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1、 单价 unit price 工日合计 Man-day total/work-day total 人工费 cost of labor 材料费 materials expenses 机械的 mechanical 检查接线 connection test 发电机 generator 调相机 phase regulator 周波 cycle 减负荷装置 load-shedding equipment 断路器柜 circuit breaker cabinet 单母线 single busbar 互感器 transformer 每相电流 Current by Phase 封闭式插接 close type

2、 socket joint 发电机控制面板 generator control panel 分级卸载 sorted unloading 同步控制 synchronization control 调速器 speed governor 信号屏 signal screen 继电器 relay 高压柜 high pressure cabinet 油浸电力变压器 oil-immersed power transformer 空气断路器 air circuit breaker 控制屏 control panel 直流馈电屏 direct current feed control panel 电容器 ele

3、ctric condenser 计量盘 metering panel 成套配电箱 whole set of distribution box 落地式 floor model 控制开关 Control switches 铜芯电力电缆 Copper core power cable 控制电缆 actuating cable 热缩式电力电缆终端头 pyrocondensation power cable terminal 钢结构支架配管 steel structure bracket tubing 万用槽钢 versatile U-steel 电缆托架 cable bracket 钢制托盘式桥架 s

4、teel Tray-type cable support system waterproof socket 防水插座 防爆插座 Explosion-proof socket 接地绞线 earthing twisted pair 接地母线 earthing bus 接地极 lightning conductor 硬质聚氯乙烯管 rigid polyvinyl chloride pipe 航空集散站 air terminal 水银灯具 Mercury Lamp 金属卤化物灯 metal halide lamp 高压钠灯 High Pressure Sodium Lamp 额定电压 Rated Vo

5、ltage 额定功率 Rated Power 光源 Light Source 防护等级 Grade of Protection 高压汞灯 High Pressure Mercury Lamp 高压钠灯 High Pressure Sodium Lamp 金属卤化物灯 Metallic Halide Lamp 照明电缆 lighting cable 单线 mongline 穿线 threading 接地跨接线 earthing jumper 分线箱 junction box 接线盒 connection box 圆钢 round steel 扁钢 flat steel 插座 socket 配电盘

6、 switchboard 转换开关 alternation switch 自动指令呼叫装置 automatic instruction calling device 扬声器 loudspeaker 明装 Unfold Install 暗装 Conceal Install 感温探测器 Thermal Detector 转台造型机 turntable molding machine 气动震实造型机 air jarring moulding machine 有箱造型机 box molding machine 压铸机 die casting machine 热室压铸机 hot-chamber die

7、casting machine 惯性落砂机 inertia knock-out grid 浇包 ladle 浇注机 cating machine 冲天炉 cupola(cupola furnace)水冷冲天炉 water cooled cupola 焦碳炉 coke-fired furnace 退火炉 annealing oven 回火炉 drawing furnace 喷丸机 high pressure blasting machine 抛砂机 sand throwing machine 摆轮式混砂机 speedmuller 自动分箱机 automatic box splitter 自动合箱

8、机 automatic closer 自动壳型机 autoclino 风动工具 air tool 锻造 forging 无型锻造 open forging 水压机锻造 hydraulic forging 机器锻造 machine forging 自由锻造 flat-die forging 多型槽锻造 multiple impression forging 冷锻 cold forging 锤锻(自由锻)hammer forging 平锻 horzontal forging 镦锻 upset forging 辊锻 roll forging 模锻 die forging 热模锻 pressure f

9、orging 开式模锻 open-die forging 精密模锻 prescision drop forging 挤压模锻 no-draft forging 冷拉 cold draw 热拉 hot draw 冷挤压 cold extruding 切边 trim 冷切边 cold trim 热切边 hot trim 冲孔 punching 校正 straightening 板料冲压 sheet stamping 制坯 blank 锻造毛坯 forging blank 上模 upper die 下模 bottom die(counter die)上锤头 top swage 下锤头 lower d

10、ie 汽锤 steam hammer 无砧坐模锻锤 forging hammer without anvilbed 摩擦锤 jump hammer 落锤 block hammer 水平分模(平锻机)horizontal parting 冷锻模 cold forging die 型锻模 forging die 精整模 forming die 顶锻模 joggling die 锻压机 forging die 水压机 water press 平锻机 horizontal forging machine 汽力锻压机 steam power forging press 压弯机 bending press

11、 模锻压力机 drop press 曲轴压力机 crank press 曲柄压力机 knuckle-joint press 切边压力机 trimming press 切断压力机 cutting-out press 精压机 coining press 辊锻机 forging roll 镦锻机 upsetting forging press 喷丸清理 sand blast cleaning 消除内应力 residual stress relieving 水力清理 hydraulic blasting 酸洗 pickling 超声波清洗 ultrasonic cleaning 超声波探伤 ultra

12、sonic inspection 冲压 stamping 冲压下料 bar stock cutting by punching 冲压线 press line 凸模 punch 凸凹模 punch-die 冲孔模 piercing die 修边模 trimming die 预弯模 die for first-forming 扭弯模 twisting die 扭弯模 twisting die 扭弯成形模 twisting-forming die 压弯模 bending die 压弯翻边模 bending-flanging die 压扁模 flattening die 压圆模 circular be

13、nding die 压弯卷圆模 bending-curling die 压弯压筋模 bending-beading die 落料模 blanking die 落料压印模 blanking-coining die 落料切槽模 blanking-slotting die 缩口模 neckling die 翻孔整形模 hole flanging-sizing die 翻边成形模 flanging forming die 切槽模 slotting die 拉延模 drawing die 下料 stock cutting 开卷 unreel 成形 forming 翻边 flanging 反向拉伸 rev

14、erse-draw 整形 restricking 整径 trued 切口 cut-off(shear-out)切边 trimming 压扁 flattening 应变 strain 压痕 impression 拉延 drawing 拉伸 deep drawng 挤压 extrusion 滚挤 roll-forming 卷边 curling 折边 edging 刮边 scraping 三室清洗机 three-stage cleaning machine 三动压机 triple-action press 折边机 edging machine 开卷机 decoiling unit 万能液压机 uni

15、versal hydraulic machine 机械压力机 mechanical press 气动压力机 pneumatic press 冲孔机 punch machine 弯曲机 bender 弯管机 pipe bending machine 辊压机 rolling press 滚式弯板机 roll-type sheet bending machine 板料校平机 sheet flattening machine 退料板 stripper 高速棒料剪切机 high speed cropping machine 剪床 shearing machine 转塔式冲床 turret-type pu

16、nch press 校直机 straightener 挤压机 extrusion press 滚压挤压机 hydraulic extrusion press 卷边机 folding machine 精压机 coining press 上料器 loader 落料机 blanker 搓丝机 thread rolling machine 滚剪机 roller shearing machine 焊接 welding 十字接头 cross-shaped joint T 形接头 T joint 单 J 形坡口 single-J groove 单 U 形坡口 single-U groove 双 V 形坡口

17、double-V groove K 形坡口 double-vevel groove 双 V 形对接接头 double-V butt joint Y 形坡口裂缝试验 Y-slit crack test TIG 保护焊 tungsten inert gas(TIG)arc welding TIG 点焊 TIG spot welding 立焊 vertical position of welding 火焰钎焊 brazing by flame 气体保护电弧焊 gas shield arc welding 气焊 gas welding 气电焊 electrogas arc welding 水下焊接 u

18、nderwater welding 水蒸气保护电弧焊 water vapor arc welding 水平角焊 horizontal fillet welding 手工焊 manual welding 手工电弧焊 covered arc welding 仰焊 face-up bonding 正面角焊缝 front fillet weld 加压气焊 gas pressure welding 加压铸焊 pressure thermit welding 返修焊 rewelding 向上立焊 vertical up welding 向下立焊 vertical down welding 平焊(俯焊)fl

19、at position welding 点焊 point welding 双面焊 weld from both sides 双面点焊 direct welding 双弧焊 twin arc welding 压焊 pressure welding 多道焊 multipass welding 多点凸焊 multiple projection welding 多层焊 multilayer welding 定位焊 tack welding 冷压焊 cold pressure welding 环焊 boxing 自动焊接 automatic welding 自动点焊 stitch welding 自动气

20、割 automatic gas cutting 无气体保护电弧焊 non gas shielded arc welding 对接焊 butt welding 补焊 repair welding 深溶焊 deep penetration welding 滚对焊 butt seam welding 滚焊 seam welding 滚点焊 roll spot welding 横焊 horzontal position welding 横向焊缝 cross weld 金属极惰性气体保护点焊 metal inert gas arc welding 金属极电弧焊接 metal arc welding 电焊

21、 eletric welding 电子束焊接 electron beam welding 电子加热钎焊 electric brazing 电阻焊 electric resistance welding 电弧焊 electric arc welding 堆焊 bead welding 坡口焊 groove welding 封底焊道 sealing run 搭接焊 lap welding 激光焊接 laser welding 热焊 hot weld 单面焊 welding by one side 单面点焊 indirect welding 单道焊 single-pass welding 单层焊 s

22、ingle-layer welding 单边多点点焊 series spot welding 单边多电极焊 series welding 仰焊 overhead position welding 熔焊 fusion welding 氩弧焊 argon arc welding 跳焊 skip welding 惰性气体保护焊 inert-gas welding 埋弧自动焊 unionmelt welding 碳弧焊 carbon arc welding 躺焊 fire-cracker welding 缝焊 seam welding 锻焊 blacksmith welding 磁性气体保护焊 gas

23、 shielded magnetic flux arc welding 焊接工艺 welding procedure 焊态 as-welded 焊道 bead 焊肉致密 dense deposits 焊后强度 as-deposited strength 焊道裂纹 bead cracking 焊缝 seam 焊根 root of weld 焊波 ripple 焊透 complete penetration 未焊透 incomplete penetration 焊核 nugget 熔滴 droplet 熔敷工艺 deposition techniques 咬边 undercut 去渣 deslag

24、 焊接缺陷 weld defects 乙炔罐 acetylene cylinder 乙炔发生器 acetylene generator 注水式乙炔发生器 water to carbide generator 投入式乙发生器 carbide to water generator 乙炔氧焊装置 acetylene-welding installation 点焊钳 spot welding head 三相整流焊机 three phase rectifier welder 三相低频焊机 three phase low frequency 万能滚焊机 universal seam welder 手动焊炬

25、 hand torch 手动焊枪 hand held gun 压焊机 press welder 交流弧焊机 AC arc welding machine 多点焊机 multiple spot welder 多站电焊机 multi-operator welding set 切割机 cutting machine 气瓶 gas cylinder 保护罩 protective boot 电子枪 electron gun 电阻对焊 butt resistance welding 电焊机 electric welding 电弧焊机 arc welding machine 电渣焊机 electroslag

26、 welding 仿型氧气切割机 template-type axy-cutting machine 抽头式焊机 welder with taps 仰焊机 overhead welder 单站弧焊机 single operator welding machine 移动式焊机 portable welding machine 移动式接触焊机 portable resistance welder 移动式点焊机 portable spot welder 蓄电池式焊机 battery welder 缝焊机 seam welder 大焊丝盘 large spool 焊工用玻璃 welding galss

27、 焊工用护目镜 welding goggles 焊工用面罩 helmet shield 焊把 holder 乙炔 acetylene 电石 calcium carbide 电极(焊条)electrode 手涂焊条 dipped electrode 合金焊条 hastelloy electrode 双芯焊条 twin electrode 双层药皮焊条 double coated electrode 机械压涂焊条 extruded electrode 包丝焊条 flyspun electrode 深熔焊条 deep penetration electrode 铁粉焊条 iron powder el

28、ectrode 堆焊焊条 surfacing electrode 碳极 carbon electrode 机加工 machining 车削 turn 高速切削 high speed cutting 强力切削 power cutting 多刀切削 multi-tool cutting 深孔加工 deep hole working 高速精镗 high speed boringh 高速滚削 high speed hobbing 平面铣削 surface milling 镗削 boring 拉削 broaching 成型拉削 form broaching 连续拉削 continuous broachi

29、ng 分层拉削 progressive broaching 推削 push broaching 刨削 shaping(planing)磨削 grinding 外圆磨削 cylindrical grinding 内圆磨削 internal grinding 端面磨削 cross grinding 周面磨削 peripheral grinding 插削 slotting 铲削 relieve 钻削 drill 导电磨削 electrical grinding 无心磨削 centerless grinding 高速磨削 high-speed grinding 强力磨削 power grinding

30、珩磨 honing 研磨 lapping 超精加工 superfinishing 齿面加工 gear face machining 拉齿 broaching gear 铣齿 gear milling 插齿 gear shaping 滚齿 gear hobbing 刨齿 gear planing 剃齿 gear shaving 研齿 gear lapping 珩齿 gear honing 磨齿 gear grinding 挤齿 gear extruding 普通剃齿法 general shaving 对角剃齿法 diagonal shaving 切向剃齿法 tangential shaving

31、剃鼓形齿 crown shaving 砂带磨削 abrasive belt gringding 滚压光加工 rolling finishing 单面切削法 single-side cutting method 双面切削法 spread-blade cutting method 展成法切齿 gear-cutting with generating method 仿形法切齿 gear-cutting with form copying method 成型插齿 shear-speed gear cutting 花键加工 splining 螺纹铣 thread milling 螺纹磨 thread g

32、rinding 镗孔 boring hole 铰孔 ream 锪孔 counter sinking 滚丝 thread rolling 套丝 thread chaing 攻丝 thread tapping 旋风切削螺纹 whirl wind cutting thread 少无切削加工 non-chip finish 挤压光加工 extrusion finishing 精密加工 precision work 超精加工 superfinishing 粗加工 rough machining 化学机械加工 chemical mechanical working 电热加工 electro-thermic

33、 working 阳极机械加工 anode mechanical working 电脉冲加工 electro-spark machining 电火花加工 electro-spark machining 电子束加工 electronic beam machining 电解加工 electrolytic machining 超声波加工 ultrasonic machining 激光加工 laser machining 激光硬化 laser hardening 油漆 paint 面漆 enamel 沥漆区 drain area 调漆 paint mixing 浸涂 dip-coatng 涂底漆 pr

34、iming 补漆 paint repair 喷面漆 topcoating 热喷漆 hot spray 打腻子 puttying 老化 weathering 人工干燥 artificial drying 自然干燥 air dry 干打磨 dry grinding 去油(脱脂)degreasing 碱法脱脂 alkaline degreasing 蒸气脱脂 vapor degreasing 去离子水 demin-water 除锈 derusting 酸洗 pickling 水洗 rinse 热水清洗 hot water rinse 电泳涂层 electophoretic coating 喷丸处理

35、shot blasting 磨光(抛光 0 burnishing 出光 glaring 罩光 glazing 磷化预处理 phosphating pretreatment 薄膜磷化处理 thin amorphous phosphating 湿碰湿 wet-to-wet 钝化 passivating 结皮现象 skinning 起皱 wrinkling 遮蔽 masking 凉干 flash off 气幕 air seal 喷漆室 booth 干式喷漆室 dry spray booth 水过滤式喷漆室 water wash spray booth 下吸式喷漆室 down draft spray

36、booth 侧抽风喷漆室 spray booth of side exhaust 油漆调制室 paint mixing room 打磨间 scuff sand booth 通过式烘干室 passing through type baking oven 桥式烘干室 bridge type baking oven 辐射对流烘干室 joint radiation convection oven 浸漆设备 dip equipment 浸漆槽 dip tank 循环槽 recirculating tank 自动喷漆机 automatic sprayer 热喷漆机 flow coating equipme

37、nt 淋漆设备 flow coating equipment 手工浸漆设备 hand dip equipment 无空气喷涂设备 airless spray equipment 电泳涂漆设备 electro apparatus 电涂漆设备 electrocoating installation 静电喷漆设备 electrostatic spray equipment 喷枪 spray gun 双头喷枪 double head spray gun 空气喷枪 air spray gun 吊具 sling 推杆悬链 double-chain conveyer 悬挂运输链 overhead conve

38、yer 油水分离器 oil-water separator 油漆调制罐 paint mixing tank 除尘装置 dust collector 静电除尘装置 electrostatic dust collector 阴极罩 cathode shiedl 超滤装置 ultrafiltration device 喷砂机 sand blasting machine 红外线固化 IR curing 紫外线固化 UV curing 电子束固化 electron beam curing 辐射固化漆膜 radiation cured coating(RCC)光泽计 glossmeter 比重计 grav

39、imeter 粘度计 viscosimetr 细度计 fineness gauge 厚度计 thickness gauge 遮盖力测定仪 cryptometer 电镀 electroplating 预镀(冲镀)striking 防镀(止镀)resist 无氰电镀 non-cyanide plating 化学电镀 electroless plating 气相电镀 vapor plating 挂镀 rack 用假阴极电镀 dummying 机械电镀 mechanical plating 浸镀 immersion plating 退镀 stripping 滚镀 barrel plating 电解沉积

40、 electrowinning 混浊度 turbidity 侵蚀 fretting 侵渍作用 maceration 亲水的 hydrophilic 疏水的 hydrophobic 絮凝剂 flocculant 光亮镀层 bright coating 防腐镀层 coating for protection against corrosion 冲洗 flush 打光 lapping 抛光 burnishing 滚光 tumbling 变色 tarnishing 电解 electrolysis 沉淀法 decantation 抗暗处理 anti-tarnish treatment 均镀力 level

41、ling power 深镀能力 covering power 酸洗 pickling 磷化 phosphating 镀锌 galvanizing 漂白 whiten 出斑点 spotting out 电镀机 plating machine 自动电镀装置 automatic plating machine 直线式电镀机 straight-line plating machine 挂式电镀机 plating machine held on racks 钟形滚镀机 oblique-barrel plating machine 微型滚镀机 portable plating barrel 冷水槽 col

42、d rinse bank 双联冷水槽 double countercurrent rinse tank 电解去油槽 electrolytic cleaner 衬铅槽 lead lined steel tank 哈林电槽 haring cell 热水槽 hot rise tank 超声波去油槽 ultrasonic cleaning tank 浸酸槽 acid dip tank 温水槽 warm rinse tank 赫尔槽 hull cell 镀锌槽 zinc-plating tank 固定槽 plating tank 回收槽 reclaim tank 水平全浸式滚筒 horizontally

43、 fully-immersed barrel 六角滚筒 hexagonal plating barrel 孔板流量计 orifie meter 浊度计 nephelometer 库仑计 coulometer 滴重计 stalagmometer 汽车制造设备 manufactruing equipment of automobile 万能铣床 universal milling machine 内外圆研磨床 inner-outer happing machine 仿形车床 copy lathe 龙门刨床 double housing planer 牛头刨床 shaper 攻丝机 threadin

44、g machine 双柱坐标镗床 double pillar jig borer 滚丝机 thread roller 滚齿机 hobbing machine 钻床 drilling machine 插床 slotting machine 珩齿机 gear honing machine 平衡-钻中心孔机床 balancing centering machine 曲轴车床 crankshaft turning lathe 双工位曲轴车床 double-post carnkshafttruning blathe 曲轴(主轴颈)车床 crankshaft(main journal turning la

45、the)凸轮轴(轴颈)车床 camshaft(journal)turning lathe 液压仿形车床 dydraulic coping lathe 凸轮轴仿形车床 camsahft coping lathe 多轴深孔钻床 multi-spindle deep hole drilling machine 曲轴轴颈铣削专用机床 crankshaft journal milling machine 数控曲轴铣床 N/C crankshaft milling machine 螺纹铣床 thread milling mahcine 球面蜗杆铣床 cone-worm milling machine 花键

46、轴铣床 spline shaft milling mahcine 转鼓铣床 drum milling machine 旋风式曲轴铣床 whirl-wind type crankshaft milling machine 曲轴主轴颈磨床 cranksahft journal grinding machine 凸轮轴磨床 camshaft grinding machine 螺纹磨床 thread grinding machine 活塞销超精加工机 piston pin superfinishing machine 弹簧端面磨床 grinding machine for spiral spring

47、活塞椭圆磨床 piston oval-grinding mahcine 多砂轮平面磨床 multiple abrasive wheels surface grinding machine 宽砂轮外圆磨床 wide abrasive wheel cylindrical grinding machine 蜗杆磨床 worm grinding machine 靠模磨床 copy grinding mahcine 花键磨床 spline shaft grinding machine 齿轮磨床 gear grinding machine 活塞环内外圆无心磨床 internal and cylindric

48、al centerless grinder for pistone ring 活塞环卧轴双端面磨床 horizontal spindle double ended grinding machine for piston ring 活塞环立轴双端面磨床 vertical-spindle double ended grinding mahcine for piston ring 活塞环倒角磨床 piston ring chamfering grinding machine 金刚镗床 diamond fine boring machine 坐标镗床 jig-boring machine 花键轴冷打机

49、床 spline shaft cold-striking machine 气缸体侧拉床 cylinder block side broaching machine 气缸体专用拉床 cylinder block broaching machine 立式双溜板外拉床 vertical double-apron external broaching machine 卧式连续式拉床 horizontal continuous broaching machine 活塞加工多工位组合机床 multiple station combined machine for piston machining 转鼓式双

50、面钻镗组合机床 drum type double face drilling and boring combined machine 气缸盖加工自动线 automatic production line for cylinder head 气缸体加工自动线 automatic production line for cylinder block 曲轴动平衡自动线 automatic production line for cranshaft dynamic balance 连杆加工自动线 automatic production line for connecting rod 汽车主减速器壳加

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