再如:例句3:Mr Wang is a good teacher.例句4:Mr Wang is a kind, patient and knowledgeable teacher.例句3只表达出Mr Wang是一个“好”老师,而到底“好”在哪些方面,却没有具体说清楚;例句4则清楚地告诉读者,Mr Wang好在三个方面:和蔼(kind)、耐心(pati

4、ent)以及知识丰富(knowledgeable)。因此,我们必须学会换用更为具体的单词表达我们的思想,如:v.学习简单词:learn高分亮点词:research研究;pick up偶然学到,顺便学到,轻松学到;master掌握n.好老师简单词:a good teacher高分亮点词:a kind, patient and knowledgeable English teacher一个善良、耐心、博学的老师。当然,除了替换某些表意抽象的单词,我们还可以通过增加细节成分,使表达更为具体,如,例句2可以加上同伴、心情等信息,进一步改写成:例句5:I,together with Tom and Je

5、rry, rode to the Zhongshan park yesterday,feeling rather excited.同样的,例句4也可以加上一个定语从句,写出Mr Wang到底擅长哪些事情,如:例句6:Mr Wang is a kind, patient and knowledgeable teacher who knows how to enlighten us students.可以看到,例句5和例句6两个句子采用“具体化”的手段,将原本毫无生气的句子顿时变得生动形象了。综上所述,想让你的表达“具体化”,一共有两种常用方法,其一,是换掉某些表意不明确的单词,换上表意更加明确具


7、根词缀的知识。运用这些知识,可以将很多高中词汇衍生为四六级词汇甚至托福、雅思词汇。如果能够熟练使用一两个这种词汇,你的作文肯定能让阅卷老师眼前一亮!举例如下:adv.当然地简单词:certainly高分亮点词:obviously 明显地;undoubtedly 毫无疑问地;evidently显然地;adj.不开心的简单词:sad高分亮点词:discouraged气馁的;depressed沮丧的;downhearted垂头丧气的;low-spirited意志消沉的;我们为大家整理了20组阅卷老师看了就想给高分的好词、句子替换练习题和写作替换练习题。大家一定要学会使用哦高分亮点词汇Vol.1首先常

8、见简单词:first ,firstly高分亮点词:first of all, to start with, to begin with, in the first place 例:To start with, doing a part-time job is my dream and I intend to work as a salesman because not only can I earn money by myself, but also it will broaden my horizons.首先,做兼职是我们的梦想,同时,我打算做一个销售人员是因为不仅可以养活自己,还能扩展眼界

9、。Vol.2其次常见简单词:second,secondly高分亮点词:in addition, then, next, in the second place例:In addition, it is a choice to visit some famous scenic spots such as Mount Tai during the vacation.其次,它是一次机会可以在假期中参观一些名胜古迹,如泰山。Vol.3再次常见简单词:third,thirdly高分亮点词:what is more, in the third place例:What is more, doing volun

10、tary work, I think, will make a great contribution to the society, which is able to enrich my life.再次,我认为做志愿者工作,可以丰富自己的人生,也是对社会的贡献。Vol.4最后常见简单词:finally,at last高分亮点词:in conclusion, in the end, last but not least例:In conclusion,lets work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, inc

11、luding animals, trees, flowers and grass.最后,让我们齐心协力去节约能源,保护我们的自然环境,保护动物,树木,花草。Vol.5解释常见简单词:explain高分亮点词:account for例:There exist two reasons, which may account for the difference.这里有两点原因可以解释这个差异。Vol.6打算常见简单词:plan高分亮点词:intend,mean例:I intend to join in a Dragon Boat Training Camp.我打算参加一个龙舟训练营。Vol.7变成常

12、见简单词:become高分亮点词:turn into,change into例:Then they started shouting and yelling, and it turned into a horrible quarrel.然后他们开始喊叫,最终变成了一场可怕的争吵。Vol.8告诉常见简单词:tell高分亮点词:share with例:Im writing to share with you some details.我现在给你写信来告诉你一些细节。Vol.9对感到惊讶常见简单词:be surprised at高分亮点词:be amazed at例:Im amazed at the

13、 progress youve made.我对你取得的进步感到惊讶。Vol.10集合常见简单词:meet高分亮点词:gather例:Well gather at the Students Club at 8 p.m. this Friday.这周五的下午八点,我们将在学校俱乐部集合。Vol.11各种各样的常见简单词:different kinds of高分亮点词:a wide variety / range of例:We have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.

14、我们有更多的选择,像旅行,拜访亲朋好友。Vol.12帮忙常见简单词:help高分亮点词:do sb. a favor, give sb. a hand, help sb. out例:Id like you to do me a favor.我想要你帮个忙。Vol.13确信常见简单词:Im sure / certain that高分亮点词:I am convinced that例:I am pretty convinced that a wise choice makes perfect.我确信一个明智的选择会促成完美的结果。Vol.14考虑常见简单词:consider高分亮点词:think o

15、ver, give sth. careful / full / serious consideration,take account of, take. into account / consideration例:We would have to give careful consideration to environmental issues.我们必须要认真考虑环境问题。Vol.15以自豪常见简单词:be proud of高分亮点词:take pride in例:He took pride in having contributed to the world.他以对世界的贡献自豪。Vol.

16、16对感兴趣常见简单词:be interested in高分亮点词:have an interest in例:The girl has a great interest in sport and has been taking badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.这个女孩对体育感兴趣,并且在过去的三年里,每周都会参加两次羽毛球课。Vol.17认为/相信常见简单词:think, believe高分亮点词:consider, assume that, maintain, argue that例:Some argue th

17、at humans and machines can coexist as long as they work in teams.一些人认为,只要人类和机器以团队的方式工作,它们就可以共存。Vol.18解决常见简单词:solve高分亮点词:resolve, deal with, cope with, settle, work out例:We may have various ways to deal with such a situation.我们可以有很多种方式来处理这种情况。Vol.19努力常见简单词:work hard高分亮点词:spare no effort例:Lets start f

18、ight now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day, every hour, and every minute!让我们开始奋斗,每天,每小时,每一分钟都努力一点。Vol.20获得常见简单词:get高分亮点词:gain, acquire, obtain, achieve, attain例1:To gain a bright future, you might have to work hard.为了获得一个光明的未来,你应该要努力学习。例2:No pians no gains.一分耕耘,一分收获。句子替换练习请用高级词汇替换下列句子

19、中的加粗部分:1(2017全国卷书面表达)So, please spend some time taking a brief look at the history of the Tang Dynasty, which will help youprepare foryour class. 替换词:Therefore; make preparations for2(2017全国卷书面表达)The craftsmen will show visitors how to cut paper intodifferentshapes on the spot.替换词:various/a range of

20、3(2016北京高考书面表达)Our classthought oftheideato make better use of used materials.替换词:came up with4.(2016四川高考书面表达)The reasons arethe following.替换词:As follows5.(2015湖南高考书面表达)At the same time,Idecidedto study harder rather than waste precious time on those useless things .替换词:made up my mind6. As high sch

21、ool students, weshouldbe neatly dressed when at school.替换词:are supposed to7. Theres no harm in your stayingup latesometimes.替换词:occasionally/once in a while8. The teacher directed the gifted students towards the moredifficultcourses.替换词:challenging9 So far as I know, every one of themwants tobe a mo

22、del student.替换词:intends to写作提升练习假定你是中学生李华,家住泉州。你的英国笔友Jason来信谈到了他的家乡伦敦,并希望了解你的家乡泉州的情况。请你用英文写一封回信。回信必须包括以下内容:1.自然情况:地理位置优越、气候风景宜人等;2.发展成就:经济发展迅速、城市高楼林立等;3.存在问题:交通拥堵现象、空气污染问题等;4.对泉州发展的看法:内容由考生自己拟定。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:高层建筑 highrise building【考生作文】Dear Jason,Imveryhappy to hear from you an

23、d know about your beautiful home city London. Now Id like to tell you something about my hometown Quanzhou.Quanzhou is a beautiful place for people to live in. Its economy has been developingfastduring the past ten years. New bridges and roads have beenbuilt,highrise buildings standing in many parts

24、 of the city.More and moreschools and hospitals areusefulfor the native people. It is developing into a modern andbeautifulcity.Butthere are still some problems, such as heavy traffic in rush hours andseriousair pollution, which have a badeffecton peoples daily life.I thinkQuanzhou should develop he

25、althily and scientifically, so that we could have a better hometown in future.Yours,Li Hua【替换后作文】Dear Jason,Immorethanhappy to hear from you and know about your beautiful home city London. Now Id like to tell you something about my hometown Quanzhou.Quanzhou is a beautiful place for people to live i

26、n. Its economy has been developingrapidlyduring the past ten years. New bridges and roads have beenset up,highrise buildings standingin many parts of the city. An increasingnumber ofschools and hospitals areavailablefor the native people. It is developing into a modernandattractive/charmingcity.Howe

27、ver, there are still some problems, such as heavy traffic in rush hours andsevereair pollution, which have a badinfluence/impacton peoples daily life.In my opinion/As far as I amconcerned,Quanzhou should develop healthily and scientifically, so that we could have a better hometown in future.Yours,Li Hua

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