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1、Myers PSYCHOLOGY Chapter 3 Nature,Nurture and Human DiversityGenes:Our Biological BlueprintChromosomesthreadlike structures made of DNA that contain the genesDNA(deoxyribonucleic acid)complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomeshas two strands-forming a“double he

2、lix”-held together by bonds between pairs of nucleotidesGenes:Our Biological BlueprintGenesbiochemical units of heredity that make up the chromosomesa segment of DNA capable of synthesizing a proteinGenomethe complete instructions for making an organismconsisting of all the genetic material in its c

3、hromosomesGenes:Their Location and CompositionNucleusChromosomeGeneCellDNAEvolutionary PsychologyNatural Selectionthe principle that,among the range of inherited trait variations,those that lead to increased reproduction and survival will most likely be passed on to succeeding generationsMutationsra

4、ndom errors in gene replication that lead to a change in the sequence of nucleotidesthe source of all genetic diversityEvolutionary PsychologyEvolutionary Psychologythe study of the evolution of behavior and the mind,using the principles of natural selectionGenderin psychology,the characteristics,wh

5、ether biologically or socially influenced,by which people define male and femaleEvolutionary PsychologyMen preferred attractive physical features suggesting youth and healthWomen preferred resources and social statusBehavior GeneticsBehavior Genetics study of the relative power and limits of genetic

6、 and environmental influences on behaviorEnvironment every nongenetic influence,from prenatal nutrition to the people and things around usBehavior GeneticsIdentical Twinsdevelop from a single fertilized egg that splits in two,creating two genetically identical organismsFraternal Twins develop from s

7、eparate eggsgenetically no closer than brothers and sisters,but they share the fetal environmentIdenticaltwinsFraternaltwinsSamesex onlySame oropposite sexBehavior GeneticsTemperamenta persons characteristic emotional reactivity and intensityHeritabilitythe proportion of variation among individuals

8、that we can attribute to genesmay vary,depending on the range of populations and environments studied Behavior GeneticsInteractionthe dependence of the effect of one factor(such as environment)on another factor(such as heredity)Molecular Geneticsthe subfield of biology that studies the molecular str

9、ucture and function of genesEnvironmental InfluenceTwo placental arrangements in identical twinsEnvironmental InfluenceExperience affects brain developmentImpoverishedenvironmentRat braincellRat braincellEnrichedenvironmentEnvironmental InfluenceA trained brainEnvironmental InfluenceCulturethe endur

10、ing behaviors,ideas,attitudes,and traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the nextNorman understood rule for accepted and expected behaviorEnvironmental InfluencePersonal Spacethe buffer zone we like to maintain around our bodiesMemesself-replicating ideas

11、,fashions,and innovations passed from person to personThe Nature and Nurture of GenderX Chromosomethe sex chromosome found in both men and womenfemales have two;males have onean X chromosome from each parent produces a female childY Chromosomethe sex chromosome found only in men when paired with an

12、X chromosome from the mother,it produces a male childThe Nature and Nurture of GenderTestosteronethe most important of the male sex hormonesboth males and females have itadditional testosterone in males stimulates growth of male sex organs in the fetusdevelopment of male sex characteristics during p

13、ubertyRolea set of expectations(norms)about a social positiondefining how those in the position ought to behaveThe Nature and Nurture of GenderGender Rolea set of expected behaviors for males and femalesGender Identityones sense of being male or femaleGender-typingthe acquisition of a traditional ma

14、sculine or feminine roleThe Nature and Nurture of GenderGender and CultureThe Nature and Nurture of GenderThe Nature and Nurture of GenderSocial Learning Theorytheory that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating and by being rewarded or punishedGender Schema Theorytheory that children learn from their cultures a concept of what it means to be male and female and that they adjust their behavior accordinglyThe Nature and Nurture of GenderTwo theories of gender typing

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