1、,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,cell phone,topic,Is it necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school?,Thinking,Do you really need cell phones so much?,Do you think it cool for a student to have a cell phone?,Can you con
2、trol yourself not to spend too much time and money on it?,Has your cell phone ever rung in class?What happened?,Do you really have money to pay for the calls?,Does your cell phone play an important part in your life?If it does,please give us some examples.,Please write a summary of our discussion!,w
3、riting,How many paragraphs does your writing have?,outline,1,.Cell phones We had a discussion about,(introduction),Some think (agreement),3.Others think(disagreement),4.Conclusion,(your opinions about it),different ideas,beginning,We had a discussion about/on whether it is to,To express agreement,Th
4、e majority of students think,Most students think it is to,Some students think it isto,To express disagreement,Some other students think,Others have different ideas.,Others do not agree.,To move to the next major point,Whats more,besides,in addition,furthermore,(whats worse),To contrast a point,On th
5、e other hand,on the contrary,however,Composition pattern,(1)_ had a discussion about whether_.Opinions are divided on this issue.,(2)_ of the students think_ should _.(3)_.(4)Whats more,_.,(4)On the other hand,_ of the students think _ shouldnt _.(5)_(6)Whats worse,_.,(7)In my opinion,_.,In short,_
6、have not arrived at any agreement yet.,Writing Sample,Cell phones have become increasingly popular in China these days.Whenever you go,you can see people using cell phones.Many college students,even middle students have cell phones.Today we had a discussion about whether it is necessary for middle s
7、chool students to carry mobile phones to school.,The majority of the students think,that it is more convenient for them to keep in touch with their parents and classmates if they have a cell phone.And,whats more,its a fashion.,However,some other students think that,middle school students are not old
8、 enough to control themselves.It is a waste of time and money for students to play games and send messages to each other by mobile phones.And if it rings in class,it will disturb teachers and students.,In my opinion,following the fashion is understandable.But as middle school students,we should put
9、all our heart into our studies,全本小说全本小说,hoq473egk,方法挣点钱就没法养家糊口了。目前呀只要有钱,让我背死人也干!”诚实人说话就是这么实在。王希维一边说话,一边拿竹竿使劲搅动起来,污泥让他这么一搅动,恶臭味更浓烈了,几乎令人作呕。就在这时,五六个职员抬来一根粗重旳铁杠走过来了。刁一德叫嚷道:“怎么这么臭,!,像茅厕,他妈旳我都要吐了。”刁一德是花开啤酒单位旳正式工,他高高旳个子,人长得肥肥胖胖旳,快乐时头总是昂着,像个长颈鹿一样;不快乐时,又像丧家犬一样,灰溜溜旳,他长着一副扇风耳,嘴唇发白,一双乌溜溜旳眼睛总好像在寻找着什么一样,眼睛提溜提溜转个