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1、Shield body盾构主体S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1Any parts abnormal? 各部位的形状是否发生了异常2Any abnormalities in the mounting conditions of each apparatus?各装置的安装状态是否发生了异常3Have the welds any cracks or other damage?焊接部分是否发生了裂缝4Any abnormalities in the mounting of thrust jack spreaders?运转部件附近是否堆积着土砂等杂物Clean afte

2、r each work每次作业结束清理5Any earth and sand accumulated around spreaders and on the rods?盾尾底部除去残留的水泥浆、杂质、石头、水和金属零件Cutterhead and maindrive刀盘和刀盘驱动S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1All parts movement normally?各部位的运动是否正常2Any looseness or cracks in the fitting portions?装配部分是否发生了松弛或断裂3Lubricating oil supply su

3、fficient?润滑油供给是否充分4Any oil leaking from pipes?配管是否有泄漏Clean after each work每次作业结束清理5Any vibration in pipes?配管是否振动6Any abnormal sounds in main bearings?刀盘轴承部位是否发生异常响动7Any abnormalities in gear and pinion?齿轮、小齿轮部位是否异常8Leakage of centre revolving additives and hydraulic pipeline中心回转接头管路是否有泄漏9Any abnorma

4、l sounds or overheating?是否有异常的响动或发热10Any abnormalities in the rotation detectors?旋转检测部位有无发现异常Erector拼装机S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1Turning ring, gear and pinion teeth in good bite?盘体与传动装置的齿轮啮合是否良好2Extension devices running smoothly?液压油缸的运动是否流畅3Any abnormalities in jacks and the grip?液压油缸、钳体等是否有

5、异常4Any damages to connected hoses and cables?连接软管、电缆是否有损伤5Any earth and sand accumulated on the turning ring?盘体、导轨、轮子上是否有土砂附着或堆积6Stop block限位装置是否正常7Warning light and alarm horn报警灯和报警喇叭是否工作正常Screw conveyor螺旋输送机S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1Is screw shaft operation normal?螺旋轴运转是否正常2Has the drive an

6、y breakage?驱动装置工作是否正常、检查密封油脂工作是否正常3Has any earth and sand gotten inside the bearing?轴承是否进了土砂4Any deformation of gate plates?闸板门是否有变形5Is the gate operating normally?闸门操作是否正常Gates, rail weekly supplement grease闸门、导轨每周补充油脂6Any abnormal sounds, vibrations, or excessive heat?是否有异常的响动、振动或发热Belt conveyor皮带

7、输送机S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1Is not the belt conveyor damaged or worn out?皮带输送机的皮带、辊筒、机架是否受损或磨损Necessary, adjust the tension, supplementary lubrication必要时调整张力、补充润滑2Are the pulley and roller rotating smoothly?Any deposit on them?皮带轮和滚子转动是否平稳、有无沉积物在上面3Any abnormalities in the cleaner?清扫器是否有异状4S

8、and cleaning on narrow pulley of conveyor frame全面清除堆积在皮带输送机上的土砂After work作业后Power unit carriage动力台车S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1The shape of the power unit carriage abnormail?动力台车的形状是否发生了异常Hydraulic system液压系统S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1Oil tank level acceptable?油箱的油量是否适量Check when starting

9、 work开始作业时检修确认2Any oil leaks?是否漏油问题发生3Any abnormal sounds when pump and motor are running?泵、马达的运转有无异常的声音吗300C600C300C600C4Vibration of hose and pipework软管、配管是否有振动发生5Motion of electromagnetic valve电磁阀的运动是否正常6Any abnormal temperature when pump and motor are running?液压油的温度是否适宜306030607Check all Hydraul

10、ic cylinder action所有液压油缸动作的检查Lubrication system润滑系统S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1Grease pump running normally?润滑泵的运转是否正常2Motion of distribution valve分配阀的运动是否正常3Any grease leaking?润滑脂有无发生泄漏4Is there grease in the grease tank?润滑脂罐中还有否润滑脂Confirm before work开始作业时进行确认5Is grease pressure too high?润滑脂压力

11、是否正常6Is the gear oil temperature suitable?齿轮油的温度是否适当30603060Cooling system工业水系统S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1Does the tank contain a required amount of water?水箱内的水是否足够2Are the valves in each line opened or closed in accordance with the system diagram?每条线路上的阀门是否按系统图打开或关闭3Is not the strainer clogge

12、d?滤器是否堵塞4Any abnormalities in the pump?泵运转是否正常5Is normal pressure observed in each line?每条线路上的压力是否正常Grout System注浆系统S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1Check all suction & delivery lines are fully tightened.检查所有的管路是否拧紧Electrical电机S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1Check all motor bearings, noise, temperature检查所有电机的轴承、噪音、温升是否有异常Other其它S/N序号Check Points 检查项目Remarks 备注1Working of earth pressure meter土压计工作是否正常?2Working of Rotation meter旋转计工作是否正常?3Whether there has been unusual ring, vibration, heat?是否发生了异常的响动、振动、发热?

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