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1、Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.1 THE REQUIREMENT OF SOUND SCAFFOLDING MATERIALS 可靠脚手架材料的要求可靠脚手架材料的要求A.Every scaffold and every component thereof shall be 每一个脚手架和每一个组件都必须具备:a.Of sound material,good construction and adequate strength 可靠的材料、良好的结构和适当的强度 b.Free from patent defects,and 无

2、明显瑕疵的和 c.Suitable and safe for the purpose for which it is intended 适当的和安全的B.Timber shall be used for boards and planks for working platform,resting platform,walkways or toe boards.工作平台、固定平台、走道和脚踏板用木头做板和支架.Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.1 THE REQUIREMENT OF SOUND SCAFFOLDING MATERI

3、ALS 可靠脚手架材料的要求可靠脚手架材料的要求C.No metal scaffold shall be used unless it is of a type that has been approved by the Chief Inspector.非金属脚手架只能用在经过质检主管批准的类型。D.Steel tubes should comply or equivalent with the following standard:钢管遵循以下标准:a.B.S.1139 galvanised pipe B.S.1139 镀锌管 b.STK 51 pipe STK51管子E.Right-ang

4、le coupler should be used to connect two tubes at right angles 两根钢管直角连接时使用直角连接件F.Swivel coupler should be used to connect two tubes at any angles.两根钢管任意角连接时使用旋转连接件。Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.2 THE HANDLING OF SCAFFOLDING MATERIALS 脚手架材料的处理脚手架材料的处理 A.Dont stand length of tubes o

5、r frames against wall and leave them unattended.不要站在管子长度方向,或是面向墙壁的结构旁边。B.Dont straighten deformed tubes or frames by heating,Excessively bent tubes should be discarded.不要通过加热来拉直变形的管子和结构,弯的严重的管子丢 弃不用。C.Dont use excessively corroded tubes or frames.不要使用腐蚀严重的管子和结构。D.Dont mix different system in the sam

6、e scaffold.同一个脚手架不同系统不要混淆。E.Use sufficient quantity of components for scaffolds.脚手架要使用足够数量的组件。Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.2 THE HANDLING OF SCAFFOLDING MATERIALS 脚手架材料的处理脚手架材料的处理 F.Do not drop or throw materials.不要丢下或抛掷材料。G.Handle materials with care.搬运材料要小心。H.Use tested lifting

7、 gears and machines for lifting materials.使用经过测试的提升装置或机器运送材料。I.Do not tie timber board by meant of pre-heated wire if the timber had cracks along the surface.如果木材表面出现裂缝时,不要使用预加热线捆绑木板。Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For ScaffoldersDont stand lengths of tubes or frames against wall and leave them unat

8、tended!不要站在管子长不要站在管子长度方向或是面对度方向或是面对墙的结构旁墙的结构旁!Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For ScaffoldersDont use excessively corroded tubes or frames!禁止使用腐蚀严禁止使用腐蚀严重的管子和结构重的管子和结构Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For ScaffoldersRemove all materials and loose objects from a mobile scaffold before moving the scaffo

9、ld!在移动可移动式在移动可移动式脚手架前要将所脚手架前要将所有的材料及多于有的材料及多于物体拿掉物体拿掉!Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For ScaffoldersSpread out the load on a platform.If necessary place concentrated load as near the standard(vertical tube as possible)!分散工作平台上分散工作平台上的负载的负载,如果负载如果负载集中的话集中的话,必须支必须支立柱附件立柱附件(垂直管垂直管)!Marine Metal Scaffo

10、lding Course For ScaffoldersDont shift planks between legs!禁止在支腿间移禁止在支腿间移动板材动板材!Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For ScaffoldersDont throw scaffold members from height-they should be hoisted down!禁止从高空抛掷禁止从高空抛掷脚手架组件脚手架组件,必须必须吊下来吊下来!Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For ScaffoldersDont mix different sys

11、tems in the same scaffold!禁止混淆同一脚禁止混淆同一脚手架的不同系统手架的不同系统!Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For ScaffoldersUse sufficient quantity of components for scaffold!脚手架要使用足脚手架要使用足够数量的组件够数量的组件!Help.Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders正确存储工作区域支撑板木板Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders 2.3 THE

12、 USE OF CORRECT TOOLS TO TIGHTEN COUPLERS紧固连接件的使用紧固连接件的使用Do not over tighten 不要拧得太紧Use correct size of ratchet spanner使用正确尺寸的棘轮扳手A.B.Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.4(i)IDENTIFY DAMAGED OR DEFECTIVE MATERIALS识别损坏或有缺陷的材料识别损坏或有缺陷的材料A.Timber board(planks)木板(支架)a.Not adequately dried(se

13、asoned).没有充分烘干(季节性的)b.Cracks,decay or insect attacks 裂缝、腐朽或是长虫 c.Excessive bent,twisted,warped or split.弯曲或扭曲严重的 d.Treated with paints.有油漆的 e.Sharp edges caused by force break 破裂有尖锐边角的Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders扭曲的破碎裂缝损坏的筋铁磨损齿轮磨损钉子劈开缝烧伤油污混凝土灰浆锯痕腐烂切割痕嵌条丢失或损坏侧面结疤Marine Metal Scaffo

14、lding Course For Scaffolders2.4(i)IDENTIFY DAMAGED OR DEFECTIVE MATERIALS识别损坏或有缺陷的材料识别损坏或有缺陷的材料B.Galvanised pipe 镀锌管 a.Cracks caused by the fatigue of materials.材料疲劳产生裂缝的 b.Damaged caused by gas cutting.气割引起损坏的 c.Bent or deformed(more than 1:600).弯曲或变形(超过1:600)d.Severe rusting or corrosion.生锈或腐蚀严重的

15、e.Ends not properly cut.末端没有切割整齐的Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders半断面烧伤弯管结构间断管裂缝凹槽凹痕缺口腐蚀后小于尺寸蘑菇头管Defective Materials 有缺陷的材料多于的油漆Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.4(i)IDENTIFY DAMAGED OR DEFECTIVE MATERIALS识别损坏或有缺陷的材料识别损坏或有缺陷的材料C.Couplers 连接件 a.Threads worn out 用破的线 b.Bra

16、cket deformed 支架变形 c.Housing corroded,damaged or deformed 机架腐蚀、损坏和变形直角连接件旋转连接件Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.4(i)IDENTIFY DAMAGED OR DEFECTIVE MATERIALS识别损坏或有缺陷的材料识别损坏或有缺陷的材料D.Ladders 梯子 a.Ladder rung not properly welded.梯顶围栏焊接不好的 b.Pipes bent or deformed.管子弯曲或变形 c.Severe rusting o

17、r corrosion.生锈和腐蚀严重的 d.Damaged caused by gas cutting or arc welding.气割或焊接引起的损坏 e.Missing rung.围栏丢失 f.Cracks.裂缝Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.4(ii)REPAIR OF DEFECTIVE MATERIALS;WHEN TO REPAIR AND WHEN TO DISCARD缺陷材料的修补,何时修补?何时丢弃?缺陷材料的修补,何时修补?何时丢弃?A.Timber board 木板p Split ends less t

18、han 50mm can be banded with steel strapping 末端裂开低于50mm用钢条捆绑B.Galvanised Pipe 镀锌管p Damaged part cut out 损坏部分切除p No heat treatment or mechanical treatment are allowed to removed the imperfection.去除不理想部分时热处理和机械处理都是禁止的C.Couplers 连接件p No repair is allowed所有的修补都是禁止的Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaf

19、foldersDont straighten deformed tubes or frames by heating.Excessively bent tubes should be disposed!禁止用加热方禁止用加热方式拉起变形的式拉起变形的管和结构管和结构,弯曲弯曲国大的管要丢国大的管要丢弃弃!Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.5(i)REQUIREMENT FOR TIE-BACK绑系的要求绑系的要求A.Various ways to provide secure tie-backs in different situ

20、ations 不同情况下有不同的安全绑系方法 a.On bulkhead with stiffener 带加强筋的舱壁 -use beam clamp 使用横梁支架 b.On bulkhead without stiffener 不带加强筋的舱壁 -use eye lugs and secured by beam clamp 通过横梁支架使用吊耳和保护Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.5(i)REQUIREMENT FOR TIE-BACK绑系的要求绑系的要求 B.Full welding of eye lugs for the

21、tie-back 横梁吊耳满焊 a.Permission to be obtained from ship owner.(Standard size eye lugs permanently welded or removed as instructed by ship owner).允许从船东处获得(标准尺寸的吊耳焊接或拆除遵从船东通知)b.Arrange hot-work permit before welding of lugs.焊接前取得热工作业许可 c.Spacing of lugs 3 bay 2 lift.吊耳间距-3间隔-2层Marine Metal Scaffolding C

22、ourse For ScaffoldersSketch showing the position of ties打结点位置草图打结点位置草图Timber sole plate木头底板Base plate基板(腹板)Tie 结点Tie 结点Tie 结点Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.5(i)REQUIREMENT FOR TIE-BACK绑系的要求绑系的要求C.Structures used as foundation for the tie-backs and structures which cannot be used.用作

23、横梁基座的结构和不能使用的结构 a.Structure can be used for tie back 用作横梁的结构pBulkhead,frames,beams,stringers,tie beam,brackets,stiffeners,web frame 舱壁、框架、梁、支撑、拉杆、支架、加强筋、强肋骨 b.Structure cannot be use for tie back 不能用作横梁的结构pGuard rails,ship ladders,pipe lines,cable tray,machinery 护栏、船用梯、管线、电缆托架、机械Marine Metal Scaffol

24、ding Course For ScaffoldersLongitudinal framing system in oil tanker油舱纵向结构系统油舱纵向结构系统Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.5(i)REQUIREMENT FOR TIE-BACK绑系的要求绑系的要求D.Identification of critical ties and when to remove them during dismantling 主要绑带的识别和在拆除脚手架时何 时去掉绑带a.Tie and braces should be Pro

25、gressively removed.绑带和支撑应该慢慢拆除 b.Temporary support should be provided if the stability of the scaffold has been damaged.如果脚手架的稳定性被破坏了,需要加临时支撑。Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.5(ii)REQUIREMENT FOR BRACING支撑的要求支撑的要求A.Scaffold shall be effectively braced by means of longitudinal and tra

26、nsverse bracing system which shall be extended from the base to the top of the scaffold.脚手架应该通过从下至上的纵向和横向支撑系统来固定好。B.Joints in bracing members shall be lapped or spliced.支撑之间的接头最好叠加。C.Longitudinal bracing members shall be continuous and fixed at approximately 45 to the horizontal.纵向支撑应该是连续的并且与水平呈45角。

27、Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.5(ii)REQUIREMENT FOR BRACING支撑的要求支撑的要求D.Each lift shall be crossed by at least one longitudinal bracing member in every 10 meters length of the scaffold.脚手架每一层间隔10米至少有一个交叉的纵向支撑。E.A transverse bracing system shall be provided at each end of the scaffol

28、d and at intervals of not more than 10 bays.每一个脚手架末端每10个间隔至少有一个横向支撑系统。F.Frame scaffolds shall be provided with horizontal bracing or lacing at intervals or not more than every 5 lifts.框架式脚手架至少应该每5层有一个水平支撑。Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders舱顶横向舱壁横木支撑纵向上升纵向上升(舷外视图舷外视图)纵向支撑纵向支撑Marine Metal

29、 Scaffolding Course For ScaffoldersMETHOD OF JOINTING BRACES连接方法连接方法受拉拼接搭接端对端连接件Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For ScaffoldersTransverse Section横断面横断面Isometric View等距视图等距视图Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For ScaffoldersInsert a temporary tie or brace before removing any tie or brace from scaffold.R

30、eplace tie or brace after you have finished your job!从脚手架上拆卸任何支撑或从脚手架上拆卸任何支撑或拉杆时拉杆时,必须插入一个临时必须插入一个临时支撑的拉杆或支撑支撑的拉杆或支撑,等工作等工作完成后换掉它们完成后换掉它们!Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders等距视图典型脚手架布置简单的船用金属脚手架工作图纸说明简单的船用金属脚手架工作图纸说明Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For ScaffoldersSTAGING ARRANGEMENT 脚手架布置

31、脚手架布置挂于已有脚挂于已有脚手架上的悬手架上的悬 挂脚手架等挂脚手架等.Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.7 TYPICAL SCAFFOLD FOR CORRUGATED BULKHEADS波形隔板的典型脚手架波形隔板的典型脚手架备注备注:为了表示清为了表示清楚楚,斜向支撑未画斜向支撑未画.-典型脚手架布置典型脚手架布置.-波形舱壁附近波形舱壁附近Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.7 TYPICAL SCAFFOLD FOR CORRUGATED BULKHEAD

32、S波形隔板的典型脚手架波形隔板的典型脚手架备注备注:为了表为了表示清楚示清楚,斜向斜向支撑未支撑未画画.SECTIONAL ELEVATION(From Diagram E)Additional Vertical Standard at Corrugated Section剖视图剖视图波形部分增加垂直支柱波形部分增加垂直支柱Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.7 TYPICAL SCAFFOLD FOR CORRUGATED BULKHEADS波形隔板的典型脚手架波形隔板的典型脚手架备注备注:为了表为了表示清楚示清楚,斜向斜向支撑未

33、支撑未画画.-典型脚手架布置典型脚手架布置.-波形舱壁波形舱壁Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders2.7 TYPICAL SCAFFOLD FOR CORRUGATED BULKHEADS波形隔板的典型脚手架波形隔板的典型脚手架备注备注:为了表为了表示清楚示清楚,斜向斜向支撑未支撑未画画.-剖视图剖视图-两根水平管子到保护支架上两根水平管子到保护支架上Marine Metal Scaffolding Course For Scaffolders带带2种悬臂的种悬臂的独立脚手架独立脚手架Practical Assignment for D


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