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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Jack _ a shower when his mother rang him up.AtakesBhas takenCis takingDwas taking2、Do you do any sports now?Yes, all of us exercise

2、at_least_hour a day in and outside school.Athe; aBa; anC/; aD/; an3、 I cant believe Jim got first in the competition. As you know, God helps those who help _.Ayourself Bhimself Cyourselves Dthemselves4、I think we have no _ but to wait.Acourage BdecisionCchoice Dsuggestion5、Tony is a quiet student,_

3、he is active in class.AsoBandCbut6、- Tom, I am still not sure .- Why not? No one sings better than you in our class.Ahow I will prepare for the singing competitionBthat I can go to join in the competition.Cwhether I should take part in the competitionDwho I can ask for more information about the com

4、petition.7、Our government has tried many ways to_ the smog(雾霾) problem. Maybe well have a clear sky in the near future.Aput away Bwork out Ccome up Dclean up8、Milk quickly goes bad _ it is put into the fridge.AifBunlessCwhetherDuntil9、Do you know when we _ our first simulate (模拟) exam?Sorry, I have

5、no idea. But when I _ the news, I will let you know.Awill have, getBhave, will getCwill have, am getting10、Do you want to be healthy? _. Smiling can help you stay healthy.ASmilesBSmilingCTo smileDSmile. 完形填空11、Time is a very valuable thing. However, most of us dont 1 it until its too late. When we a

6、re young, we feel that we will never run out of time. We dont count the seconds, minutes, and hours of the day because we know that 2 will bring more. We have so much time that we feel we can easily 3 to waste some of it. Think of the common English 4 ,wasting time. filling in time” or even killing

7、time We have 5 respect for time. It is only when we get 6 that we begin to realize that time is a precious treasure. 7 we might find that we havent invested(投资)our time well. We discover that we 8 have enough time to do things we want. Just as adults need to spend their money on 9 things like taxes

8、(税款) and bills, they also have to spend their time doing things that they might not really want to do - things that really make time boring. The only way to get the most of the time we have is to live for today, and never delay(拖延) till next day. As the idiom(习话) 10 , Delay is the thief of time, And

9、 you dont want anyone to steal your time, do you?1AremindBrealizeCreviewDresearch2AtomorrowBsuccessCabilityDknowledge3AagreeBavoidCaffordDadvise4AexpressionsBinstructionsCsuggestionsDintroductions5AfewBlittleCa fewDa little6AolderBstrongerCelderDhigher7ASimplyBSpeciallyCSuddenlyDSeriously8Aat timesB

10、any moreCat leastDno longer9AunexpectedBunpleasantCunforgettableDunbelievable10AwritesBtellsCreadsDsays. 语法填空12、Lei Feng Day is on March 5. More than fifty years ago, Chairman Mao called on people to “learn from Lei Feng”. Is the spirit of Lei Feng out of the date(过时) now? Some people show us that i

11、t 1 (not be) outdated yet? Here is a true story about the spirit.After the 2014 college entrance examination, Xing Sirui ,a 17-year-old girl from Dongying, waited for the result. On June 24, while she 2 (walk) along the Qingfeng lake, she suddenly heard someone 3 (cry) for help. She stopped hurriedl

12、y and looked around for the voice. After seeing a young woman in the lake,she jumped into the water bravely, 4 (keep) her head above the water and tried to pull her back to the bank. It took her about 45 minutes 5 (finish) the job. At last, the woman 6 (save), but Xing Sirui left quietly without 7 (

13、say) anything. She was praised highly for her behavior and was choosen as the Dongying Finest Girl.In recent years, it is wrongly considered to be old fashion to learn from Lei Feng. Xing Surui risked his life to save a stranger whom she didnt know at all. She sets an example for us Chinese. In fact

14、, some people around us 8 (do) the same things for the society like her. In my opinion, even in modern times, we 9 (help) each other to build a harmonious (和谐的)society and then our country 10 (become) better and better. 阅读理解A13、Jenny didnt know how her school dance team could pay for the travel to F

15、lorida for a national competition. It was difficult enough just to raise money for their dance costumes (服装). What were they going to do? As the team leader, Jenny felt she needed to come up with an idea. .At lunch, Jenny found that a lot of students were throwing empty juice bottles in the rubbish.

16、 She remembered the school had a recycling (回收利用) program a few years ago, but it had ended. Nobody wanted to bring the bags of bottles to the recycling center.Jenny saw a chance. She went to see the headmaster. If members of our team pick up the recyclable bottles every few days, may we use the mon

17、ey we collect at the recycling center for our dance team? asked Jenny.I think thats a great idea, Jenny, said Ms. Weaver. But if another team wants to take over next season, Ill have to give them a chance, too. Jenny agreed that it was fair. She ran to the dance team to give them the good news.Jenny

18、 knew that the money raised from empty bottles might not be enough to get them all the way to Florida, but they were a lot closer. She would find more ways to raise money for the dance team.1Jennys team would go to Florida .Ato raise moneyBto have a trip thereCto take part in a competitionDto buy th

19、eir dance costumes.2If Jenny wanted to collect money by picking up bottles, she needed the support of first.Athe headmaster Bthe dance teamCanother team Dthe recycling center3which of the following is TRUE?AJenny found many ways to raise money.BJenny could collect money at the recycling center.CThe

20、team could not pay for the train tickets to Florida.DJenny collected enough money from the empty bottles.4Whats the best title for this passage?AThe ways to raise money. BThe recycling bottles.CThe dance teams costumes. DA closer dreaming.B14、As a parent, its necessary to know how to best support yo

21、ur child in school. Today well talk about how you can support your child. 1) Your child will be tired. The new school year means a while new schedule(进度表), so with the period may come a bit of fatigue. You should Make sure your child get enough sleep. prepare and pack in the evening for the next day

22、 of school. 2) Your child may feel nervous. Everything is new! Everything is different! You should Talk, talk, talk! Ask about the day and ask how he is feeling. Know your child. Maybe he needs a bit of time after school and wants to talk in the evening, or maybe hes tired in the evening and wants t

23、o chat after school. Find it out an follow! 3) Your child wants to do well. He really does. Remember that no matter what last year looked like, this year is a fresh and new start! You sho uld Make it clear that you want to help him. Celebrate successes! 4) Your child really needs you. No matter what

24、 he says, your child needs you. You should Be there when he needs you. Know what is going on. Know what your child needs for class and get it for him.1What does the underlined word fatigue mean in Chinese ?A疲倦 B亢奋 C尴尬 D孤独2What should parents do if their child feels nervous ?ATell him to get enough s

25、leep. BHave a relaxing chat with Mm.CTell him to be independent. DGet everything ready for him.3What can be the best title for the passage ?ALearn to let go BSchoolchildren are not easyCProblems of schoolchildren D, Ways to support schoolchildren4We can probably find the reading in a (n) magazine.At

26、ravel Bbusiness Ceducation Dsports5Who might be interested in this reading ?AStudents. BParents. CTeachers. DDoctors.C15、“Sometimes you just get a strict teacher. Instead of letting others know that this isnt your favorite class, make an effort to show your teacher you are doing your best.” Jocelyn

27、Howard, 16“Learn to put your activities in order of importance. School comes first, and if you just study as soon as you get home, its OK. You can also relax and play computers or do other things you enjoy. But dont lose yourself in just getting by. Try hard! And dont be afraid to get help from teac

28、hers.” April Madlangbanyan, 17 “If you have trouble getting along with a specific teacher, pray about it. Ask God to help you see that teacher through HIS EYES, not your own. And talk with that teacher. Good communication can strengthen any relationship-even with a hard-to-get-along-with teacher.” L

29、isa Shaw, 21“Being a good student means being organized. Remember to bring all your supplies, everything to each class every day. Make sure that youll never skip (逃) class. And when youre in class, really pay attention! Dont let yourself daydream or write notes to friends. Completing your homework o

30、n time is also important.” Victoria Walsh, 16“When youre having trouble getting along with a certain teacher, stay calm! You may not agree with him or her, but youve got to remember the teacher is the authority (权威) figure. So make sure that youre respectful and open-minded. Ask for a specific time

31、when the two of you can talk. Explain yourself and address (探讨) the problem, not the teacher.” Amanda Baken, 18“Being a good student means studying often, not just cramming (填鸭式的用功) before a test. Identify (识别) your weak areas. For example, maybe you dont have good reading skills or its hard for you

32、 to take notes. Once you identify what your weakness is, ask for help in these specific areas. Be willing to go in early or stay after school to get extra help. Go into the school year knowing that being a good student will require time and effort!” Tiffany Irving, 201According to Lisa Shaw, _if you

33、 have trouble getting along with a specific teacher.Ayou should try to understand himByou should avoid seeing him againCyou should ask God for helpDyou should look on him as God2“Being a good student means being organized.” Victoria Walsh means _.Asleeping all the time in your classBnot finishing yo

34、ur homework on timeCwriting notes to your best friends in your classDbringing all your study things to each class, not escaping from class, listening carefully in class3What does the underlined expression “getting by” most probably mean?AContinuing ones way of life without aim.BWasting ones time.CDo

35、ing opposite things.DHaving gone.4Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?ATiffany Irving advises studying hard before a test.BVictoria Walsh advises completing your homework on time.CAmanda Baken thinks that teachers should respect students.DApril Madlangbanyan thinks that a good stude

36、nt should be the first to come to school.5According to passage, we can infer (推断) that_.Asome students praised their teachersBsome teachers said something about schoolCsome students talked about something about schoolDsome teachers talked about specific studentsD16、Now people who are in different pa

37、rts of the world communicate easier than before. But it is a little hard to understand each other well. Some of them may not understand others words, so its easy to make a few mistakes.For example, an important question about eating out, is who pays for the meal. If a friend of yours suggests you ha

38、ve lunch with him, you might simply say something like this, “Im afraid it will have to be some place inexpensive, as I have very little money.” The other person might say, “OK. I will meet you at McDonalds.” This means it is agreed that the two will go Dutch, that is, each person pays for himself.

39、He might also say, “Oh, no. I want to take you to lunch at Johnsons”, or “ I want you to try the steak(牛排) there. It is great.” This means that the person intends to pay the bill for both of you. If you feel friendly towards this person, there is no reason why you shouldnt accept this invitation. Yo

40、u might simply say, “Thank you. That would be very nice.”根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。1By reading the text, how do you feel about the communication of the world today?APeople who are in different parts can understand each other easier.BPeople who are in different parts can understand each other harder.C

41、It gets harder .DIt gets easier.2According to the article, who will pay for the meal in western countries?AAll the people who have the meal will pay the bill together.BOne of the people who have the meal will pay the bill.CSometimes each person pays for himself.DIn the western countries people never

42、 pay the bill for other people.3If you get along well with this person, _ refuse the persons invitation.Ayoull have no reason toByoull have a few reasons toCyou can take it load off toDyou cant go to4If you accept your friends invitation , you should _.Asay nothing about it. Bthank him/her greatlyCs

43、ay “ thank you” simply Dinvite him/her next time5Whats the best title of the article?AWhat to Eat in the western countriesBThe manners of eating in the western countriesCWho pays for A DateDThe relationship of the personsE17、A Survey of Group MembersNameAgeFavorite subjectHobbyMary14sciencesingingJo

44、hn15historyswimmingSusan15physicstennis1_ likes to play tennis.AMaryBJohnCSusan2What can we learn from the survey?AMary likes science best.BJohn likes to sing in his free time.CThe three members are the same age.F18、Wang Ling, a middle school girl, felt angry with her parents after getting a boys phone call.“A classmate called me to discuss homework.We talked_just a few minutes bef

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