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1、149 1 2*(1.2.810016)I06 A 2095-0039-2023-02-0149-11 2023-3-25基金项目:青海大学研究生重点课程建设项目藏医外治学(QDYK-210310);国家社科基金项目“基于四部医典诸版本比较的藏语语音及词汇史研究”(21XYY012);2021 年青海省昆仑英才 高端创新创业拔尖人才项目 (1990-)*(1985-)“”1 “150 “”8 “”9 “”10 “”2 “”3 “”4 5 6 ”7 151 “”12 “”13 “”14 “”11 152 “”17 “”18 “”15 “胡”“”16 153 “”22 “”23 “”24 ”19

2、“”20 “”21 154 ”28 “”29 “”30 “”25 “”26 “”27 “155 815 “”33 “”34 “”31 “”32 156 “”35 “”36 157 158 M 2014:30;30;30;30.15 M 2005:157.16 M 2020:10.17 K 2006:1002.18 M 2008:1013.19 M 2019:183.24 M 2008:446.27 M 2005:20.29 M 2019:129.34 M 2005:611.1234303132333536 M 2015:14;187;270;540;190;187;89;628;611;612

3、.525 M 2008:399;399.621222428 M 2007:825;825;829;829;825.714 K 2012:2166;953.8 M 2017:69.912 M 2019:181;235.10 M 2015:29.11 G 132026 159藏医“霍尔美”外治疗法的分类新探德登江措,普措多杰*摘要:藏医学是我国医学的重要组成部分。藏医学治疗疾病的方法有饮食、起居、药物和外治疗法四种,而“霍尔美”疗法属于外治疗法热敷疗法的分支,具有操作简便、疗效显著、患者接受率高、安全性高和价格适中等特点。运用文献比较和临床实证的方法,分析、探讨了藏医“霍尔美”疗法的学术分歧、治疗


5、、敷药部位、禁忌症、功能主治和临床推广价值等内容进行考究,并归纳出11种不同主治功能的“霍尔美”热敷组方,为“霍尔美”外治疗法的理论研究和实践推广提供参考。关键词:霍尔美疗法;历史源流;配伍种类作者简介:德登江措(1995-),男,藏族,青海玉树人,青海大学藏医学院硕士研究生。研究方向:藏医外治学。*通讯作者:普措多杰(1985-),男,藏族,青海玉树人,青海大学藏医学院副教授、硕士生导师。研究方向:藏医核心理论与外治学。on the Classification of hor me External Therapy of Tibetan MedicineDudul Gyaltsen&Phun

6、tsok Dorje*Abstrac t:In ancient times,in the process of fighting against various diseases under harsh natural conditions,the Tibetan ancestors discovered the use of stones or horns and other sharp objects to puncture the swollen or festering parts,with the method of eliminating bad blood to quickly

7、relieve the disease,gradually summed up the local pain points or acupoints by bloodletting,external application,inunction,fire moxibustion,medicinal bath and other external treatment.Among them,external application therapy is a therapy with abundant treatment measures in Tibetan Medicine,which can b

8、e divided into a variety of cold and hot nature application therapy.At present,there are some debates on the concept of“hor”taken from the name hor me in the academic circle.However,based on the medical literature and historical documents mainly in the rgyud bzhi,it can be seen that“hor”not only ref

9、ers to a specific region,but also changes the places represented by“hor”with the development of society.This paper explores the historical origin,compatible types,application sites,contraindication diseases,functional indications and clinical promotion value of hor me external treatment in Tibetan M

10、edicine,and summarizes 11 kinds of hor me therapy with different attending functions,which provided a reference for the theoretical research and practical promotion of hor me therapy.Keywords:hor-me therapy,identification,classification,compatibilityAbout the author:Dudul Gyaltsen(1995-),male,Tibeta

11、n,from Yushu County of Qinghai Province.M.A.student at the Tibetan Medical College,Qinghai University.Research Interests:external treatment of Tibetan medicine.*Co-author:Phuntsok Dorje(1985-),male,Tibetan,Yushu County of Qinghai Province.Associate professor at Tibetan Medical College,Qinghai University.Adviser for M.A.students.Research Interests:Core theory of Tibetan medicine and external treatment.

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