1、,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,10/9/2014,#,Prejudice,stereotyping,and discrimination,Dr.Feng Jiang,1,2,Group project,Describe a stable social phenomenon,Propose a your theory to explain it,Design study to verify your theory,3,Tasks,Maximum 15 minutes group presentation,In your presentati
2、on,You should name the phenomenon and then give a clear description(or definition)of it.,You should give a clear description(or definition)of your theory,and demonstrate how it explains the phenomenon you mentioned.,You should show evidence that supports the explanation of your theory,4,Blacks are a
3、ggressive,Shanghai,men,are,henpecked,5,Prejudice and stereotypes,Prejudice,A generalized attitude toward members of a social group,e.g.,whats your attitude toward homosexual?,Stereotypes,Generalized belief about members of social groups,e.g.,Asian,American,s,are,shy;,African,Americans,are,loud,lazy;
4、,European,Americans,are,achievement,oriented.,6,9,Both black and white students performed well on a difficult exam except when asked before-hand to report their race.When race was made salient,black students underperformed whites.,Explanations,Functional explanations,Categorization,effects,Explanati
5、ons based on moods and emotions,10,Functional explanations,(i)support/protect own,group,(ii)provide social support/,approval,(iii)bolster personal and social identities,11,(b)Categorization,effects,(i)Non-social categorization,(ii)Social categorization,12,(i)Non-social categorization,Categorization
6、of non-social stimuli as a cognitive tool to achieve mental efficiency,13,14,Whats wrong with the poker?,15,(ii),Social,categorization(of persons),When,persons,are categorized,the cognitive effects of categorization are motivationally directed,resulting in,-ingroup favouritism,and,-perceived outgrou
7、p homogeneity,16,When will you forgive others?,Wohl&Branscombe(2005),Experiment 1/2/4,Participants:Jewish,Conditions:,Social identity(holocaust was framed as German-Jewish intergroup events),Human identity(holocaust was framed as event reflecting something more general about human behavior),17,Exper
8、iment 3,Participants:native Canadians,Conditions:,For both conditions:participants were first asked to reflect on their views concerning the treatment of natives in Canadian history.The treatment of natives Canadians was described to all participants as demonstrating how human has behaved aggressive
9、ly toward other humans.,For social identity:participants were requested to check a box indicating whether they were native or non-native in origin.,18,Results,19,Perceived outgroup homogeneity,Overestimation of the extent to which outgroup members are similar to each other,Function:facilitates stere
10、otyping others,20,(c)Explanation based on moods and emotions,People in positive moods view others,favorably,and rely more on stereotypes,People in negative moods view others negatively and are motivated to go beyond stereotypes to understand,them,but,in,less,favorable,ways.,21,Feelings and stereotyp
12、oal-based interventions,:,Because,prejudice,stereotypes and discrimination serve useful functions(goals),interventions must take these functions and their causes into account,23,Goal based intervention,The,person,The,situation,The,G,oal,Intervention,:,change,person,(change,persons,view,that,some,gro
14、al,(create,conditions,in,which,cooperation,with,other,group,will,be,more,effective,way,of,gaining,in,g,roup,resources,),Prejudice,stereotyping,or,discrimination,24,Intergroup contact,Intergroup contact:,Contact,alone is not effective,but requires the following conditions,-person-to-person contact,-o
15、n an equal status footing,-,supported by local norms and the,surrounding,community,-working towards a common goal that,neither groups can achieve,on their own,-with rewarding outcomes for both groups,25,Social neuroscience contributions,(1)Race-based shooter bias:,Video game stimuli:black or white m
16、en carrying a gun or a cell phone.,Task:make quick shoot/,dont,shoot decisions,Results:American whites more often and more quickly(1)shot black than white,armed,targets,and(2)not shot white than black,unarmed,targets,Explanations:black people are threatening vs.black people make white participants l
17、ess able/willing to control and inhibit their initial stereotype-based inclination to shoot,How to test between the threat-detection and cognitive control explanations?,26,Correll et al.(2006),Threatening,images activate an ERP(Event-related brain Potential)component called P200.,Attempts,to control
18、 initial inclinations activate N200.,P200,and N200 activations support both explanations.,27,(2)Emotion and cognition in intergroup contexts,fMRI findings:,amygdala,processing emotional events,regions in the frontal cortex controlling and regulating thoughts,feelings and actions,Cunningham et al.(20
19、04),American whites were scanned while viewing white and black faces presented for either 30 ms(impossible to detect faces consciously)or 525 ms(long enough to detect and consciously reflect on the faces),30 ms condition:amygdala activation was greater for black than white faces,525 ms condition:the above amygdala difference disappears;frontal cortex showed greater activation for black than for white faces.,Implications:automatic negative associations to outgroup members emerge quickly,but may be modulated by controlled,conscious cognitive processes.,28,29,