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1、Unit 3 Understanding each otherGrammar and usageRead the following sentences:1.In the past,In the past,if if you wanted something,you saved you wanted something,you saved up for it.up for it.2.Nowadays,2.Nowadays,ifif people want something,they just people want something,they just buy it.buy it.3.3.

2、IfIf they dont have any money,they use credit they dont have any money,they use credit cards.cards.4.But4.But if if times are really tough,they just dont times are really tough,they just dont spend.spend.1.If you _(join)the chat room ten minutes ago,you _(know)what we were talking about.2.If I _(get

3、)married in the UK,I _(expect)a present,but if I _(get)married in Italy,I _(have)to give a present.had joinedhad joinedwould have known would have known gotgotwould expectwould expect gotgotwould havewould haveUnreal conditionalsUnreal conditionals state a condition or situation that is not real or

4、is imaginary.We can use unreal conditionals to refer toan unreal present condition,an imaginary past action,an imaginary future situation.If it were May 1st today,I would stay at home.If I got much money now,I would donate some to people suffering the earthquake.If I lived on the moon at present,I m

5、ight see the beautyChange.Find the rulesIf_sth,_ sth.did/werewould/could/might/should doContrary to the present truth Similarity?If I _(be)free now,I _(travel)around the world.werewould travel If I (have)a lot of money,I (buy)a villa.hadwould buyIf it (be)fine now,I (go)shopping.werewould goMagic Br

6、ushDoraemon Dialogue:What would/could/might/should you do if you got a?If I got a,I would/could/might/should If I had come here yesterday,I would have seen him.If you had gone to the concert last week,you would have met her.If they had studied hard,they would have done it easily that day.Find the ru

7、lesIf _ sth,_ sth.Contrary to the past had donehad donewould/could/might/should have done If I _(have)time last night,I _(go)to see the film.would have gone had hadIf he _(drive)more carefully,he _ _(not have)an accident yesterday.had driven would not have had If I _(go)to Toms birthday party,I _(me

8、et)her there.had gone would have met If I got time next week,I would help you.If my uncle should come to my house tomorrow,I might get some pocket money.If I were to finish my homework early this evening,I would take a walk with you.Find the rulesIf_sth,_sth.would/could/might/should doContrary to th

9、e future Similarity?did did were to do were to do should doshould do If it _(be)Christmas Day tomorrow,I _(get)some gifts.were would get If you (get)a full mark next time,I (treat)you to a wonderful performance.gotwould treat Mark:100If I _(have)time next month,I _(go)to watch his performance.were t

10、o havewould go If sb/sth.,sb./sth.PresentPast Future did/werehad donewould/could/should/might dowould/could/should/might have donedidshould dowere to dowould/could/should/might doContrary toUnreal conditionals with“if”We can also put should,were and had at the beginning of an unreal conditional sent

11、ence.In this case,if is not needed any more.条件句中虚拟语气的倒装条件句中虚拟语气的倒装If it had not been for the doctor s careful treatment,he couldn t have lived till last year.=Had it not been for the doctor s careful treatment,he couldn t have lived till last year.If I were you,I would buy the beautiful house.Were I

12、 you,I would buy the beautiful house.If he had taken my advice,he wouldn t have eaten so much watermelon.Had he taken my advice,he wouldnt have eaten so much watermelon.If I should have time tomorrow,I would go to the gym with you.Should I have time tomorrow,I would go to the gym with you.Had it not

13、 been for your help,I wouldnt have finished the work so quickly.If it had not been for your help,I wouldn t have finished the work so quickly.错综时间条件句错综时间条件句If you had gone to bed earlier yesterday,you would be energetic now.错综时间错综时间(mixed time)条件句条件句If he If he had comehad come yesterday,I yesterday

14、,I would have helpedwould have helped him.him.If it should rain tomorrow,the crops would be saved.If the staff (be)more careful,the building (not be)on fire now.had beenwould not beIf you _(turn)right just now,you _(not be)in trouble now.had turnedwould not be If it _(not rain)in the morning,I _(be)

15、in the town now.had not rainedwould be Unreal conditionalsContrary to the present/past/futureInverted structures of themMixed time conditionalsSummary of this class1、If I am a fish,I could swim freely in the sea.2、Had you told me earlier,I would finish the task ahead of time._were_have finishedCorre

16、ction()1.If Tony had been to China,()2.Had you told me about it earlier,()3.If you knew how to shoot a film,A.we would invite you to the conference.B.he would have visited Beijing.C.I wouldnt have made that mistake.D.He would be considered impolite.Match choicesBCAYou are very lucky.No Exercises for

17、 you,but Please smile at your classmates.Choices1._ it rain tomorrow,we would have to put off the visit to the park.A.Were B.Should C.Would D.Will2.Alan _ the party if he had gone to London.A.would have missed B.had missed C.would miss D.missedImagining TimeImagining Time1.If I were a teacher,.2.If

18、it were the Spring Festival tomorrow,.1.Tom doesn t know her teacher s name.He can t send her a card.2.George ignored Rocky.Rocky got angry at him.Join the two sentences together If George hadnt ignored Rocky,Rocky wouldnt have got angry at him.If Tom knew her teachers name,he could send her a card.

19、Make sentences with two phrases which are logically related to each other.Use unreal conditionals.have free time get a feverhave free time get a feverbe caught in the rain know what to dobe caught in the rain know what to dotake my advice make rapid progresstake my advice make rapid progresshave eno

20、ugh money make a mistake have enough money make a mistake work hard walk my dog work hard walk my dog get up early go abroadget up early go abroadbe careful in the exam go to the concertbe careful in the exam go to the concertcatch the early bus stay at homecatch the early bus stay at homeCopenhagen

21、The Copenhagen ClimateThe Copenhagen Climate Change Conference Change Conference哥本哈根哥本哈根If I lived a low-carbon lifeWritingWritingCut my hair shortCut my hair shortU Us se eUse less water and shampooUse less water and shampoo Use less shampoo Produce less shampoo Use less energy and materials Do good to the earthHave my hair dried naturallyHave my hair dried naturally Not use an electric hair-drierUse less electricityGenerate less electricityBurn less coalEmit less CO2Have a cleaner airEatingAt homeRubbishShoppingtravelingIf I lived a low-carbon life

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