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1、Inquiries and Offers(询盘与与报盘)Aims&Requirements inquiryofferdifferencebusiness letter live showTo learn and master how to write a business letter about inquiry and offerTo know about what inquiry isTo know about what offer isTo understand the difference between a firm offer and non-firm offerBusiness

2、Knowledge Steps in Business Negotiation enquiry/inquiryoffer counter-offeracceptanceWhat is inquiry?uAn enquiry is a request for information.uFirst real step in business negotiation.general enquiry(一般/普通询盘)specific enquiry(具体询盘)Enquiry/Inquiry Two categories:A general idea of the commodity price lis

3、t,catalogue,sample and other terms.Ask the other party to make an offer or a quotation if intending to purchase certain products.Enquiry/Inquiry general enquiryspecific enquiryWhat is Offer?uAn offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated.u In an offer,the offerer not only q

4、uotes the price of the goods,but also indicates all necessary terms,such as:the name of commodity,specifications,quality,quantity,price,time of Shipment,terms of Payment,packing,the time of validity,etc.Offer -Also known as quotation offer with engagement/obligation;sell/buy goods at a stated price

5、and within a stated period of time;hold the offerer responsible for the business after it is accepted by the offeree offer without engagement/obligation Non-firm offerFirm offerTypes of offersFour kinds of flexible offer loffer subject to prior sale,offer subject to being unsold.(有权先售报价)loffer subje

6、ct to confirmation.(经确认为有效的报价)loffer on approval.(买方看货后再订的报价)loffer on sale or return.(允许退货的报价)Types of offersCounter-offer Counter-offerExpress regret at inability to accept theofferers offer.State reasons for non-acceptanceMake a counter-offerUrge the offeree to accept the counter-offerThank the offerer for his offer.Acceptance-The last step in business negotiation THANK YOU!THANK YOU!

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