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1、Netease cloud musicMade by beckAny referenceA、APP Select reasonB、The user experience factorC、Successful product elementsD、conclusionA、APP Select reason1、AwardIn 2014:【Chinas top ten mobile Internet applications】【Baidu mobile 2014 outstanding visual design】In 2015:The sixth gold mouse digital competi

2、tion:【The most digital marketing innovative brand】【The best mobile marketing media】【Cross-media integration category】【Social marketing class silver medal】Industry recognitionIn 2013:The 11th China international Internet culture expo【The best platform for mobile music to the client】evaluationFrom:app

3、le AppStore and baidu application centerDifferent from:three application marketNetease cloud music and QQ music,who do you support?6177人人5559人 voting:618人VsVsA product analysis dimensions:user experience factor The product targets and strategic needs user!1 hear good times2 product positioning:to bu

4、ild Chinas largest mobile music community and open platform,forming a unique user-centered music ecosystem.So late into the music market:from Netease music senior director wang lei1,the boss music complex;2,to complete the layout of the mobile Internet field;3,social commonweal,vision,dream;Product

5、positioning:1,the layout of the mobile Internet in the field of entertainment;2,through the netease cloud music to break through the social domain;B、Range layer:the functional specification and content requirements123454、The presentation layer:the sense of designC、Product analysis dimension 2:succes

6、sful product elementsMeet the needs of users1 Personalized recommendationHow to stick to the user?2 High quality comments3 Stars or famous DJ recommended song list4 Active music community and friendsD、conclusionNetease cloud music having a unique style of UI interface,the function of the innovation points,the user experience and unique design of digital marketing tools and so on everywhere embodies the thinking in the Internet,the product of dark-horse are worth further study and mining.

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