1、Unit4 Natural disastersPeriod 2 Reading and thinking教学设计本单元的阅读内容在人教版新课标中也有相同文章,只是补充了结尾的一段让大家了解目前唐山的面貌,体现了中华民族在灾难面前的齐心合力和不屈不挠的顽强精神。我们的阅读内容虽然没有多大变化,对于我们阅读策略方面提出了新的要求,那就是在利用上下文来猜测词义,而这个技巧在阅读中是必不可少的,对于刚升入高一的学生来说,掌握猜词的技巧,有利于提高他们对于阅读中生词的容忍度, 提高做题的准确性。1. 文化意识目标新课程中指出,文化意识的培育有助于学生增强国家认同和家国情怀,坚定文化自信,树立人类命运共同
2、体意识,学会做人做事,成长为有文明素养和社会责任感的人。一方有难,八方支援,作为一个中国人,我们有责任也有义务为祖国的稳定和平安共同贡献一份力量,面对大灾大难,我们也不惧怕,文章最后一段就指出,只要大家共同努力, 没有克服不了的关卡。2. 学习能力目标:新课程中指出,学习能力的培养有助于学生做好英语学习的自我管理,养成良好的学习习惯,拓宽学习渠道, 提高学习效率。学生在阅读中存在的最大问题就是词汇问题,对词汇的容忍度能够体现学生学习能力,我们要帮助他们在上下文中猜测词义,而不是被动接受,让词汇从课文中来,到文章中去。1. 重点(1) 在语境中猜测词义;(2) 通过首句判断每段主旨。2. 难点(
3、1) 在语境中有依据地猜测词义;(2)对每段主旨的概括能力。教学步骤教学活动设计意图时间Step-1 Pre-readingDescribe a natural disaster.1 Work in pairs. Discuss what can happen to a city during a big earthquake.2 Look at the title and photo below and guess what the text is about. Then read and check if you are right.这两个活动的目的有两个:1. 激活学生的背景知识,降低理
4、解难度;2. 体会题目的拟人用意,为什么要用didnt sleep。5分钟Step-2 While readingRead the text carefully and then write down the main idea of each paragraph.Pay attention to the topic sentence of each paragraph to get the main idea quickly.Guess the meaning of the sentence in the context.这部分两个问题有两个目的:1. 提示学生英语文章的思维特点:首句常常是
5、主题句,重要的内容都常常在前面;2. 快速阅读看看首句能否概括本段内容;3. 在文中猜测词义。15分钟Step-3 While-reading -to understand the meaning of a new word.Read the sentences describing what happened after a huge earthquake. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the new words and phrases from the text.让词汇从语境中来,回到语境中去。5分钟Step-4 Whi
6、le-reading- understanding the passageStep2 Answer the questions:1 What were some of the strange things happening before the earthquake? Do you think they were warning signs?Why or why not?2 What does the writer mean by Slowly, the city began to breathe again?3 What kind of help do you think people w
7、ho have suffered an earthquake need?通过回答问题,深入理解文章。5分钟Step-5 After-reading-discussionWork in groups. Discuss the questions.1 What do you think helped in the revival of Tangshan city?2 What other cities or towns have gone through similar changes? What lessons can we learnfrom these events?这几个问题设计意图:1认识到国家强大在灾难面前的反应的不同,来体会强国的重要性;2 提高总结能力。5分钟Step-6 critical thinkingLook at the title: The night that the earth didnt sleep, how do you understand the title?设计意图:深入理解文章的写作意图。5分钟Step-7HomeworkTry to finish the reading exercise.作业中补充通话题阅读练习,巩固今天两个内容:1, 在语境中理解学习单词;2, 了解话题词汇。