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1、on the boxunder the boxin the box-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its the box.-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.near-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.next to-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.in front of-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.behind-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.acros

2、s frombigsmall-Where is the soccer ball?-Its _between the big box and the small box.school pay phone Bridge Street park bank library hotel hospital supermarket-Wheres the?-Its-Excuse me.Is there a bank near here/around here/around me/in the neighborhood?-Yes,there is.-Wheres the bank?-Its behind the

3、 school.-Oh,yes,I can see it now.Its a tall building.Thanks a lot.-Youre welcome.Look at the picture.Theres a school in the picture.Its_ School Street.The book store is_ the school.The bank is _ _ the school.The pay phone is_ the school and the hospital.Can you see the post office?Its_ _the school.T

4、here is a supermarket.Its_ _ _ the park.on behind next to between across from in front of-Excuse me.Is there a hospital in the neighborhood?-Yes,there is.Just go straight and turn right.Its down Center Street on the right.Center ST-Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?-Yes,there is.Just go

5、 straight down Bridge Street and turn left.The hotel is on the left.Its across from the bank.HOTEL Bridge ST BANK RESTAURANTPAY PHONEPOST OFFICETurn left at Fifth AvenueGo straight down Bridge Street.RESTAURANTPAY PHONEPOST OFFICEGo straight down Fifth Avenue.Turn right at Bridge Street.Where are Pa

6、ul and Nancy?Bridge Street New Street bank hotel supermarketpost office parkrestaurant pay phone ABCD1.Yes,there is.Go straight down New Street and turn right.There is a pay phone on the right./The pay phone is on the right.2.Go straight down New Street and turn right.Turn left at Bridge Street.The

7、bank is across from the street.3.Yes,there is.Turn right,then go straight down Bridge Street.The post office is on the left.Its across from the restaurant,next to the supermarket.GBFDCEAPARK STREET1.You are at A.Go straight down the Park Street.Its on the right.Now you are at _.2.You are at A.Go str

8、aight and turn right.Its down the City Street on the right.Now you are at _.3.You are at A.Go straight and turn left and right.Now you are at _.CITY STREETBCFpay phoneAnyang StreetLongshan STWangsong ST安阳中学安阳中学 school安阳小学安阳小学 schoolInternational HotelWuzhou SupermarketMeijialeShopping Center中国银行中国银行 bankXinhuaBookstore restaurant1.Dictate the words in P9(签字)then copy new words in P10-11.2.Homework Book Part 3.3.Recite P9-3a and then write from your memory once.4.Draw a map and then make up a dialogue.

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