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1、Colours and moodsMentality Test 心理测试If there are some candies of four colors,which one will you choose?A.Blue B.Green C.Red D.Orange Blue nYou may feel relaxed if you walk into a room with the walls painted blue.n Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body because

2、blue creates the feeling of harmony.Blue can also represent sadness.?I am feeling blue.l make people feel calm and peacefulGreen nGreen can give you energy,as it represents new life and growth.n It is the colour of nature.n If you feel tired or weak,it can make you feel energetic.Also it is the colo

3、ur of money and envy.Guess:You are so clever.How I envy you!RednRed represents power n also the colour of heat and strong feelings.nmake it easier for you to take action.nHelp you when you are having difficulty _.making a decisionOrangenwarm colour-make you feel warmnGive you a happy and comfortable

4、 feelingnIt represents joy.n bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad.cheer you up means _ A.make you calmer B.make you sadder C.make you happierC1.How do you feel when you walk into a blue room?2.Why is blue good for the mind and body?3.What does white represent?Relaxed.Relaxed.B

5、ecause this colour creates the feeling of harmony.Because this colour creates the feeling of harmony.It represents It represents puritypurity.1.Warm colours can give you a _ and _ feeling.2.Warm colours can give people in cold climates a _ and _ feel.3.Orange can bring you _ and _ you up.4.Yellow ca

6、n remind you of a _ and _ day.happycontentedwarmcomfortablesuccesscheerwarmsunny sadness purity joywisdom naturegrowth envy power calm colors warm colorsenergetic color strong color blue white yellow orange-green-red colours()1.Colors can only make us happy,energetic and peaceful.()2.Wearing blue cl

7、othes is good for the body and mind.()3.You should wear blue when you are feeling stressed.()4.Yellow belongs to calm colors.()5.Maybe if you want to get high marks,you can try red stationery.()6.If you are somebody who needs physical strength,you should wear green because green is the color of ener

8、gy.FTFFFFnDid you know that colors can affect our _?Did you know what the different colors _?nFor example,blue can help you feel _.However,it can also mean _.I prefer _ colors such as orange.Yellow is also the colour of the_,so when you study for _,you may use yellow _.nDo you like green?Green can g

9、ive you _;it also represents money and _.Red can help you when you are having _ making a decision.moodsrepresentrelaxedsadnesswarmsunexamsstationeryenergyenvydifficultyDiscuess:nSimon is often sleepy and sometimes falls asleep in class.nLily didnt succeed in passing a test and feels rather sad.nTom

10、is very easy to get angry.And he will easily quarrel with others.blue/whitenEddie,Lucys dog,likes eating and needs to do exercise to lose weight.But it is too lazy to take action.And it always says,“I just cant move my legs.”nIf you have bought a new flat,what colour would you like to choose for you

11、r own bedroom?Why?Are you a good decoration(装修)designer?My favourite colour is _.My favourite colour is _.It reprensents _It reprensents _._.I like it because_I like it because_._.I am _I am _._.red strength,power,heat and strong feelings it can help me when I am having difficulty making a decisionlively,funny and strong

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