1、航空英语证书考试(PEC)-航空术语定义ATermDefinitionaerodyneA heavier-than-air craft, deriving its lift from motion.aeronautPilot or crew of lighter-than-gas craft.aeroplaneA power driven heavier than air aircraft that derives support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air on its surfaces that remain fixed
2、under given conditions of flight.(Alsoairplane)aerostatA lighter-than-air craft, such as aballoonorairship. Its lift is caused by buoyancy relative to surrounding air.aileronsOn anaircraft, the ailerons are acontrol surfaceusually on the trailing edge of thewings. The ailerons are used to controlrol
3、l. The ailerons are on the outside of the wings and operate oppositely (If one goes up, the other goes down).aircraftA vehicle that can travel through the air.airplaneA powered aircraft that derives its lift from the movement of air over fixed lifting surfaces. (Alsoaeroplane)airshipA lighter-than-a
4、ir craft that can be steered and propelled through the air. (Also dirigible)attitudeTheorientationof anaircraftwith respect to thehorizon.autogyroA rotor-craft with unpowered blades - it requires a separate engine to provide forward motion before lift is developed.aviatorPilot or crew member of an a
5、ircraft.available seat milesAvailable seat miles(ASMs) is a measure of anairlineflights passenger carrying capacity. It is equal to the number of seats onboard an aircraft multiplied by the distance flown in miles. For example, a 100-seat aircraft flying 100 miles would result in 10,000 ASMs. Seats
6、that are not available for sale to revenue-paying passengers (e.g., seats reserved for crew rest, etc.) are excluded from this calculation. The amount of ASMs flown by an airline during a specified period equals the sum of ASMs flown on all flights during the period.aviatrixFemale aviator (Obsolete,
7、 potentially offensive in modern use.)available ton miles(ATMs)Tons multiplied by miles flown. It is an international measure of the capacity available for a carrier. It is also used to measure capacity available for freight carriers.BTermDefinitionballoonAn unpowered lighter-than-air craft.biplaneA
8、n aeroplane with two similar-sized wings (or pairs of wings), exactly or approximately in vertical alignment.blimpNon-rigidairship. Its shape is maintained by internal pressure.breakeven load factorThe load factor necessary for an airline to break even. It is a function of the percent of seats fille
9、d at a particular yield versus the airlines operating costs.CTermDefinitioncamberThe curved upper surface of the wing.control surfaceAny moveable surface on anaircraftwhich controls its motion about one of the three principal axes.Ailerons,elevators, and therudderare examples of control surfaces. In
10、 addition, other type of roll control surfaces are roll spoilers that dump lift on one wing or another (as opposed to ailerons), spoilerons (combined spoiler and aileron), and Flaperon (combined flap and aileron). Other combined controls include the ruddervator (combined elevator and rudder as on th
11、e V tailed Beech Model 35), Elevons combining elevator and ailerons and Flailavators which control pitch & roll as well as flaps in wing trailing edge control surfaces. Other subsidiary controls are pitch, roll, and rudder trim tabs and the adjustable pitch tailplane (the whole tailplane moves to tr
12、im the pitch axis).center of gravity(CG)The point at which the mass of the aircraft is balanced. This changes depending on the loading of the aircraft: fuel, passengers, luggage, etc. Different aircraft have CG limits specified by their manufacturer. If the CG of the aircraft in its current configur
13、ation is outside of the specified limits, the aircraft may be unsafe to fly. For example, if the CG is behind the aft (rear) CG limit, the aircraft will tend tostall.courseThe direction in which the aircraft is moving, not to be confused with theheadingwhich is the direction the aircraft is pointing
14、. The course and heading will usually differ because of crosswinds (seecrab). The course is also different from thetrackwhich is properly the path over the ground that the aircraft has already flown (although course and track are sometimes used synonymously).cost per available seat mile(CASM) The un
15、it operating cost of a carrier, also known as unit cost. The cost, expressed in cents to operate each seat mile offered. Determined by dividing operating costs by ASM (available seat miles).crabA crab is a maneuver used to eliminate the drift of an aircraft caused by wind. The pilot will offset theh
16、eadingof the aircraft from the desiredtrackby a calculated amount, and the aircrafts velocity combined with the wind throughvector additionwill give a net movement in the desired direction.chordThe dimension of a wing parallel to the direction of motion.(Compare with span and thickness.)DTermDefinit
17、iondihedralangleThe angle that anaeroplaneswingsmake relative to the lateral axis (horizontal plane, when on level ground). A larger dihedral angle gives greater roll(lateral) stability at the cost of efficiency. If the wings angle upwards, it is called the dihedral angle. Downward angled wings are
18、said to have an anhedral angle (increasingly referred to as negative dihedral).dirigibleA lighter-than-air craft that can be steered and propelled through the air. From the French worddirigeablemeaningsteerable. (This term is generally considered out-of-date. The modern term isairship.)dry leaseAlea
19、sein which just theaircraftis provided with no crew and maintenance guarantees.ETermDefinitionelevonsOn anaeroplane, elevons are a singlecontrol surfacewhich combines the function of theelevatorsandaileronsin one. They are usually seen ondelta-wingaircraft.elevatorOn anaeroplane, the elevators are a
20、control surfaceusually on the trailing edge of thehorizontal stabilizer. The elevators are used to controlpitch.FTermDefinitionfeatherTo rotate thepitchof thepropellerblades until they are oriented directly into the airflow, providing the least air resistance and no thrust. The propeller is usually
21、feathered when an engine fails.flight levelFlight level is the nominal altitude of an aircraft referenced to a standard pressure datum, as opposed to the real altitude above mean sea level.flapsFlaps (often confused with any of the other moveable surfaces) are used on wings to increase lift and/or i
22、ncrease drag as an aircraft flies progressively slower. Increased lift is usually achieved by increasing the wing area and the camber(shape) of the wing to a lesser extent. Increased drag will arise from increasing the area and camber but the greatest effect is achieved with large changes in camber.
23、GTermDefinitiongliderAn unpowered fixed-wing heavier-than-air craft. (Alsosailplane)glideslopeAn instrument on the ground to allow an instrumental landing.HTermDefinitionheadingThe direction in which anaircraftis pointing, measured clockwise in degrees from North. Note that this is not necessarily t
24、he same as the aircraftstrackbecause of wind.helicopterA rotor craft with one or more sets of powered blades.HIGEHover In Ground Effect. Hovering within one rotor diameter of the ground in order where performance is increased by the interaction of the helicopters rotor downwash and the ground.HOGEHo
25、ver Out of Ground Effect. Hovering at greater than one rotor diameter from the ground where re is no interaction between rotor downwash and the ground.ITermDefinitioninstrument flight rules(IFR)A regulatory term describing a flight which may be conducted in atmospheric conditions where the pilot can
26、not fly the aircraft solely by reference to the natural horizon (e.g. in cloud and fog) and must fly only by reference to the aircraft instruments. Compare toVisual flight rules.LTermDefinitionlanding gearStructure that supports the aircrafts weight when it is not airborne, often including a shock a
27、bsorbing mechanism. Wheels can be used for hard surfaces, skis or skids for ice or snow, and floats or pontoons if landing on the water. Some aircraft likeflying boatsdo not require landing gear, since their hull can support themload factor(LF)The percentage of seats filled. Determined by dividing R
28、evenue Passenger Miles by Available Seat Miles. Also a measure of the factor of loading on an aircraft, with comparison to gravity. Increases in steep turns and other abrupt manouvers. Given as a factor of gravity with 1g being the standardised acceleration at sea level on land.MTermDefinitionmayday
29、International distress call, derived from the French Maidez literal translation help memomentA measurement of weight at a specific distance (moment arm) from a reference point. This measurement is used to verify the aircraft is within the Center of Gravity (CG) limits. Reference points vary between
30、aircraft.monocoqueAn object (as in a wing or fuselage) whose skin supports the load as opposed to an internal frame.monoplaneAn aeroplane with one wing (or pairs of wings).PTermDefinitionpanneFrench for non critical breakdown, acronym PANparagliderA paraglider is a gliding parakite or kite, a type o
31、f hang glider that uses one or more tethers to suspend payload.pitchA measure of the degree to which an aircrafts nose tilts up or down. Also a measure of theangle of attackof apropeller.pitot tubeA Pitot tube is a measuring instrument used to measure fluid flow, and more specifically, used to deter
32、mine airspeed on aircraft. The Pitot tube is named after its inventor, Henri Pitot, and was modified to its modern form by Henry Darcy.powerplantA powered aircrafts source of power, usually either ajet engineor a conventionalengineandpropeller.pressure altitudeThe indicated altitude when an altimete
33、r is set to 1013 hPa (29.92 inHg US and Canada).RTermDefinitionrollRotation about an axis aligned with the direction in which the aircraft is flying. This axis is also known as the longitudinal axis.rotorcraftAn aircraft that derives its lift from rotating lifting surfaces (usually calledblades)rudd
34、erOn anaeroplane, the rudder is acontrol surfaceusually on the trailing edge of thevertical stabilizeror fin. The rudder is used to controlyaw.ruddervatorsOn anaeroplane, ruddervators are a singlecontrol surfacewhich combine the function of therudderandelevatorsin one. They are usually seen onv-tail
35、aircraft.STermDefinitionsailplaneAn unpowered fixed-wing heavier-than-air craft. (Alsoglider)sesquiplaneAn aeroplane with two wings (or pairs of wings), where one (often the lower) is significantly smaller than the other in span and/or chord.slipA manoevre where anaeroplanepilotrollsthe aircraft in
36、one direction with theaileronsandyawsit in the opposite direction with therudder. This results in the aircraft continuing to move forward but presenting a larger cross-section to the oncoming air - thereby creatingdragand causing the aeroplane to lose altitude rapidly in a controlled manner.spanThe
37、dimension of a wing perpendicular to the direction of motion. (Compare with chord and thickness.)specific impulseThe specific impulse of a propulsion system is theimpulse(change in momentum) per unit of propellant.stabilatorOn anaeroplane, a stabilator is a surface which combines the function of the
38、horizontal stabilizerandelevatorsin one by allowing the entire horizontal stabilizer to move and control thepitchof the aircraft.stalla condition of an airplane or an airfoil in which lift decreases and drag increases due to theseparation of airflow.SPSStandard Positioning Services.TTermDefinitionta
39、ilplaneUsually synonymous with Stabilator (q.v.).trackThe path on the ground over which anaircrafthas flown. Also used synonymously withcourse, the direction in which an aircraft is moving relative to the ground. Note that this is not necessarily the same as the aircraftsheading.thicknessThe vertica
40、l dimension of a wing. (Compare with span and chord.)thresholdThe beginning of the part of the runway usable for landingthrustThrust is the force upon a system (such as a rocket or jet engine) generated when that system expels or accelerates mass. The resultant thrust force is equal to and in the op
41、posite direction of the expelled mass.touchdown zone(TDZ)The first 3000 feet of the runway or the first third of the runway, whichever is less, measured from the thresholdtriplaneAn aeroplane with three similar-sized wings (or pairs of wings), exactly or approximately in vertical alignment.UTermDefi
42、nitionultralightA small, powered aircraft which is extremely light and seats only one or two occupants. Ultralights are popular among hobbyists for being cost-effective and having lenient regulation.VTermDefinitionvisual flight rules(VFR)A regulatory term describing flights that are conducted only i
43、n conditions where the pilot can see the ground, or in some instances is flying in the free space above a cloud. Compare toInstrument flight rules.V speedsSpeeds that define certain performance and limiting characteristics of an aircraft.VSIVertical Speed Indicator, shows the rate of climb or decent
44、.WTermDefinitionwet leaseA wet lease is any leasing arrangement whereby a company agrees to provide an aircraft and at least one pilot to another company. It does not include a code sharing arrangement.wind sheara quick change in wind speed or direction.wingA lifting surface of an airplane/aeroplane or sailplane.YTermDefinitionyawRotation in a horizontal plane about the normally vertical axis - turning to left or right. Generally the control surface to yaw is therudder