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1、Unit 4Global WarmingPeriod I Warming upPeriod I Warming up Things that use energy around us:Place and The Related Energywindmills windPlace and The Related Energya coal power station coalPlace and The Related Energyoil refineryoilPlace and The Related Energynuclear power plant nuclearPlace and The R

2、elated Energysolar panels solar powerPlace and The Related Energya hydro-electric dam waterEnergy at Homesources of energysources of energythings using energythings using energy Lights Lights Heating Heating Television Television Cassette player Cassette player Video recorder Video recorder Computer

3、 Computer Fridge Fridge Stove Stove Washing machine Washing machine Hairdryer Hairdryer CoalOilNatural gasWind(wind power)Sun(solar energy)Uranium(nuclear energy)Water(hydro-electric power)Hot springs or geysers (geothermal energy)The sea(tidal energy)_ Energy at Homesources of energyrenewable or no

4、tCoalCoalOilOilNatural gasNatural gasWind(wind power)Wind(wind power)Sun(solar energy)Sun(solar energy)Uranium(nuclear Uranium(nuclear energy)energy)Water(hydro-electric Water(hydro-electric power)power)Hot springs or Hot springs or geysers geysers (geothermal energy)(geothermal energy)The sea(tidal

5、 The sea(tidal energy)_ energy)_ Non-renewableNon-renewableNon-renewableRenewableRenewableNon-renewableRenewableRenewableRenewableWords studyGlobal warmingUnit 4 Intensive Picture readingWINTERWINTER?Pre-Picture readingtrap the heat from the sunkeep it from escapingwarmA greenhouseHow does it work?G

6、reenhouseGreenhouse EffectGreenhouse Picture Picture Skim the article:What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article?Who wrote the article?What is the name of the magazine?Tip:In English,some nouns begin with a capital letter,such as names of people and places,titles of magazine

7、s,newspapers,stories and books,peoples titles,etc.Fast Reading Lets check it:Who wrote the article?What is the name of the magazine?What are the names of the 3 scientists?Sophie ArmstrongEarth CareDr Janice Foster,Charles Keeling,George Hambley What is the writing style?A.Expositive (说明文说明文)B.Practi

8、cal(应用文)应用文)C.Argumentative(议论文议论文)D.Narrative(记叙文)记叙文)The organization of an expositive essay:IntroductionA titleBodyConclusionPara.1Para.2-5PLook through the main text:Para.1Para.2-4I III IIPara.5IIIIIIPara.6IVIV Introduction Body CMatch the parts with the main ideas:Explain how global warming com

9、es about.List two different attitudes among scientists towards global warming.Introduce the topic of global warming.Its up to readers to think and decide whether people should do something about global warming or not.Part I Part 2Part 4Part 3 Match the parts with the writing skills:Using a question,

10、leaving readers to think over the issue Raising a question Giving examples,making contrast(comparison)Giving examples,using graphs,explanation Part 1Part 4Part 3Part The 2 graphs are used to explain points by providing .evidenceEvidence or argument?Read the 2 graphs:Detailed The 1st graph shows the

11、global t between 1860 and .The temperature i and decreased over this period but on the whole it i by around one degree Fahrenheit.During this time,the earth reached its l temperature in about 1910 and its highest in .There was a steady increase in the temperature during the 20 years after 1980.We ca

12、n see from the graph that the earth has become w since early last century.emperature2000ncreasedncreased owest2000armerDetailed readingRead something more about the 2 graphs:The 2nd graph shows the amount of c d in the atmosphere from to 1997.The Co2 c steadily i over this forty-year period.It went

13、up from 315 to parts p million.arbonioxide1957ontentncreased370erTip:While reading a graph,youd better pay attention to the numbers.Detailed reading 1.The temperature last century didnt increase much.2.It is believed that global warming is caused by the activities of humans.3.Janice Foster believes

14、that global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels.4.George Hambley is worried about the effects of carbon dioxide on plant growth.5.It is clear what the effects of global warming will be.Are these statements true or false?Detailed readingFTTFFWhat do the 3 scientists think about global warming?D

15、o they agree with one another?Read the article carefully.They dont agree with each other.They dont agree with each other.Detailed Read the article carefully.Dr.Janice Foster thinks the effects of global warming could be very serious.George Hambley thinks global warming will be mild with few bad envi

16、ronmental consequences.Charles Keeling believes it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that is resulting in a big increase in carbon dioxide.Dr.Janice Foster thinks the effects of global warming could be very serious.George Hambley thinks global warming will be mild with few bad environment

17、al consequences.Charles Keeling believes it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that is resulting in a big increase in carbon dioxide.Dr.Janice Foster thinks the effects of global warming could be very serious.George Hambley thinks global warming will be mild with few bad environmental cons

18、equences.Charles Keeling believes it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that is resulting in a big increase in carbon dioxide.thinks the effects of global warming could be very serious.thinks global warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences.believes it is the burning of

19、more and more fossil fuels that is resulting in a big increase in carbon dioxide.Detailed Maybe The sea level will MaybeThere will be more disasters,such asflood!Famine!forest fire!What should our government do to slow down global warming?1.Give money to green the surroundings and protect the 2.Enco

20、urage people to find and use more renewable rare plantsrare animals3.Make Lets join hands to protect our home.One world,one dream!AssignmentAssignmentTalk about the effects of global warming.Think about what individuals should do.Call on people to protect the earth and design a slogan(口号)口号).Everyone can make a difference

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