1、,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,I 撰写科技论文前的准备工作,了解科技期刊本身的情况,性质、内容、栏目、投稿须知等,了解读者怎样阅读科技文章,标题、关键词、摘要、作者,了解CAU本科生毕业论文写作要求,1,Contents of a report,Organisation,Title page,The summary,The induction,The main body of the
2、text,The conclusion,Reference,appendices,2,Organisation,Technical and business reports are normally divided into a series of sections which have distinct and well recognised functions.These sections,in order of presentation,are the summary,introduction,main body of the work and the conclusion.They m
3、ay be followed by a list of references and appendices.The functions of each of these sections are described below.,3,标题/题目要求,简洁、准确、信息丰富,无废话,最重要的词组在先,描述/疑问/陈述,6,标题/题目结构,名词短语最常见先确定中心词,再进行前后修饰词序不当,表达不准确,Detection of splenomegaly in poultry carcasses by UV and color imaging,Resistance of soy beans to co
4、mpression,Dehydration characteristics of Kastamonu garlic slices,7,标题/题目字数,在准确反映论文特定内容的前提下,字数越少越好。,美国医学会规定题目不超过2行,每行不超过42个印刷字符,英国数学学会要求题目不超过12个词,8,标题/题目,冠词因趋向简洁,冠词可用可不用时,均不用。,书写方法,全部大写,实词首字母大写,虚词小写,第一个词的首字母大写,其余全部小写,副标题英文期刊常用,9,The summary,The purpose of summary is to give a very brief outline on wh
5、at the rest of the report says for people who do not want to read the whole report(busy bosses),or who want to know what is in the report before reading it.The acid test is whether the content of report is clear to someone who reads only the summary.The summary should,therefore,contain such informat
6、ion(from the introduction,conclusion and main text)that is needed to fully comprehend the contents.,10,The summary should be:,Written after the rest of the report;,Presented at the start of the report;,Factual&concise,but written in proper English.,The summary should not be:a re-statement of the con
11、究内容、描述结果、得出结论、提出建议或讨论等。涉及公认事实、自然规律、永恒真理等。,一般过去时:用于表述过去某一时刻(时段)的发现,某一研究过程(实验、观察、调查、医疗等过程),23,英文摘要的时态,例如:,This study(investigation)is(conducted,undertaken)to,The result shows(reveals),it is found that,The conclusion are,The author suggests,24,英文摘要的语态,采用何种语态,既要考虑摘要的特点,又要满足表达的需要。一篇摘要很短,尽量不要随便混用,更不要在一个句子
12、里混用。,以前强调多用被动语态,理由是科技论文主要是说明事实经过,至于哪件事是谁做的,无须一一说明。事实上,为强调动作承受者,还是采用被动语态为好。,现在也有主张摘要中谓语动词尽量采用主动语态的越来越多,因其有助于文字清晰、简洁及表达有力。,It is recommended thatNOT:I recommend that,25,英文摘要的人称,倾向于采用简洁的被动语态或原形动词开头。例如:,To describe,To study,To investigate,To assess,To determine,行文时最好不用第一人称,26,其它注意事项,漏用冠词,要区分,a,和,an,的用法;
13、,数词:避免使用阿拉伯数字作词首;,名词单、复数,特别是不易辨认的词,例如:,criterion/criteria,(标准);,尽量使用短句,因为长句容易造成语义不清;要避免单调和重复。,27,如何撰写英文摘要,细心阅读原文,边阅读原文,边做简单笔记,用自己的句子简明写出全文主要意思不要掺杂个人意见,修改以确保适当、准确,所列事实或论点的次序应与原文完全一致,重新读一遍,再将字数缩减一半,28,如何缩短摘要将从句改为短语,原句:If you take the steak from the freezer now,it will be thawed out in time for dinner.
14、,改为:Taking the steak from the freezer now will make it thaw by dinnertime.,原句:When he finally reached the restaurant he found that his friend had already arrived.,改为:At the restaurant he found his friend waiting.,29,如何缩短摘要用单字代替子句和短语,原句:My friend who is a native of Brazil is coming for a visit.,改为:My
15、 Brazilian friend is coming for a visit.,原句:After he has graduated,he will go into the army.,改为:After graduation,he will go into the army.,30,Words and sentences,Some helpful rules,Never use two words when one word will do,Never use a big word when a small one will do,Never use a long sentence when
16、a short one will do,31,How to improve your style,Remember everyone can improve his or her working skills,often through hard work,constructive feedback and practice.Below are some key tips for improving your style:,32,Always check your work,Before you hand in any work,be it an assignment or an exam s
17、cript,check it for:,Errors in accuracy such as spelling,punctuation etc.,Readability and flow(section numbers etc),Clarity of structure,33,Work with a rough draft,Complete a rough draft and leave for a few days then re-read it or ask a friend to read it and make comments.This gives you time to refle
18、ct on your report,34,Avoid jargon,Keep it clear and straightforward,A good style is one which is clear and concise so the reader can easily follow your argument/analysis,Avoid plagiarism,You know the penalties,35,关键词(Keyword),是科技论文的文献检索标识,是表达文献主题概念的自然语言词汇,是从其题目、层次标题和正文中选出来的能反映论文主题概念的词或词组。,36,关键词(Keyword)分类,叙词(正式主题词):词或词组,已收入汉语主题词表(叙词表),可用于标引文献主题概念,经过规范化,自然语言:词或词组,直接从文章的标题、摘要、层次标题或文章其他内容抽出来的,能反映该文主题概念,37,关键词(Keyword),是科技论文的文献检索标识,是表达文献主题概念的自然语言词汇,是从其题目、层次标题和正文中选出来的能反映论文主题概念的词或词组。,38,