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1、designed by CongCong outline:IntroductionHistoryMenuKFCs valuesCultureStrategyOperationManagementStaffEffectComparision KFC,also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken,is a chain of fast food restaurants based in Louisville,Kentucky.The company was founded as Kentucky Fried Chicken by Colonel Harland Sande

2、rs in 1952.I IntroductionntroductionColonel Harland SandersI Introductionntroduction KFC is currently one of the largest businesses of the global food service industry and is widely known around the world as the face of Colonel Sanders.The Colonel has spread his industry currently to more than eight

3、y countries globally.Every day,nearly eight million customers are served around the world.HistoryHistory Harlan Sanders are already familiar with more than 10 kinds of rural cooking recipes.18971930s In the roadside restaurant,he has successfully developed out of the Kentucky mysterious formula.1939

4、s Harland Sanderss skill and reputation to attract a large number of customers.In recognition of his contribution to culinary industry,Harland Sanders was named a Kentucky Colonel.1960s Throughout the United States,people enjoy Kentucky sucking refers to the chicken flavor.Gradually in to peoples li

5、ves.1980sthe Colonel died,their home state government gives its Honorary Life.Menu KFC primarily sells chicken in form of pieces,wraps,salads and sandwiches.While its primary focus is fried chicken,KFC also offers a line of roasted chicken products,side dishes and desserts.Outside North America,KFC

6、offers beef based products such as hamburgers or kebabs,pork based products such as ribs and other regional fare.Menu1.Economic luxury meal 2.Sucking means chicken flavor meal 3.New Orleans roast chicken burger meal 4.Crisp fresh/spicy chicken burger meal 5.Mexico/old Beijing chicken roll meal 6.New

7、 Orleans roast wings meal 7.Spicy chicken wings meal 8.Chuanlanenniu five-meal9.Whole shrimp to Jane Fort meal 10.Black Pepper tender beef rice 11.Golden curry pork chop with rice 12.New Orleans roast chicken Fort 13.Fresh crispy/spicy chicken burger 14.Pastoral chicken Fort And so on.KFCs valuesKFC

8、s valuesOur mission Our expectationOur beliefOur work attitudeCultureCultureKFC enterprise cultureService and the pursuit of excellenceAttention and perfect service qualityPositive,encouraging.“Restaurant manager first”Work,to excellenceStrategyStrategyMain business strategy Become the leader of mor

9、e brand integration!In a restaurant,let consumer enjoy two gourmet brand and have more choices!Mode of operationA chain formIndustrialized productionStandardized productsLocal employeeRaw materials are importedProvide condiment and beverage supplier directlyFried chicken burger and fries are made in

10、-storeA new kind of food per monthOperationOperationManagementManagement With the customer satisfaction as the center value chain management 1、Obviously,the target market 2、cooking chicken expert“3、Customer as the center of marketing Objectives:bigger In China and other developing countries is the i

11、ncome in the upper level of the people.StaffStaffCompany human resource managementPart-time employeesFormal employeeTrainee attendantAssistant internship Assistant managerThe store manager Employee grow ladderEffectEffectKFCs effect in chinaIn China,KFC has been opened 1,000 230 stores during 16 yea

12、rs.100%product materials from China.Hundreds of millions of dollars was purchased every year.KFC has established 480 enterprises supplier network in China.Every year,directly or indirectly,creating 23 million job opportunity.ComparisionComparisionComparisionComparisionKFCHeadquarters location:USAEst

13、ablished time:1952Business Scope:western fast foodCompany slogan:We Do Chicken RightStaff quantity:840 thourand(2007)McdonaldsHeadquarters location:USAEstablished time:1954Business Scope:Fast-food chain,DessertCompany slogan:Im lovin itStaff quantity:390 thourand ComparisionComparision McDonalds and

14、 KFC in different country:In the United States,the scale of the McDonalds far more than KFC.But in China,the KFC to enter the Chinese market earlier than McDonalds,and the size of the scale of the far more than the McDonalds.KFC本本土土化化战战略略Mcdonalds全全球球化化战战略略Globalization strategyLocalization strategy

15、 ComparisionComparisionGlobalization strategy pk localization strategy McDonalds:globalization strategy-more inclined to strategic management adjustments.麦当劳:全球化战略麦当劳:全球化战略更倾向于战略性的经营调整更倾向于战略性的经营调整 Kentucky:localization strategy-do in Rome as the Romans do肯德基:本土化战略肯德基:本土化战略“入乡随俗入乡随俗”ComparisionCompar

16、isionChinas McDonald is still the world of McDonalds.“中国麦当劳,仍是全世界的麦当劳。”Chinas KFC,slowly become the Chinese of KFC.“中国肯德基,慢慢成为中国人的肯德基。”KFCs strengthKFCs strength jump start,first impressions are most lasting franchise,accelerate development Chinese characteristic,the positive innovation science loca

17、tion,efficient operation “抢跑抢跑”,先,先入为主入为主 特许经营,加特许经营,加速发展速发展 中国特色,积中国特色,积极创新极创新 科学选址,高科学选址,高效运营效运营ComparisionComparisionIn the United States,KFC has been a low-end products,but in China,it became a kind of medium and even the middle and high-end of the products.在美国,肯德基一直是一种低端产品,而在中国,却成了在美国,肯德基一直是一种低端产品,而在中国,却成了一种中端甚至是中高端的产品。一种中端甚至是中高端的产品。One step ahead of family lead,in McDonalds plan enter the Chinese market,KFC has started its expansion一步领先,步步领先,就在麦当劳谋划进入中国市场的时一步领先,步步领先,就在麦当劳谋划进入中国市场的时候,肯德基已经开始了它的扩张候,肯德基已经开始了它的扩张

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