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1、 speakingUnit 4 Making the newsReading for writing from China Daily A Lao Airlines plane crashed into the Mekong River,49 die.Bangkok-A Lao Airlines plane crashed into the Mekong River in southern Laos on Wednesday,according to an airline official,in an accident Thai television channels said killed

2、49 people.A Lao Airlines officials said the plane had crashed at about 4 pm near Pakse,Champasak province,which is on the borders of both Thailand and Cambodia.Journalists/reportersWhat do they do in order to provide us with information?Receive the assignmentGo to cover the storyWrite the articleHan

3、d it in to the editor tobe checked and publishedMy First Work Assignment“Unforgettable,”says new reporterWhat are they talking about?Who are the colleagues Zhou Yang working with?Read this partWhat are they talking about now?List Hu Xins requirementsSkills when interviewingRetell the partWhat are th

4、ey talking about now?What would you do to deal with accusation?Write a letter Imagine Zhou Yang receives a letter from a student asking the requirements of being a good journalist.Zhou Yang needs to answer the student.Use the information from the notes to help you.Dear friend,I have worked on a popu

5、lar English newspaper for a few days.The job is fun and exciting,but it is also a big challenge.If you want to be a journalist,I have some tips to help you _.Firstly,you need to be _ to work with your colleagues.Secondly,you have to obey _.Thirdly,there is a skill for you _.To sum up,being a profess

6、ional journalist is not an easy thing.Only if you are insistent on hard-working will you have your dream come true.Yours,Zhou YangSummary1.the news resource-newspapers2.tips to be a good journalist1.read the article again and pay attention to the language plete the writing according to the draftAssignment

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