1、,*,*,*,*,1/9,(Feb.7,1867 Feb.10,1957),Little House in the Big Woods(1932),Farmer Boy(1933),Little House on the Prairie(1935),On the Banks of Plum Creek(1937),By the Shores of Silver Lake(1939),The Long Winter(1940),Little Town on the Prairie(1941),These Happy Golden Years(1943),On the Way Home(1962)
2、,The First Four Years(1971),The Road Back(),2/9,3/9,Reading Aloud,Tips:,Try to imitate the recording.,Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.,Use your voice and expression to tell what is happening.,4/9,Retelling,Little House in the Big Woods Ma slapped a bear,Little House on the Prairie
3、 Pa hunting,Indians,cornbread,5/9,Retelling,Our House on Plum Greek my greatest enemy,a sad time,Town on the Prairie the worst winter,),6/9,Discussion,Would you have enjoyed being a pioneer like the writer?Why or why not?,What do you think home is?,7/9,Language Appreciation,Home was where Pas fiddle
4、 was hung on the wall.It was wherever Pa put up a shelf for Mas china shepherdess.It never got broken.(opinion),We were poor,but we made the best of what we had.(fact),It didnt matter where we were.If we were together,we were happy.(opinion),8/9,Writing,Imagine yourself being a pioneer in a wild place.Write about the hardships you have gone through and how you survived in around 100 words.,Write a summary of this story in no less than 100 words.,9/9,