1、肺转移瘤(Metastatic tumors of the lung)l肺是转移瘤的好发脏器,大量尸检结果显示,有2054胸外恶性肿瘤的病人发生肺转移。肺转移的途径可以是血行播散、淋巴道转移或邻近器官直接侵犯。以绒毛膜癌、乳腺癌多见,恶性软组织肿瘤、肝癌、骨肉瘤和胰腺癌次之;还有甲状腺癌、肾癌、前列腺癌和肾胚胎癌等。l肺转移瘤以血行转移最为常见,血行转移为肿瘤细胞经腔静脉回流到右心而转移到肺。瘤栓到达肺小动脉及毛细血管后,可浸润并穿过血管壁,在周围间质及肺泡内生长,形成肺转移瘤。淋巴道转移多由血行转移至肺小动脉及毛细血管床,继而穿过血管壁侵入支气管血管周围淋巴结,癌瘤在淋巴管内增殖,形成多发的
3、节灶,边缘多清楚、密度均匀,以两肺中下野、外周常见,67%见于胸膜下,25%发生在肺野外1/3。较大的病灶可达10cm以上,较小的病灶为粟粒结节病灶,小结节及粟粒病灶多见于甲状腺癌、肝癌、胰腺癌及绒毛膜上皮癌转移;多发及单发的较大结节及肿块多见于肾癌、结肠癌、黑色素瘤、骨肉瘤及精原细胞瘤等的转移。l粟粒样肺转移:DMLD(diffuse micronodular lung disease),each nodule being 3mm in diameter and occupying more than two-thirds of lung volume on chest radiograph
4、,can be differentiated by its distribution.Centrilobular distribution is seen in DPB(diffuse panbronchiolitis),infectious bronchiolitis,H.influenza,bronchogenic disseminated tuberculosis,pneumoconiosis,primary lymphoma,and foreign body-induced necrotizing vasculitis.Perilymphatic distribution is not
5、ed in pneumoconiosis,sarcoidosis,amyloidosis.Random distribution is found in miliary tuberculosis and pulmonary metastasis.The nodules in pulmonary metastatic disease appeared to be slightly larger and are more variable in size than those in miliary tuberculosis.They show relatively well defined mar
6、gins.Miliary metastases are most likely to be due to thyroid,renal carcinoma,bone sarcoma,trophoblastic disease,or melanoma.l2.淋巴道转移:淋巴转移以癌性淋巴管炎及淋巴结肿大为特征。多见于胃癌和乳腺癌。HRCT是诊断淋巴道转移的重要方法,当胸片正常时,HRCT间有典型表现。表现为支气管血管束增粗,并有结节,小叶间隔呈串珠状改变或增粗,小叶中心有结节灶,并有胸膜下结节。可并有肺门淋巴结增大,以单侧为主 l3.肿瘤直接侵犯:肿瘤直接侵犯:纵隔、胸膜和胸壁的恶性肿瘤直接蔓延到
8、、支气管内膜转移、单发转移、瘤内血管扩张、灭活性转肿瘤栓塞、支气管内膜转移、单发转移、瘤内血管扩张、灭活性转肿瘤栓塞、支气管内膜转移、单发转移、瘤内血管扩张、灭活性转移瘤移瘤移瘤移瘤(sterilized metastases)(sterilized metastases)、良性肿瘤肺转移。、良性肿瘤肺转移。、良性肿瘤肺转移。、良性肿瘤肺转移。l一、空洞一、空洞 空洞较少见,仅占4%,较原发肺癌发生率(9)低,其中70%为鳞癌转移。但最近有研究表明,在CT上腺癌和鳞癌发生空洞性转移的几率无显著性差异。此外,转移性肉瘤也可发生空洞,同时合并气胸。化疗也可导致空洞形成。空洞的发生机制常难确定,一般
9、认为是肿瘤坏死或向支气管内侵犯形成活瓣所致。空洞以不规则厚壁多见,肉瘤或腺癌的肺转移可为薄壁空洞。肉瘤转移可伴有空洞,但常合并有气胸 lChest CT scans show a spiculated mass in the apex of the left lung with multiple small nodular lesions in both lungs.Some of the nodules appear as cavitary or ring-like lesions.Discussion Cavitation of metastatic nodules is not as c
10、ommon as with primary lung carcinoma.The frequency of it is 4%,in contrast to 9%of primary lung carcinomas.Among metastatic nodules associated with cavitation,70%are metastatic squamous cell carcinoma.The head and neck in males and the genitalia in females are the most common primary organ sites.Cav
11、itation is observed rarely in metastatic adenocarcinoma,particularly that from colon cancer.Metastatic sarcoma can also be accompanied by cavitation,and pneumothorax is a relatively frequent complication.Chemotherapy is known to induce cavitation in metastatic pulmonary nodules.l二、钙化二、钙化肺结节发生钙化常提示为良
13、ner肉芽肿、伴咯血的结核瘤、细支气管肺泡癌和淋巴瘤等。胸片上表现为边缘不规则的多发结节。血管肉瘤和绒癌的肺转移最易发生出血,可能因为新生血管壁脆弱而易破裂。lHemorrahgic Metastasis from Choriocarcinoma(绒毛膜癌)Radiologic FindingsChest radiograph shows multiple,ill-defined nodular opacities in both lungs.HRCT scan shows multiple,ill-defined nodules with halo of ground glass atten
14、uation in the periphery zones of both lungs.Diagnosis was made based on clinical history of choriocarcinoma and radiologic findings.Serum HCG level was as high as 59,100 IU/ml.Brief Review The incidence of pulmonary metastases varies with the primary tumor and the stage of the disease.In autopsy ser
15、ies the most common sources of metastases to the lungs include tumors of breast,colon,kidney,uterus,prostate,head,and neck.Tumors such as choriocarcinoma,osteosarcoma,Ewings sarcoma,testicular tumors,melanoma and thyroid carcinoma have a high incidence of pulmonary metastases,but because they are no
16、t as prevalent in the population,lung deposits from these tumors are encountered less frequently.Hematogenous metastases usually result in multiple,large,well-defined nodules and tend to involve mainly the lower lung zones and frequently have a peripheral distribution.On occasion,if the metastases h
17、ave bled into the surrounding lung,they show ill-defined edges.The reported incidence of pulmonary metastasis of choriocarcinoma has ranged from 5.1-67%.The pattern of thoracic metastasis from choriocarcinoma is variable,including pulmonary nodules with surrounding hemorrhage,miliary nodules,nodule
18、or masses with arteriovenous aneurysm formation,and pulmonary or pleural metastasis with spontaneous hemothorax.l四、自发性气胸 少见,文献报道骨肉瘤的肺转移最易并发气胸,见于57的病例。其他肉瘤或易发生坏死的恶性肿瘤发生气胸也有报道。发生机制可能是胸膜下转移瘤发生坏死形成支气管胸膜瘘所致。骨肉瘤病人发生气胸时应高度警惕肺转移。五、含气间隙病变 腺癌的肺内转移可以类似细支气管肺泡癌,沿完整的肺泡壁向肺内蔓延。放射学表现类似肺炎,可表现为含气间隙结节、伴含气支气管征的实变、局灶或弥漫的
20、串珠样改变,并可见肺梗死所致的以胸膜为基底的楔形实变影。CT和肺动脉造影能发现主、叶或段肺动脉内的较大瘤栓。原发瘤常见于肝癌、乳腺癌、肾癌、胃癌、前列腺癌及绒癌。l七、支气管内膜转移七、支气管内膜转移 发生率低,肉眼可见的大气道内转移仅见于2的病例。原发瘤常为肾癌、乳腺癌和结肠直肠癌。多表现为肺叶或一侧性肺不张,CT上可能见到圆形支气管内膜转移灶,但难与原发支气管癌相鉴别。支气管内膜转移的途径有:通过吸人肿瘤细胞、淋巴或血行直接播散转移至支气管壁。淋巴结或肺实质内的肿瘤细胞沿支气管树生长,并突破支气管壁形成腔内病变。l八、单发转移八、单发转移 无恶性肿瘤史的病人单发肺转移的发生率低(0490)
21、。有胸外恶性肿瘤史的病人发生单发肺结节时2546为转移瘤。其中有头颈部、膀胱、乳腺、宫颈、胆管、食管、卵巢、前列腺及胃癌瘤史的病人发生原发肺癌的几率远多于单发转移性病变;而黑色素瘤、肉瘤和睾丸癌发生单发肺转移较原发肺癌多见。lWhen a solitary nodule is detected in a known case of malignancy,the possibility of its being a metastasis is 25%1.Usually metastatic pulmonary nodules are well-circumscribed with smooth
22、margin.Because tumor cells hematogeneously transferred to the lung proliferate into the perivascular interstitium,they appear interstitial lesions having clear,smooth margins.However metastatic tumors can actually grow out the vessels into the adjacent interstitium and alveolar air-space and then pr
23、oliferate,destroying the lung parenchyma.Metastatic nodules with irregular margins can the expected to be relatively common.In one study regarding CT of pulmonary metastasis with pathologic correlation 2,well defined,smooth margins on HRCT corresponded histopathologically to an expanding type and to
24、 an alveolar space-filling type;those with poorly defined margins,to an alveolar cell type,and those with irregular margins,to an interstitial proliferating type.A solitary metastatic nodule with irregular margin may be difficult to differentiate from a primary lung cancer.Actually development of a
25、solitary pulmonary nodule in patients previously treated for breast cancer may represent something other than recurrent disease.Casey et al 3 found that 52%of breast cancer patients presenting with a solitary pulmonary nodule had primary lung cancer,43%proved to have metastatic breast cancer,and 5%p
26、roved to have benign lesions.Histologic confirmation is necessary for appropriate staging and treatment.l九、瘤内血管扩张九、瘤内血管扩张增强CT上转移性肺结节内有时可见到扩张、扭曲的管状强化结构,为肿瘤血管,常见于肉瘤如蜂窝状软部肉瘤(alveolar softpart sarcoma)或平滑肌肉瘤。l十、灭活性转移瘤十、灭活性转移瘤有些转移性肺结节经充分化疗后大小不变或轻微变小,手术切除后发现为坏死性结节伴或不伴纤维化,没有存活的肿瘤细胞,称为灭活性转移瘤,常见于绒癌、睾丸癌转移化疗后。
27、这类结节在放射学上难以与残存的有生命力的肿瘤相鉴别。生物学标志物如人绒毛膜促性腺激素(pHCG)、甲胎蛋白(AFP)的检测有助于确定其活性。PET检查结节的生物学活性也有助于鉴别诊断,必要时可行穿刺活检。l十一、良性肿瘤肺转移十一、良性肿瘤肺转移肺外良性肿瘤发生肺内转移罕见,在组织学上仍为良性。常来源于子宫平滑肌瘤、葡萄胎、骨巨细胞瘤、成软骨细胞瘤、唾液腺多形性腺瘤和脑膜瘤,在放射学上难与恶性肿瘤肺转移相区分。与恶性肿瘤相比,良性肿瘤的转移性肺结节常常生长缓慢。lBenign Metastasizing Pulmonary LeiomyomaRadiologic FindingsInitial
28、 chest radiograph showed multiple variable sized nodular lesions on both lung fields,which have not been noted 6 months ago when vaginal myoma operation was performed.On CT,multiple nodular masses on both lung parenchyma with smooth or spiculated margin with close association with vascular structure
29、 and subpleural location.Percutaneous cutting needle biopsy of left lower lung nodule revealed characteristic findings of leiomyoma showing spindle cells,which was confirmed by immunohistochemical stain.Brief Review It is quite uncommon that histologically benign leiomyomas of the uterus are associa
30、ted with independent extrauterine leiomyomas.Common sites of metastasis include the lung and pelvic lymph nodes.This disease is characterized by a less aggressive course than leiomyosarcoma,especially in postmenopausal patients.Typical manifestation of this disease is asymptomatic,middle-aged women
31、showing multiple nodules in the lung,who have had a history of previous hysterectomy for uterine leiomyoma.Although typical appearance of this disease is multiple parenchymal nodules,a pedunculated leiomyoma with cystic dilated glands,large cyst formation or a giant cyst with multiple nodules have a
32、lso been reported.The primary source for the pulmonary metastasis is the uterus in women,while primary lesions in man include the saphnous vein,diaphragm and soft tissue.There is a controversy regarding the pathogenesis of uterine leiomyomas and related extrauterine leiomyomatous tumors.Some authors
33、 suggest that such conditions are multicentric benign leiomyomatous growths,rather than embolic metastases from benign uterine leiomyomas by way of blood and lymphatic vessels.There are several reports about uterine and other smooth muscle neoplasms co-occurring in various organs such as lung parenc
34、hyma,cardiac,intracaval and regional lymph nodes.lMetastatic Choriocarcinoma Findings Chest radiograph shows multiple ill-defined nodules and masses associated with patch increased opacities in both lungs with predominant distribution in lower lung zones.CT scans reveal multiple nodules and masses w
35、ith/without sorrounding ground-glass opacities in both lungs.Discussion The lung is the most common site of metastasis in patients with choriocarcinoma,in which blood borne metastasis often develops early because of the affinity of trophoblast for blood vessels and the majority of metastases go to t
36、he lungs(75%).The major form of pulmonary involvement is invariably hematogenous and is usually manifested roentgenographically by multiple parenchymal nodules,and miliary or“snowstorm”opacities.Hemorrhage about the periphery of the metastatic nodules can be seen in choriocarcinoma resulting ill-def
37、ined margin.Intratumoral hemorrhage is also developed.In this case,necrotic tumor tissue and blood occupy the central portions of pulmonary metastatic nodules.Less often,tumor embolization occurs when tumor invades the systemic veins and proceeds to the right side of the heart and pulmonary arteries
38、.This entity is distinct from hematogenous dissemination in that there is no proliferation of metastases within extravascular tissues.The majority of patients with nodular metastases are usually asymptomatic,probably due to the predominantly peripheral distribution of lesions,although dyspnea may de
39、velop and hemoptysis can occur as a result of intrapulmonary hemorrhage.In contrast,tumor embolization may cause symptoms consistent with acute or subacute cor pulmonale or pulmonary infarction.On occasion,hemorrhagic infarction is developed.Calcification has been noted at the site of successfully t
40、reated metastatic choriocarcinoma.l十二、迟发性肺转移瘤l在进行马哥疑难病历讨论时,zhouyisheng主任曾指出:“我们碰到乳腺癌10年才转移的患者”。于是马哥斗胆提出一个“迟发性肺转移瘤”的概念供大家商榷。l大家在临床上可能经常见到一些肺转移瘤,病人到死,医生也未能搞清原发病灶在那里;还有一些患者肺转移瘤在原发肿瘤出现10多年后才出现。为了强调这些情况。俺认为可以根据肺转移瘤出现的时间,分为以下类型:l1.早发性肺转移瘤:原发病灶未发现之前出现的肺转移瘤;l2.即发性肺转移瘤:原发病灶发现3年以内出现的肺转移瘤;l3.晚发性肺转移瘤:原发病灶发现310年
43、8),淋巴结转移也不多,患者主要死亡原因是肿瘤浸润所造成的共发症,如果临床能将宫颈癌的局部处理好,就事半功倍。又如食管癌,肿瘤沿组织间隙向深部侵袭,甚至破坏食管壁向四周蔓延,直接累及临近脏器,导致各种并发症,甚至因此而导致患者死亡。如我们在观例食管癌的尸检中,肿瘤直接累及脏器的有:累及主动脉占522 累及支气管或气管占415,累及肺及纵隔各占244,在41例尸检中,无淋巴结转移者占317。无脏器转移者占634,因此可见,这些非手术治疗的食管癌,肿瘤转移并不广泛,这组病例患者的主要死亡原因是肿瘤局部浸润所造成食管一主动脉展,食管一气(支)气管疾及食管癌穿孔所造成的纵隔障炎等。总之,通过文献报道及