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1、Unit 2 RevisionTreasure Plan!寻宝计划!寻宝计划!寻寻 宝宝Treasure Plan!寻宝计划!寻宝计划!32211第一步第一步happyangrysadboredexcitedtiredStep 1 A Read,spell and act it out!读,拼并表演!读,拼并表演!第一关第一关1、I have a _.2、I have a _.3、I have a _ _ 4、I have a _.5、I have a _.headache toothache throat sore fever coldStep 1 B Fill in the blanks.

2、Please go to step 2!请进入第二步!请进入第二步!第二步第二步1 matter,the,What,s,?._2 is,sore,throat,My._3 nose,My,hurts._4 happy,You,so,look,today._5 are,How,you,Sarah,?._Whats the matter?My throat is sore.My nose hurts.You look so happy today.How are you,Sarah?Step 2 A Put the words in a sentence.Whats the matter?How

3、do you feel?How are you?You look so?Why?I failed my math test.Its my birthday today.I am going to go for a big trip!Step 2 B Ask and answer!问答练习。问答练习。Please go step 3!请进入第三步!请进入第三步!第三步第三步Step 3 Lets read!朗读!朗读!How do you feel?How do they feel?How does he feel?How does she feel?I have a headache.You/

4、They have a fever.He/She has a cold.He passes it to Mike.He kicks it.My leg hurts.I am tired.You are sad.He is excited.We are happy.They are bored.Do you have a fever?Do they have a cold?Do your hands hurt?Does your hand hurt?Please go to the second door!请进入第二关!请进入第二关!你的舞台你做主!你的舞台你做主!设计一个医生与病人的对话小品。

5、设计一个医生与病人的对话小品。第二关第二关Doctor(医生医生)Patient(病人病人)Your name,please.My names.How do you feel?I feel./I amWhats the matter?I dont know.Do you have a?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Please(给出建议给出建议)Thanks.Show yourself!秀出你自己!秀出你自己!Please go to the third door!请进入第三关!请进入第三关!soaproseknowloadhousesoutharouseloudholenowcou

6、ntcoatStep 1第三关第三关Please go to step 2!Hello,Im Tom.Im 12 years old.I am from the USA.I have a twin brother.He is Tim.He likes sports very much.He is sad today.Because his leg hurts.He cant have P.E.class.He cant play football with his classmates.Football is his favorite sport.He has to stay in the c

7、lassroom.The doctor said he can have the P.E.class next week.1、How does Tim feel today?_2、Whats the matter with Tim?_3、When can Tim have P.E.class?_He is sad.His leg hurts.Next week.Step 2An apple a day keeps doctor away!一天一个苹果,医生远离我!一天一个苹果,医生远离我!Homework for you:Try to take a note about your moods and the reason today,and give us a report next class.试着记录下今天的心情并注明原因,下节课给大家做一个心情小报道。

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