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1、 By Miss ZhaoRead words and phases.music room computer roomschool hall school office dancing room rest room first floor second floor third floor fourth floor fifth floor sixth floor playground library toilets canteenmusic roomI can sing songs in the music puter room I can play games in the computer

2、room.playgroundI can play in the playground.libraryI can read in the library.canteenI can eat food in the canteen.dancing roomI can dance in the dancing room.rest roomI can rest in the rest room.school hallI can watch shows in the school hall.art room I can draw in the art room.Play a game:Which wor

3、d is missing?music room library computer roomschool hall playground canteenRead books in the library.Eat food in the canteen.Watch shows in the school hall.Play games in the playground.Draw pictures in the art room.Sing songs in the music room.Dance in the dancing room.Rest in the rest room.1/F3/F2/

4、F4/F5/FG/Fground floorfirst floorsecond floorthird floorfourth floorfifth flooron the lefton the rightWhere is the music room?It is on the first floor,on the left.On the leftOn the rightNow you try.Where is the school hall?It is _ the second floor,_ the right.ononWhere is the art room?It is _ the fi

5、fth floor,_.onon the leftWhere are the toilets?Theyre _,_.on the third flooron the left3/F2/F1/FG/FWhere is Class 5A?next toIts next to the canteen.3/F2/F1/FG/FWhere are the toilets?betweenTheyre between the music room and Class 3C.PracticeWhere is the art room?Its on the _floor,_,_ the library.seco

6、ndon the rightnext to3/F2/F1/FG/FWhere is the computer room?Its _,_,_.on the second flooron the leftnext to Class 2A3/F2/F1/FG/FThe library is _ the second floor,on the _,_ the art room and Class 3B.The school office is _ the first floor,_ the left,_ Class 3A.onrightonbetweenonnext to3/F2/F1/FG/FThe

7、 canteen is on the _,on the _,next to _.The toilets are between the _ and _.music roomClass 5Afirst floorrightClass 3C3/F2/F1/FG/FvA.music room B.computer roomvC.library D.art roomvE.school hall F.playgroundListen and choose:6/F5/F4/F3/F2/F1/FG/F left right A.music roomB.computer roomC.libraryD.art roomE.school hallF.playground

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