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1、idiom 英语习语源远流长,有很强的表现力和民族色彩。其来源与其悠久的历史、宗教的信仰和独特的文化紧密相连。1.Concept of idioms 习语,又称熟语,就其广义而言,还包括成语、谚语、俚语等。习语语言精练、寓意深刻、形象逼真、生动活泼、易懂易记,是语言中的精华,也是重要的修辞手段。它涉及生活的各个方面,包括历史、地理、经济、文化、宗教、风俗、习惯等。明显的反应了民族的文化、人民的智慧和语言的特色。2.The origin of English idioms goes back to ancient times.It has strong expressiveness and vi

2、vid national character.And it has a close connection with the long history,religion,and unique culture of Britain.The article studies the Relationship between the origin of English idioms and culture by listing the examples.3.Some examples Food Animal Part of the body colour4.Idiom about food Many A

3、merican believed you are what you eat.A good diet is important for good health.So it is not surprising that Americans still use idioms about the animals.5.there is no use crying over spilled milk.That means you should not get angry when something bad happens and cannot be changed.one mans meat is an

4、other mans poison.In other words,one person might like something very much while another person might hate the same thing.6.sb bring home the bacon(腌肉).That means someone makes enough money to support family.butter someone up be extra nice to someone(usually for selfish reasons)7.bad egg a person wh

5、o is often in trouble I dont want my little brother hanging around with the bad eggs on the street.carrot top person with red or orange hair Simon is the first carrot top Ive ever gone out with.cup of tea something you enjoyOpera isnt exactly my cup of tea.full of beans have a lot of(silly)energy Th

6、e kids were full of beans after the circus.8.Idiom about animals You can lead a horse to water,but you cannot make him drink.That means you can give someone advice but you cannot force him to do something he does not want to do.in the dog house in trouble with another person 9.monkeyshines meaning t

7、ricks or foolish acts.holy mackerel(青花鱼)!If you want to express a feeling of surprise,you might cry(a)little bird told me I heard something(usually secretive or unknown)from someone(not named)10.Idiom about Parts of the body There are many American expressions that use parts of the body.These includ

8、e the eyes,ears,nose,mouth and even the heart.Today we will tell you some expressions about them.11.have ones head in the clouds 心不在焉 be unaware or unrealistic about something.keep an eye on 照看 take care of,watch in order to protect.stick your neck out 危险处境 help someone a lot,with possible bad conse

9、quences for oneself 12.break a leggood-luckTodays the big game,eh?Break a leg!cold feet nervous just before a big event My sister didnt get cold feet until she put her wedding gown on.cost an arm and a leg be very expensive These cakes are delicious,but they cost an arm and a leg.cry your heart out

10、cry very hard I cried my heart out when my best friend moved away.13.Idiom about colourroll out the red carpet treat someone like royalty grass is always greener on the other side you always want what you dont have grey area,gray area something without a clear rule or answer 14.black and blue bruise

11、d and beaten We found the poor guy black and blue near the train tracks.golden opportunity the perfect chance The models conference was a golden opportunity for me to sell my beauty products.tickled pink very pleased and appreciative My mom was tickled pink when my father brought roses home for her.15.商务10216.

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