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1、Unit 3 How was your Unit 3 How was your school trip?school trip?Section B(3a-4)Section B(3a-4)写作课山东省乳山市诸往镇初级中学山东省乳山市诸往镇初级中学 隋明红隋明红鲁教版初中英语七年级上册鲁教版初中英语七年级上册鲁教版初中英语七年级上册鲁教版初中英语七年级上册My trip on National DayLets feel!Lets guess!1.How did he go there?2.Where did Bob go?3.What did he see?4.What did he do th

2、ere?He took a bus.He went to a zoo.He saw many animals.He took some photos and bought some gifts.Lets complete!Yesterday my school visited the zoo.It was really _.We went there by bus.At the zoo,I sawa lot of _ and I took some photos.My classmates and I also went to the _ andbought some _.It was a g

3、reat day.interestinganimalsgift shopgiftsJune 23rdLets complete!My school went to the zoo yesterday.The tripwas _.At the zoo,I _but I didnt like them.I also went to _with my classmates,but I didnt buy anything because_.It was a boring day.boringsaw many animalsthe gift shopthey were so expensiveJune

4、 23rdLets talk!My school tripTwo feelings:great/exciting/interestingboring/unhappy/terriblelikedislikevisited/went to saw took photos or not bought some gifts or not Some activities:My holidayWhenWhereWhoWhatHowLets talk!My school trip1.Which day do you want to write down?2.How was the weather on th

5、at day?3.Where did you go?4.Who did you go with?Lets speak!My school trip5.How did you go there?6.What did you see?7.Were the people friendly?8.What did you do there?9.How did you feel?10.When did you go back home?My school tripLets write!Pay attention to the tensethe handwriting the feelingthe punc

6、tuationLets perfect!Yesterday my school visited the zoo.It was really _.We went there by bus.At the zoo,I sawa lot of _ and I took some photos.My classmates and I also went to the _ andbought some _.It was a great day.interestinganimalsgift shopgiftsThe weather was very sunny.happilyThe animals were

7、 very interesting and friendly.Because they were very beautiful.All in allIf you use your head,it can be better.My school tripLets share and enjoy!To share is to learn and to be happy.My school tripLets do homework!Group 1 Write a composition about your parents trip.Group 2 Perfect your diary,try to get more leaves and put them up on the learning wall.制作单位:乳山市诸往镇初级中学制作单位:乳山市诸往镇初级中学录制时间:录制时间:20152015年年 4 4月月

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