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1、所谓修辞是指依据题旨情境恰当地选择语言手段和表达方式, 以有效地表情达意。修辞的目的是使作品更加形象生动、引人入胜。了解英语中的修辞, 有助于我们更好地理解、欣赏文章,也有助于在写作中丰富我们自己的表达。英语修辞格按其构成大致可以分为三类:(一)词义修辞格(Lexical Rhetorical Devices)词义修辞格主要是指借助语义的联想和语言的变化等特点创造出来的修辞手法。大学英语中常见的词义修辞格有以下几种:一、Simile 明喻是以两种具有相同特征的事物和现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体之间的相似关系,两者都在对比中出现。 格式:本体 + 显著比喻词(like/as/as if-) +

2、喻体;常用比喻词like, as, as if, as though等,例如: 1、This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see.这头象和任何人见到的一样像一条蛇。 2、He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit.他看上去好像刚从我的童话故事书中走出来,像幽灵一样从我身旁走过去。 3、It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim finge

3、rs reaching to touch something.它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么东西似的。 4、Teacher, you are like the sun, but more magnificent, and more brillant. 老师,您像太阳,又比太阳更灿烂更辉煌。 5、Your soul is as pure as snow, your personality is as noble as pine trees! All praise to you, our beloved teacher. 您的心灵像雪一样纯净,您的人格像青松一般高洁!赞美您

4、,敬爱的老师。 6、Like climbing a mountain, we struggle up three feet and fall back two.正如爬山,我们费力爬上三英尺,又掉下去两英尺。 7、I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当的比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。 8、He was like a cock who thought

5、the sun had risen to hear him crow.I wandered lonely as a cloud. Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.9、Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back. 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。10、“How like the winter hath my absence been” or “So are you to my thoughts as

6、 food to life” (Shakespeare). 如 “我的离开好象是冬天来临” 或 “你对我的思想就象食物对于生命一样重要” (莎士比亚) 11、My loves like a red, red rose. 我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰花。12、The man cant be trusted. He is as slippery as an eel. 那个人不可信赖。他像鳗鱼一样狡猾。13、He jumped as if he had been stung.他像被蜇了似的跳了起来。 14、Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream. 童年就像一场

7、疾逝的梦。15、明喻习语。例如: (1)as clear as crystal清如水晶 (2)as weak as water软弱无力二、隐喻(metaphor)这种比喻不通过比喻词进行,而是直接将用事物当作乙事物来描写,甲乙两事物之间的联系和相似之处是暗含的。格式:本体 + is/are + 喻体,例如: 1、German guns and German planes rained down bombs, shells and bullets.德国人的枪炮和飞机将炸弹、炮弹和子弹像暴雨一样倾泻下来。 2、The diamond department was the heart and cen

8、ter of the store.钻石部是商店的心脏和核心。3、 Time is a river, of which memory is the water. Oh my friend, what I scoop up from the river is all yearning of you.时间是河、记忆如水,朋友,我从河里捧起来的都是对你的思念。 4、 Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 5、I will do anything I can to help him through lifes dangerous sea。我将全力帮助他穿越人生的惊涛骇浪。6、Consider t

9、hat the same cultural soil producing the English language also nourished the great principles of freedom and right of man in the modern world.想想吧,孕育英语的文化土壤也同样为当今世界培育了自由和人权准则。7、Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart. A romance was budding. 每一封信就像落在肥沃土地上的种子,浪漫之花含苞待放。8、Hope is a good breakfa

10、st, but it is a bad supper.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested9、 And yet, while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. 但是,尽管我们中的很多人太容易给别人批

11、评的冷风,却不知何故不愿意给我们的同伴赞扬的阳光。(该句中,将criticism比喻成cold wind,将praise比喻成warm sunshine,但是未使用任何比喻词,因此为暗喻。) 10、He has a heart of stone. 他有一颗铁石心肠。 11、The world is a stage. 世界是一个大舞台。 12、“a sea of troubles”“忧愁之海” 13、“All the worlds a stage”(Shakespeare)“整个世界一台戏”(莎士比亚) 14、隐喻习语和俚语、成语:(1)You are one in a million.你真是人

12、见人爱(2)He has one over the eight.他酩酊大醉。 (3)This film star is a nine days wonder; I doubt whether anyone will remember her in a years time.这位电影明星现 在红极一时(也指昙花一现),但我认为一年以后人们不见得还记得她。(4)to teach fish to swim 班门弄斧 (5)to plough the sand 白费力气 (6)up the tree骑虎难下;lame duck强弩之末;above board光明正大 三、借代(metonymy),又称

13、转喻,转喻是通过相近的联想,借喻体代替本体。转喻是比隐喻更进一步的比喻,它根本不说出本体事物,直接用比喻事物代替本体事物。是指两种不同事物并不相似,但又密不可分,因而常用其中一种事物名称代替另一种。比如用the White House 代替美国政府或者总统, 用the bottle来代替wine 或者alcohol, 用the bar 来代替the legal profession,用 crown代替 king等。例如:1、Most Harvard graduates have read Emerson, Thoreau and Huxley.大多数哈佛毕业生都读过爱默生、梭洛和赫胥黎(的作品

14、)。2、His purse would not allow him that luxury. 他的经济条件不允许他享受那种奢华。 3、The mother did her best to take care of the cradle. 母亲尽最大努力照看孩子。 4、He succeeded to the crown in 1848. 他在1848年继承了王位。5、Several years later, word came that Napoleonyh himself was coming to inspect them. 几年以后,他们听说拿破仑要亲自来视察他们。 “word”在这里代替

15、了“news, information”(消息、信息)6、Al spoke with his eyes,“yes”. 艾尔用眼睛说,“是的”。 “说”应该是嘴的功能,这里实际上是用眼神表达了“说话的意思”。7、The buses in America are on strike now. 美国的公共汽车司机正在罢工(这里buses 喻指司机drivers)。8、“Well,”said the doctor.“I will do all that science can accomplish. But whenever my patient begins to count the carriag

16、es in her funeral porcession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines.”“好吧,”医生说,“我会尽力做到科学能做到的,但每当我的病人开始数自己葬礼上的马车时,药物的疗效就会减掉一半。”9、(1)以容器代替内容,例如: The kettle boils. 水开了.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着. (2)以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如:Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说. (3)以作者代替作品,例如:a complete Shakes

17、peare 莎士比亚全集(4)以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱.四、提喻(synecdoche)又称举隅法,主要特点是局部代表全体,或以全体喻指部分,或以抽象代具体,或以具体代抽象。例如: 1、The Great Wall was made not only of stones and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men. 长城不仅是用石头和土建造的,而且是用几百万人的血和肉建成的。 句中的“the

18、flesh and blood”喻为“the great sacrifice”(巨大的牺牲) 2、“.saying that it was the most beautiful tongue in the world,.” 他说这是世界上最美的语言。 这里用具体的“tongue”代替抽象的“language”。 3、Many eyes turned to a tall,20year black girl on the U.S. team. 很多人将眼光投向美国队一个高高的20岁的黑姑娘。 这里的“many eyes”代替了“many persons”。 4、There are about 10

19、0 hands working in his factory.(部分代整体) 他的厂里约有100名工人.He is the Newton of this century.(特殊代一般)他是本世纪的牛顿.The fox goes very well with your cap.(整体代部分)这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配.五、讽喻,比方(原意“寓言”):Allegory :建立在假借过去或别处的事例与对象之上,传达暗示,影射或者讥讽现世各种现象的含义,这是一种源于希腊文的修辞法,意为换个方式的说法.它是一种形象的描述,具有双重性,表层含义与真正意味的是两回事.例如: 1、Make the hay w

20、hile the sun shines. 表层含义:趁着出太阳的时候晒草 真正意味:趁热打铁 2、Its time to turn plough into sword. 表层含义:是时候把犁变成剑 六、拟人(personification)这种修辞方法是把人类的特点、特性加于外界事物之上,使之人格化,以物拟人,以达到彼此交融,合二为一。所谓拟人就是把无生命的事物当作有生命的事物来描写,赋予无生命之物以感情和动作或是把动物人格化 。例如: 1、She may have tens of thousand of babies in one summer.(From“ Watching Ants”)

21、一个夏天她可能生育成千上万个孩子。这里用“she”和“babies”把蜜蜂比作人类妇女的生育。 2、My only worry was that January would find me hunting for a job again. 我唯一担心的是,到了一月份我又得去找工作。 英语里常把“年”“月”“日”人格化,赋以生命,使人们读起来亲切生动。 3、The first day of this term found me on my way to school, beautiful flowers smiling and lovely birds singing in the wood.

22、新学期第一天上学的路上,美丽的花儿在微笑,可爱的小鸟在林中歌唱.(采用拟人化的修辞手法使句更为生动,表达更富情感.)4、The cold breath of autumn had blown away its leaves, leaving it almost bare. 萧瑟的秋风吹落了枝叶,藤上几乎是光秃秃的。(这里作者运用了拟人手法,将秋天比做人,秋天吹出的寒冷的呼吸就是秋风。语言表达生动、有力,让人有身处其境的感觉) 5、The night gently lays her hand at our fevered heads.(把夜拟人化) I was very happy and co

23、uld hear the birds singing in the woods.(把鸟拟人化)6、The night crawled slowly like a wounded snake, and sleep did not visit Rainsford. 黑夜像受伤的蛇一样缓缓爬来,睡眠没有造访雷斯福特。(句中night和sleep通过只适用于动物和人的crawl和visit两个动词被拟人化。7、The waves murmured, and the moon wept silver tears. 波浪低沉地呜咽着,月亮撒下银色的泪水。(句中waves和moon通过一般只适用于人的mur

24、mur和weep两个动词被拟人化。)8、Hunger sat shivering on the road 饥饿站在路上颤抖 9、Flowers danced about the lawn花儿在草地上翩翩起舞 10、My heart was singing. 我的心在歌唱。 11、This time fate was smiling to him. 这一次命运朝他微笑了。 12、The flowers nodded to her while she passed. 当她经过的时候花儿向她点头致意。 13、The wind whistled through the trees. 风穿过树丛,树叶哗

25、哗作响。七、夸张(hyperbole/the exaggeration)把事物的特征,有意地加以夸大或缩小,就叫夸张,即采用“言过其实”的说法,使事物的本质特征更好地呈现出来。英语中夸张修辞格,应用极为频繁。夸张的功能是突出事物的本质特征,因而给人强烈印象或警悟、启发 。这是运用丰富的想象,过激的言词,渲染和装饰客观事物,以达到强调的效果。例如: 1、My blood froze.我的血液都凝固了。 2、When I told our father about this,his heart burst. 当我将这件事告诉我们的父亲时,他的心几乎要迸出来。 3、My heart almost s

26、topped beating when I heard my daughtersvoice on the phone. 从电话里一听到我女儿的声音,我的心几乎停止跳动。 4、Most American remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finns idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyers endless summer of freedom and adventure. 在大多数美国人的心目中,马克.吐温是位伟大作家,他描写哈克.费恩永恒的童年时代中充满诗情画意的旅程和汤姆.索亚

27、在漫长的夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事。(eternal和endless都是夸张用语,表示哈克.费恩童年时期田园般的旅游和汤姆.索亚夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事都已成为永恒不朽之作。) 5、I beg a thousand pardons. Love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars. When she heard the bad news, a river of tears poured out.八、 委婉,婉辞法(Euphemism):婉辞法指用委婉,文雅的方法表达粗恶,避讳的话.例如:His old

28、 friend is sleeping here but forever. 他的老朋友长眠于此。(用sleep代替die一词。) 用to fall asleep; to cease thinking; to pass away; to go to heaven; to leave us 代替 to die 用senior citizens代替old people 用 a slow learner或者an under achiever代替a stupid pupil 用weight watcher代替 fat people 用mental hospital 代替 madhouse或者 asylu

29、m 用emotionally disturbed代替mad 用washroom, mens / womens room代替 lavatory 用 handicapped代替 crippled 用low income brackets; underprivileged; disadvantaged 代替 poor people 1、He is out visiting the necessary. 他出去方便一下.2、His relation with his wife has not been fortunate. 他与妻子关系不融洽.3、Deng Xiaoping passed away i

30、n 1997. (去世)九、讽刺、反语(irony)是指用含蓄的褒义词语来表示其反面的意义,从而达到使本义更加幽默,更加讽刺的效 果。反语就是说反话,用反话来表达思想、观点、事物等等。有的时候可以达到讽刺的意味。例如: 1、“What fine weather for an outing!” (计划了一个美好的出游却被一场大雨搅和了,于是出现了上面的这句话,通过反语达到讽刺的效果,从而更能够反映出当时的无奈与沮丧。) 2、Well, of course, I knew that gentlemen like you carry only large notes. 啊,当然,我知道像你这样的先生

31、只带大票子。店员这句话意在讽刺这位穿破衣的顾客:像你这样的人怎么会有大票子呢?名为“gentlemen”实则“beg gar”而已。3、Of course, you only carry large notes, no small change on you. the waiter said to the beggar. 4、It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning. 早上没有时间观念还真是一件好事啊(真实含义是应该明确早上的时间观念)5、On her birthday, the ol

32、d lay merely received a check from her dear daughter, nothing more. What a lovely present!这位老妇人生日时只收到了她亲爱的女儿寄来的一张支票。这是多么好的礼物啊!(很明显这不是一个让人满意的礼物。)十、矛盾修辞法(Oxymoron):所谓矛盾修辞法,就是把意思上回响矛盾互相排斥的词语紧密地联系在一起,来描述一个事物,或表达一种思想,说明一个道理,或寻求一个哲理。,用这种方法,语言精炼简洁,富有哲理,并产生强大的逻辑力量,产生一种出人意料,引人入胜的效果。例如:1、A miserable, merry Ch

33、ristmas(悲喜交加的圣诞节)。圣诞节那天,故事主人公小男孩经历了从痛苦的边缘到幸福的顶峰的过程。因此,父母精心安排的圣诞节既是最糟的,又是最好的。2、Such is the glorious messiness of English. That happy tolerance, that willingness to accept words from anyway, explains the richness of English and way it has become, to a very real extent, the first truly global language.

34、(由此一斑可见英语中绚丽多彩的杂乱无章现象。这种乐于包容的精神,这种不管源自何方来者不拒的胸怀,恰好解释了英语何以会如此丰富,成为一个真正的全球语言。) 3、No light, but rather darkness visible.没有光亮,黑暗却清晰可见 4、The state of this house is cheerless welcome 5、sweet sorrow 忧喜参半(不是甜蜜的悲伤)proud humility 不卑不亢(不是骄傲的谦卑)victorious failure 虽败犹荣(不是胜利的失败) 十一、叠言(rhetorical repetition)这种修辞法是

35、指在特定的语境中,将相同的结构,相同意义词组成句子重叠使用,以增强语气和力量。 1、It must be created by the blood and the work of all of us who believe in the future, who believe in man and his glorious manmade destiny. 它必须用我们这些对于未来,对于人类以及人类自己创造的伟大命运具有信心的人的鲜血和汗水去创造。 2、. Because good technique in medicine and surgery means more quicklycure

36、d patients, less pain, less discomfort, less death, less disease and less deformity. 因为优良的医疗技术和外科手术意味着更快地治疗病人,更少痛苦,更少不安,更少死亡,更少疾病,和更少残废。 十二、双关语(pun)是以一个词或词组,用巧妙的办法同时把互不关联的两种含义结合起来,以取得一种诙谐有趣的效果。 双关语(pun)是英语中一种常见的修辞手法.该修辞格巧妙利用词的谐音、词的多义或歧义等,使同一句话可同时表达不同意义,以造成语言生动活泼、幽默诙谐或嘲弄讥讽的修辞效果,使人读来忍俊不禁。例如: 1、Napoleo

37、n was astonished.”Either you are mad, or I am,”he declared. “Both,sir!”cried the Swede proudly. “Both”一词一语双关,既指拿破仑和这位士兵都是疯子,又指这位战士参加过拿破仑指挥的两次战役。 2、True Height (真正的高度) (height是一语双关,既指跳高横竿的高度,也指人生奋斗达到的目标。) 3、Hiroshima - the “Liveliest” City in Japan(广岛- 日本”最有活力”的城市) (作者将Liveliest 一词用引号引起来是有意表明,人们竟然把一个

38、遭受过原子弹轰炸的城市说成是“做快活的”,真是莫大的讥讽,同时也是进行今昔对比,可谓是一语双关。) 4、She is too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise and too little for a great praise. An ambassador is an honest man who lies abroad for the good of his country. If we dont hang together, we shall hang separately(二)结构修辞格(Syntactical Rhet

39、orical Devices)结构修辞格是使用句子的特殊结构来加强语言效果的修辞手段。大学英语中常见的结构修辞格有以下几种:一、对照,对比,对偶Antithesis :这种修辞指将意义完全相反的语句排在一起对比的一种修辞方法.把结构相同、意义相关、语气一致的两组词语或句子并列使用,称为对偶。如:1、Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。2、“Hee for God only, shee for God in him”(John Milton) “他只为上帝,她则为他心中的上帝”(约翰米尔顿)3、Not that I loved Caeser less but

40、 that I loved Romemore.4、You are staying; I am going.5、Give me liberty, or give me death二、排比, 平行(Parallelism ):这种修辞法是把两个或两个以上的结构大体相同或相似,意思相关,语气一致的短语.句子排列成串,形成一个整体。其特点在于句式整齐、节奏分明、语言简练、内容突出。如: 1、I came, I saw, I conquered. (Julius Caesar)我来到,我看见,我征服。(尤利乌斯凯撒) 2、No one can be perfectly free till all are

41、 free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy. 3、In the days when all these things are to be answered for, I summon you and yours, to the last of your bad race, to answer for them. In the days when all these things are to be answered for, I

42、 summon your brother, the worst of your bad race, to answer for them separately.三、 修辞疑问(反问)Rhetorical question:它与疑问句的不同在于它并不以得到答复为目的,而是以疑问为手段,取得修辞上的效果,其特点是:肯定问句表示强烈否定,而否定问句表示强烈的肯定.它的答案往往是不言而喻的.不需要回答例如:1、How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worth of note?2、Shall w

43、e allow those untruths to go unanswered? 3、If winter comes, can spring be far behind? (Shelly)冬天来了,春天还会远吗?(雪莱)四、仿拟Parody :这是一种模仿名言.警句.谚语,改动其中部分词语,从而使其产生新意的修辞.例如:1、Rome was not built in a day, nor in a year.2、A friend in need is a friend to be avoided.3、If you give a girl an inch nowadays she will ma

44、ke address of it.(三)音韵修辞格(Phonetic Rhetorical Devices)音韵修辞格是利用词语的语音特点创造出来的修辞手法。主要有以下两种:一、拟声(onomatcpocia)是摹仿自然界中非语言的声音,其发音和所描写的事物的声音很相似,使语言显得生动,富有表现力。 1、On the root of the school house some pigeons were softly cooing. 在学校房屋的屋顶上一些鸽子正轻轻地咕咕叫着。 2、She brought me into touch with everything that could be r

45、eached or feltsunlight, the rustling of silk, the noises of insects, the creaking of a door, the voice of a loved one. 她使我接触到所有够得着的或者感觉得到的东西,如阳光呀,丝绸摆动时的沙沙声呀,昆虫的叫声呀,开门的吱嗄声呀,亲人的说话声呀。 3、The door banged shut. 门砰地一声关上了。二、头韵法(alliteration)在文句中有两个以上连结在一起的词或词组,其开头的音节有同样的字母或声音,以增强语言的节奏感。头韵即连续数个单词的头音或头字母相同,这种

46、现象在英语中常见。例如: 1、How and why he had come to Princeton, New Jersey is a story of struggle, success, and sadness.他如何和为什么来到新泽西州的普林斯顿是一个充满奋斗、成功和令人伤心的一段经历。 2、 felt sick, and ever since then they have been testing and treating me. 打那时起,他们就一直不断地对我进行体检和治疗。(testing 和treating 用在这里是为了取得一种文字的音乐美的效果。)3、Michaels dedication, determination and discipline was a coachs dream. 迈克尔的投入、执着、自律正是每个教练梦寐以求的。)(作者在这里运用押头韵突出了主人公不达目的不

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