1、现代金融业务英语重点复习11. 以营利为目的的企业profit-seeking businesses2. 和有许多共同特征share many common features with 3. 吸收存款mobilize savings4. 将资金配置到生产部门allocate capital funds to finance productive investment 5. 传导货币政策transmit monetary policy6. 提供结算系统provide a payment system7. 转换风险transform risks 8. 在经济中扮演重要角色play a unique
2、/key role in the economy9. 银行是公众资金的主要汇聚地Banks serves as a principal depository of liquid funds for the public.10. 金融体系的安全与效率the stability and efficiency of the financial system 11. 将吸收的存款转变为生产投资channel savings to productive investment 12. 便于稀缺的金融资源的配置facilitate efficient allocation of scarce financi
3、al resources13. 把货币政策传导给金融体系,直到整个国民经济transmit the impulses of monetary policy to the whole financial system and ultimately to the real economy.14. 不可或缺的国家支付机制indispensable national payment mechanism15. 经过二十多年的改革和对外开放through more than two decades of reform and opening up to the outside world16. 银行部门b
4、anking sector 17. 进入生机勃勃的发展阶段enter a stage of vigorous development18. 过去的几年内,中国的银行改革进程明显加快the past few years have seen a marked acceleration of Chinas banking reform19. 明显的增强significant strengthening20. 央行的监管和宏观调控能力the central banks capacity for maintaining financial stability and macroeconomic mana
5、gement21. 实质性的提高substantial improvement22. 银行业的开放openness of the banking industry23. PBC :the Peoples Bank of China24. 标志着第一阶段的开始mark the beginning of the first phrase25. 是由当时实行的高度集中的计划经济管理体制所决定的be dictated by a highly centralized planned economic system26. 国务院the State Council27. 促进金融机构的多元化promote
6、the diversification of financial institutions28. 中国工商银行the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China29. 中国农业银行the Agriculture Bank of China30. 中国银行the Bank of China31. 中国建设银行the China Constructive Bank 32. 专业银行specialized banks33. 国有商业银行state-owned commercial banks34. 股份制商业银行joint-equity commercial ba
7、nks35. 发展新的金融市场,金融机构和金融工具的迫切需要the urgent need for developing new financial markets, institutions and instruments36. 扭转金融秩序的混乱状况restore financial order37. 抑制通货膨胀和经济过热address the inflationary pressure and signs of overheating38. 房地产市场the real estate sector39. 采取了综合性的一揽子治理措施introduce a comprehensive pa
8、ckage of measures 40. 采取了一系列结构性调整的重大举措a number of important structural measures were taken with particular significance for the banking sector41. 实行人民币汇率并轨,统一外汇市场unification of the Renminbi(RMB) exchange rate and foreign exchange markets 42. 提供法律依据provide a legal basis for sth43. 国际货币基金组织the Interna
9、tional Monetary Fund 44. 经常项目下可兑换current account convertibility45. 正式解除对贸易和劳务的国际支付的限制officially remove the remaining restrictions on international payments for trade and service transactions46. 银行间货币市场the inter-bank money market47. 流动性liquidity48. 间接货币政策工具indirect monetary policy instruments49. 极大地提
10、高了货币政策的效应和宏观调控的有效性greatly improve transmission of monetary policy and effectiveness of macroeconomic management50. 监管资源regulatory resources51. 自律性self-discipline52. 转制阶段a transition period 53. 银行业与证券业,保险业分离the segregation of banking business from securities and insurance business54. 政策性银行policy bank
11、s55. 国家开发银行the State Development Bank56. 中国农业发展银行the Agricultural Development Bank of China57. 中国进出口银行the Export and Import Bank of China58. 有利于政策性业务和商业银行业务的分离facilitate the separation of policy banking from commercial banking operations.59. 给大型基础设施项目建设融资finance major infrastructural projects 60. 促进
12、农业发展和国际贸易与投资promote agricultural development and international trade and investment 61. 中国入世后,银行业迎来了新的发展期Chinas accession to the World Trade organization ushered in a new era of the banking system.62. 随着中国日益融入世界经济,银行业面临着许多前所未有的挑战与机遇。With the Chinese economy integrating into the world economy further
13、, Chinas banking sector is confronted with many unprecedented challenges and opportunities.63. 采取一系列有效措施adopt a number of effective measures 64. 促进银行业稳步发展promote the steady development of banking65. 建立稳健的金融体系develop a sound and robust financial system66. 防范和消除金融风险guard against and dissolve financial
14、 risks67. 清理银行资产负债表clean up the balance-sheets of the banks68. 所有制结构 ownership structure69. 加强公司治理strengthen the corporate governance70. 提高监管能力enhance supervisory capacity71. 多元化而竞争力强的体系a diversified and competitive banking system72. 国有独资商业银行a wholly state-owned commercial bank73. 股份制商业银行joint-equit
15、y commercial banks 74. 农村信用合作社rural cooperative banks75. 非银行金融机构the non-bank financial institutions 76. 信托投资公司trust and investment companies77. 资产管理公司asset management companies78. 证券公司securities firms79. 财务公司finance companies80. 保险公司insurance firms81. 城乡信用合作社urban and rural credit cooperatives82. 宏观
16、经济的稳定和结构调整macroeconomics stabilization and structural improvement 83. 在可以预见的将来in the foreseeable future84. 2006年上半年in the first half of 200685. 资本市场capital market86. 成熟的央行a full-fledged central bank87. 是一个漫长的过程is a lengthy process.88. 法律地位legal status89. 主要职责the key functions90. 制定并执行货币政策formulate a
17、nd implement monetary policy91. 维持金融稳定maintain financial stability92. 管理官方外汇储备manage official international reserve93. 银行间货币市场,银行间债券市场,外汇市场,黄金市场inter-bank money market / inter-bank bond market / foreign exchange market / gold market 94. fiscal agent财政代理95. 财政赤字fiscal deficits96. 中国证监会,中国银监会,中国保监会Chi
18、na Securities Regulatory Commission, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission97. 市场基础设施market infrastructure 98. 贷款最高限额credit ceilings99. 法定准备金比率required reserved ratio100. 利率调整interest rate adjustment101. 公开市场业务open market operation102. 维持强劲的经济增长sustain strong econ
19、omic growth103. 2006年6月底 as of end-June 2006104. 广义货币存量the stock of broad money(M2)105. 狭义货币存量the stock of narrow money(M1)106. 流通中的货币the stock of currency in circulation 107. 银行在中国经济发展中的作用日益提高the role of the banking sector in the Chinese economy has increased dramatically.108. 实行分阶段的改革implement a p
20、hrased reform109. 重组银行的资产负债表restructure the banks balance sheets110. 转换经营机制transform the banks operational mechanisms111. 引入战略投资者invite strategic investors112. 在股票市场上上市list the banks in stock market113. 使之接受资本市场的检验subject the banks to the discipline of the capital market114. 具有国际竞争力的金融机构internationa
21、lly competitive financial institutions115. 已经取得了可喜的进步Remarkable progress has been made in116. 所有制结构的明确the clarification of the ownership structure117. 为打下坚实的基础put in place a basic framework for 118. 董事会,监事会,管理层the boards of directors ,the supervisory boards , the management 119. 资本充足率capital adequac
22、y120. 盈利能力profitability121. 首次公开募股initial public offering122. 新生力量an emerging force123. 商业化运作operate entirely on a commercial basis124. 金融中介机构financial intermediation125. 银行体制的健康the soundness of the banking system126. 不良贷款non-performing loans(NPLs)127. 变得有活力become viable128. 票据note129. 银行机构的多元化diver
23、sification of banking institutions130. 存贷款业务deposit taking and lending business131. 中介服务intermediary services132. 国际结算,银行卡,个人金融服务和金融咨询international settlement , bankcards , personal banking , and financial consulting133. 全能型银行universal banking134. 监管能力supervisory capacity135. 拥有丰富知识的专业人才professionals with sophisticated expertise136. 成为重要的方面has been an important aspect of 137. 管理水平 the quality of regulation138. 信息披露 information disclosure139. 促使国内银行改变成本结构urge the domestic banks to improve their cost structure140. 分支机构和次分支机构branches and sub-branches141. 放贷规模loan portfolio142.