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1、Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 3 Must we do exercise to prevent the flu?Section DThey have the flu.2Written workMatch the sentence halves.Then write an article about how to prevent the flu.We dont have toWe shouldWed better notWe cango to crowded places.take some Chinese medicine.be afraid of catching

2、 the flu.drink a lot of water.How to keep healthyGood health is more important than wealth.Here are some ways to keep healthy./What should we do to keep healthy?First,we should have healthy eating habits,we should eat more fruit and vegetables and less junk food.Second,its necessary for us to have h

3、ealthy living habits.We should sweep the floor,tidy our rooms and open the windows to keep the air fresh.We should wash our hands and change our clothes often.Third,we must do more exercise.Its a good way to build us up.Finally,happiness is important for our health.It is the best medicine.We should

4、be happy all the time.Section D1aRead and understand (影片)(影片)How did Dr.Li talk with his family during those days?Read 1a again and answer the following questions.1.How serious was it?2.What did most students do during those days?3.Who took an active part in the battle against SARS?4.What did people

5、 think of them,why?It spreads quickly and several hundred people lost their lives.They had to stay at home and learned by themselves.Many doctors and nurses.Many doctors and nurses were kind,helpful and brave.They left their families and cared for the patients in the hospitals day and night.losebrea

6、kspreadleaveTakelearnlostbrokespreadlefttooklearnt/learned一种一种爆发爆发传播的很快传播的很快丧失生命丧失生命在那段日子里在那段日子里积极参加积极参加待在家待在家通过电话通过电话挽救病人挽救病人a kind ofbreak outspread quicklylose ones life(lives)during those daystake an active part instay at homeon the phonesave patients非典,一种严重的疾病在中国爆发。非典,一种严重的疾病在中国爆发。SARS,a kind o

7、f disease,broke out in China.它迅速传播并且有几百人丧生。它迅速传播并且有几百人丧生。It spread quickly and several hundred people lost their lives.许多医生和护士积极参加抗击许多医生和护士积极参加抗击“非典非典”的斗争。的斗争。Many doctors and nurses took an active part in the battle against SARS.他们离开家人在医院日夜照看病人。他们离开家人在医院日夜照看病人。They left their families and cared for

8、 the patients in the hospital day and night.我的职责就是挽救病人的生命。我的职责就是挽救病人的生命。Its my duty to save patients.Finish the exercises1.用适当的反身代词填空。I cooked _ a meal and then I watched TV.If you dont help him,hell have to do it all by _.I put the food on the table and asked them to help _.Jack and Peter,did you c

9、lean the room _?Be careful with that knife or youll cut _.John hurt _ when he was playing football.myselfhimselfthemselvesyourselvesyourselfhimself2.句型转换:句型转换:(1)I have to go to school on foot today.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_ you _ to go to school on foot today?(2)Jim has to stay at home to look after his mo

10、ther.(变为变为否定句否定句)Jim _ _ to stay at home to look after his mother.(3)Do you have to cook for yourself?(否定回答否定回答)_,_ _.(4)Must I finish my homework now?(否定回答否定回答)_,_ _.或或 _,_ _ _ _.(5)Wed better go there by bike.(变为否定句变为否定句)We _ _ _ go there by bike.DohaveNo I dontNo you needntNo you dont have tohad better notdoesnt have

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