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1、 2013.5 1.IntroductionTwo editorsStatusFeaturesWith ChinaThe latest Friendly linkCoversThe end2.Introduction3.The Economist,in chinese,sometimes we call it经济学家,but more time we translate it into经济学人.Because if we talk about 经济学家,it would be taken as the other magazine,which was founded by a batch of

2、 china famous experts and scholars.4.1拥有原创的经济学基础理论的经济学人2中国经济理论期刊名3英国经济期刊名5.The Economist was built in London in 1843 by James Wilson.6.Though we call it magazine,in fact,it was registed as newspaper status at first and it sees itself as newspaper.It still does so now because in addition to offering

3、analysis and opinion,it tries in each issue to cover the main eventsbusiness and politicalof the week.7.According to report,the Economists global circulation is about 1.4 million each issue and most of them are sold to North America.8.Two editors9.James Wilson1805.61860.8a economist and liberal(自由党)

4、.the financial secretary,paymaster general and trade commission vice chairman.the founder of the Economist and the Chartered Bank of India,Australia and China(印度新金山中国汇理银行)which is nowadays Standard Chartered Bank(渣打银行).10.11.12.James Wilson once said:we sincerely believe,free trade and free communic

5、ation spread around the world is moral civilization and any other current media and incomparable 我们真诚地相信,自由贸易和自由通信遍布世界是道德文明和其他任何当前媒体和无可比拟的13.Its founded aim is to participate in a push forward the wisdom and the competition among the hinder our progress of timid ignorance.“参与一场推动前进的智慧与阻碍我们进步的胆怯无知之间的

6、较量”The object of The Economist is to throw white light on the subjects within its range经济学人的目标是照亮它涉及范围之内的题材14.the third editor of the magazinethe true one who makes the Economist carry forward.Walter BagehotHe made the magazine extend to political problems.And nowadays the article on it not only inv

7、olves the current situation,economists,finance but also science,technology and art.the other is.15.Status16.The Economist has been past 169 years since founded in September 1843.At present it not only is the oldest one among big international news magazines,but also is the more popular one among the

8、 world political and economic elites.17.its website is also very popular.18.19.20.The economist article has a guidance function for ones deceased father grind(考研).from 01 to 09 year,there are 8 news from the Economist,3 from Newsweek,2 from the New York times and 2 from the Time.2010:total 4 article

9、s21.Features22.The Economist font color is bright red which symbolizes its style prosaic(朴实无华).23.Objective is the life of the economist magazinemore than a century,the journal still abides the general ideas of James Wilson any arguments and propositions put forward in the article must stand the tes

10、t of the facts.24.All articles in the magazine are not signed.The main reason for anonymity(匿名)is a belief that what is written is more important than who writes it.25.the Economist takes a clear-cut stand:stick to a bipartisan stance(两党立场,即超党派)and be not afraid to offend somebody.26.What does The E

11、conomist believe in?free trade and free marketsSupport free educationfavour gun control and gay marriage.supports legal prostitutionoppose to the death penaltyoppose to work 35 hours a weekbe against minimum standards for wages.27.With China28.Starts from January 28,2012,the Economist has opened up

12、a new column in China,provides more space for articles about Chinaa new column29.before:America,Asia,Europe,the Middle East,Africa and the UK.the articals about China general put in Asia column and each issue is about a piece or two before.the last time specifically set a column for a country was in

13、 1942,for the United States.This column has become the second country column.30.The latest link45.友情链接经济学人网站http:/ appreciation48. end.54.Computer software giant Bill Gates once said,the economist is a magazine I spend most of time reading.55.Reading an economist is better than studying in Beijing Normal university for four years56.So why dont we have a try?57.58.59.

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