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1、DescriptionDescriptionDescription of Description of Places,Objects Places,Objects and Peopleand PeopleContentsContentsDefinition of descriptionTypes of descriptionWays to develop a description essayDescription of a placeDescription of an objectDescription of a personAssignmentDescriptionDescriptionD

2、escription is the type of writing that helps the reader to see what someone/some place/something is like.Or we may say description is painting a picture in words of a person,place,object,or scene.A description essay is generally developed through sensory details,or the impressions of ones senses-sig

3、ht,hearing,taste,smell,and touch,etc.Leave out the irrelevant ones and keep those which help to bring out the dominant characteristic or outstanding quality of the person or thing described.(sample 1)Types of descriptionTypes of descriptionObjective description-record details without making any pers

4、onal comment.Subjective description-the writer is free to interpret details for the reader/audience.Note:Few descriptions outside of science writing,however,are completely objective.Ways to develop a description essayWays to develop a description essayThrough the impressions of ones senses-sight,hea

5、ring,taste,smell,and touchUsing spatial order:describing the physical layout of the place(leftright,bottom top,clockwise/counterclockwise,insideoutside)Using chronological orderUse specific wordsDecide on the dominant impressionGeneral and Specific Words General and Specific Words for Good Descripti

6、onfor Good DescriptionSpecific words help to make writing clear,exact,vivid,and striking,for they are more informative and expressive than general words.Compare:a good mankind,honest,just,generous,sympathetic,warm-hearted,selfless,brave,honorablegood foodtasty,delicious,nourishing,rich,wholesome,fre

7、sh,appetizing,abundant Housemansion,villa(别墅),chateau(庄园),cottage,bungalow(平房),cabin,hut,shack,shanty,barn(仓房)General and Specific Words General and Specific Words for Good Descriptionfor Good DescriptionPracticeEg.Laugh:smile,grin,chortle,guffaw,sneer,titter,giggleCry:sob,weep,blubber,snivel,howl,b

8、awl,wail,moan,Animal:Flower:Wind:RainTree:Walk:Angry:Look at:General and Specific Words General and Specific Words for Good Descriptionfor Good DescriptionGeneral:It is often windy and dusty here in spring.Specific:In spring there is often a very strong northwest wind.It carries so much fine dust wi

9、th it that sometimes the sun becomes obscure.There is no escape from the fine dust;it gets into your eyes,your ears,your nostrils,and your hair.It goes through the cracks of closed windows and covers your desks and chairs.General and Specific Words General and Specific Words for Good Descriptionfor

10、Good DescriptionGeneral:General:The room was a mess.Specific:Specific:As I walked into the room I could barely find a clean place to step.There were clothes all over the floor,along with papers,books,and possibly what looked like an old,moldy sandwich.The stench was unbearable.General and Specific W

11、ords General and Specific Words for Good Descriptionfor Good DescriptionGeneral:I love the smell of sunshine.Specific:?Your turnCritical Reading on Description of an ObjectCritical Reading on Description of an ObjectRead the following three descriptive paragraphs about the sunshine and give your com

12、ments.1.I Like the Smells of Sun Very MuchI like the smells of sun.It is sweet,which tastes like an ice-cream.It has changeable color,which turns the plain ground become bright and full.It has soft sunshine,which let my body feel warm and comfortable.It has a quiet language,which makes a gentle whis

13、per through my body and tells me what are the secrets of the sun.It has a wonderful power,which reflects the pure and the beautiful things in the world,brightens all the dark things up,and encourages me to overcome all the difficulties in my life.I like the smells of sun very much.By studentComment

14、on Smells of the Sun by StudentComment:The description is very imaginative but too abstract.Try to add more concrete examples to show why you like the smell of sun.2.Smells of the SunI love the sun.I love the suns rays,light and warmth,especially the suns smells.When the sun comes again after the ra

15、in,I can inhale the humid air made by the suns heat.In a sunny garden,the scent of the grass and of plants that carry the smells of the sun waft along in the breeze.I like sunning my bedclothes if it is a nice warm,sunshiny day,then the bedclothes gain an aroma of the sun after their sunbath.I ask m

16、y son,“Can you smell the sun in your bedclothes?”He picks up a corner of his bedclothes,then bends his head close to them and breathes in deeply.He answers,“What a wonderful smell of the sun.”I enjoy the smells of the sun.-By Xe JiaoComment on Smells of the Sun by Xe JiaoComment:Xe Jiao writes of th

17、e suns smells in a short paragraph.She illustrates for us the power of concrete imagery,dialogue,and descriptive words.3.Free TranquilizerVancouvers summer sunshine makes me lazy.I indulge myself under the shade of the maple trees during the summer in Central Park in order to bask in Vancouvers suns

18、hine.Especially when the wind waves the leaves and the sunlight slides through,it feels like velvet patting my body or like a furry cat rubbing me.I like to sit on the bench,which is on the southern shore of the lake.One day,an old Labrador dog sat beside me.Although there were many adults jogging,c

19、hildren giggling,and squirrels chasing around,the old Labrador was as solid as a rock;he closed his eyes and ears and made his daydream without a pause.(To be continued)Free TranquilizerSometimes,when the sunlight stung his nose,he shifted his body one inch to avoid it,and when the flies buzzed arou

20、nd his head,he twitched his muscle or his ear to dispel the greedy flies who shared his sunlight.After absorbing enough energy,he trudged away contentedly.I love to sip this free tranquilizer during the summer in Vancouver.(-Anonymous writer)Comment:An excellent descriptive paragraph about the delig

21、hts to be found at Central Park in Burnaby.Dominant Impression for Good Description Decide on a dominant impression-an overall attitude,mood or feeling about the place you are describing(the hustle and bustle of a market place,a haunted castle,a breathtaking scenery spot)What Is the Dominant Impress

22、ion in the What Is the Dominant Impression in the Following Photos?Following Photos?What Is the Dominant Impression in the What Is the Dominant Impression in the Following Photos?Following Photos?Describing a placeDescribing a placeDescribing a PlaceDescribing a PlacePlaces may be described for thei

23、r own sake,as in essays on visits to famous scenic places,but also for the purpose of revealing the personality and character of a person,or creating a feeling or mood.Eg.A clean and tidy room might show that the occupant is an orderly person.Eg.The howling of a chilly wind,the falling of autumn lea

24、ves,a house standing in solitude on a barren mountain,all help to build up a somber mood and increase the feeling of depression.Practice:What is the dominant impression of this place?Practice:What is the dominant impression of this place?This room was chill,because it seldom had a fire;it was silent

25、,because remote from the nursery and kitchen;solemn,because it was known to be so seldom entered.The house-maid alone came here on Saturdays,to wipe from the mirrors and the furniture a weeks quiet dust:and Mrs.Reed herself,at far intervals,visited it to review the contents of a certain secret drawe

26、r in the wardrobe,where were stored divers parchments(羊皮纸古文稿),her jewel-casket,and a miniature(微型人像画)of her deceased husband.(By Charlotte Bronte)Practice:What is the dominant impression of this place?Possible Key:This description gives the reader a gloomy and lifeless impression and makes one feel

27、chilly and frightened.This place appears to be ghost-haunted.Read P150 on textbook Describing an Describing an objectobjectTips on how to describe an objectTips on how to describe an objectState briefly how you got the object,if this is important.Provide some basic factual information about it(its s

28、ize,shape,texture,color,ect.)Point out its useful features(uses,functions,etc.)Focus on a particular,probably the most important characteristic of the objectState in what way the object is important to youDescribing a Describing a personpersonDescription of a PersonDescription of a PersonIn describi

29、ng a person,the writer should not merely give details of his appearance.He should try to reveal the persons character,thoughts,and feelings,which may be shown in what the person does and says,or in how he behaves to others.It is important to grasp the characteristic features that distinguish him fro

30、m all other people.Those features that he shares with others can be omitted.Peculiarities and idiosyncrasies of a person,if any,should be included in the description,for they usually impress the reader deeply and give life to the person described.Show the person in action-showing a person(indirect d

31、escription)Use anecdotesWays to DescribeWays to Describe a a P PersonersonDescribe his/her appearance Describe his/her languageDescribe his/her behaviorDescribe his/her mannerDescribe his/her psychology Etc.Words Describing a PersonWords Describing a PersonAdjectives to describe a personModest/Decor

32、ous端庄稳重的/Self-effacing谦让的/Easy-going/Quiet/Demure娴静的/Unassuming平易近人的/Soft-spoken/Compatible能谦容的/Amiable 亲切的/Without air/Affable 和蔼的/Good-humored 脾气好的/Obliging 照顾周到的/Considerate考虑周到的/Cordial/Gregarious 合群的/Impartial 公正的Ardent/enthusiastic/zealous 热情的/Erudite 博学的/Versatile/Diligent/Thrifty/frugal 节约的O

33、ptimistic 乐观的Open and above board 正大光明/Calm,cool and collected 镇静沉着/Introverted/ExtrovertedPhysical AppearancePhysical Appearance 描述身材常用的形容词有:tall,small,short,of medium height描述体型的有:fat,thin,slim,big,small,of medium build,strong,obese等.描述相貌的有:beautiful,pretty,good-looking,charming,sweet,handsome,fun

34、ny,ugly,peculiar,rough,ill-looking,homelyPhysical AppearancePhysical Appearance体格(build):fat;thin;slim;skinny;overweight;slight;well-build身高(height):medium height;average height;below average;tall;short;tallish;middle-sized;of medium height;1.78 meters脸型(face):round;thin;long;square A.She has a very

35、 pleasant smile and she always has a twinkle in her eye.B.She was young,with a fair,calm face that showed a certain strength.Physical AppearancePhysical Appearance头发(hair):(1)发型(hair style):straight;curly;pigtails;crew cut平头;baldHer hair is brown and curly.(2)发色(hair color):jet-black 乌黑的;fair 金色的;bl

36、onde 淡黄色的;golden 金黄色的;dyed 染色的;brunette 浅黑色的;mousey 灰褐色的;chestnut 栗色的.She is a beautiful girl with fair hair.The middle-aged man already has double chins and receding hairline.Physical AppearancePhysical Appearance五官:(1)眼睛(eye):deep-set;sunken 凹陷的;bulging/protruding 凸出的;eyelashes;eyebrows.A.His eyes

37、 are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time.他的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜。B.He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.Physical AppearancePhysical Appearance(2)鼻子(nose):long;straight;big;small;flat;hooked.A.He was born a hooked nose.B.His nose is very big,so he doesnt like it.

38、(3)嘴部(mouth):tooth;even;uneven;chinA.When he laughs,we see his even teeth.B.She has a double chin.Physical AppearancePhysical Appearance服饰(dress):smart 潇洒的;scruffy 邋遢的;well-dressed 衣着华丽的;casual 随便的;conservative 不显眼的;elegant 优雅的;fashionable 时髦的;suave 文雅的;untidy 不整洁的.A.He looks casual just wearing a t

39、weed suit.他穿了一件花格子衬衫,看上去很随便。B.She always dress very elegant and tidy.她总是穿着优雅整洁。LanguageLanguageWell-educatedEducatedNot well-educatedIlliterateExample for“not well-educated”One day I found Tony at our meeting place behind the garage.I want to be prentice,he said.Mr.Craw,he said,I like a buy a house.

40、BehaviorBehavior快乐A.He is very happy and sweet.B.They didnt know what to do with themselves for joy.C.He jumped for fun.D.Her face brightened up.满意 A.The result is satisfactory.B.It is difficult to please everybody.C.There is always a smile of contentment on her face.D.She belongs to those who are v

41、ery difficult to satisfy.E.Seeing their task finished gives them a sense of satisfaction.BehaviorBehavior惊讶 A.Im surprised to find you here.B.Its nothing to be surprised about.C.To my surprise,he didnt come yesterday.D.She looked at me in amazement.E.Her appearance fairly took my breath away.F.Every

42、one looked at her in astonishment.悲伤 A.He looks so sad.B.He is no stranger to sorrow.C.His sad story makes her feel pity.D.His wifes disease took away his appetite.E.The news depresses her.BehaviorBehavior愤怒 A.She was burning with anger.B.He easily loses his temper.C.He was in a rage.D.She was red w

43、ith anger.Speak/say/talk/tell/chat/gossip A.Can you child speak yet?B.He said he wanted to go to town.C.I want to talk to you about an urgent matter.D.Tell me what happened.E.They dropped in for a chat last night.F.You shouldnt listen to gossip.Model 1:A talkative personModel 1:A talkative personHe

44、is so talkative that whenever he chooses you as his listener,whether you are willing or not,you cant escape from him without helplessly giving up 2 or 3 hours of your precious time.He is a frequent visitor to others houses.Once he has settled himself comfortably on your sofa,he will remain there roo

45、ted,talking on and on except for a few intervals of filling his tea cup and lighting his cigarettes.He is extremely insensitive to others attitudes;while his victims keep silent,desperately giving him hints to stop,he takes their silence as admiration of his eloquence.He is really a great talker and

46、 able to seize on any chance to begin his constant flow of words whenever he sees you.Model 2 Model 2 P146 summarysummaryStructure:introduction-development-conclusion Factors:dominant impression,point of view,order AssignmentAssignmentWrite a composition describing a person who has had a lasting impact on you,or who you like or admire,or who you dislike

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