1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Society and Culture,of Major English-Speaking Countries,1,课程意义,本课程旨在帮助英语学习者了解英美国家的社会与文化概况,如地理,历史,政治,经济,教育,社会生活和文化传统等方面的基础知识。使语言教学与文化知识紧密结合,从而促进英语学习。同时,通过文化知识和文化修养来提高人的性情,趣味,道德和价值标准。,2,参考书目,1.,朱永涛,2005,英语国家社会与文化入门,.,北 京,:,高等教育出版社,.,2.,朱永涛,2003,英美文化基础教程,
2、.,北京,:,外语教学与研究出版社,.,3.,王佐良,1992,欧洲文化入门,.,北京,:,外语教学与研究出版社,.,4.,来安方,1995,英美概况,.,郑州,:,河南教育出版社,.,3,4,Main English-speaking Countries,the UK,Ireland,U.S.A.,Canada,Australia,New Zealand,5,The United Kingdom of,Great Britain and Northern Ireland,A Brief Introduction of the UK,The Government of the UK,Briti
3、sh Foreign Relations,British Education System,The Economy of UK,Politics,Class and Race in Britain,Sports,Holidays and Festivals in Britain,6,Unit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom,7,A brief introduction to the UK,Introduction to the UK,Area and population,Britains role in the past and no
4、w,English Gentleman,Class-structure in the UK,London,England,Scotland,Wales,8,9,10,Four parts of Britain,Britain,the island of the Great Britain,England,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland,The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,?Full name,11,英国国旗,12,英国国旗:呈横长方形,长与宽之比为,21,。为,“米”字旗,由深蓝底色和
5、红、白色“米”字组成。旗中带白边的红色正十字代表英格兰守护神圣乔治,白色交叉十字代表苏格兰守护神圣安德鲁,红色交叉十字代表爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克。此旗产生于,1801,年,是由原英格兰的白地红色正十旗、苏格兰的蓝地白色交叉十字旗和爱尔兰的白地红色交叉十字旗重叠而成。,13,英国国徽,(national emblem),14,英国国徽即是英国皇室的徽章,左上、右下两部分图案相同,即红地上绘有,3,头金色雄狮,它们代表着英格兰;右上方点缀着鸢尾花的方框中有一头跃立的红狮,是苏格兰的标志,左下方镶嵌在蓝地中的金色银弦竖琴象征爱尔兰。一条嘉得勋章的蓝色绥带环绕盾徽,上面铭刻着英国上层社会的一句格言:“
6、恶有恶报”。盾徽两侧分别侍立着一头英国王狮和银色的苏格兰独角兽,上方有一顶金银相嵌的头盔,其上供奉着华丽富贵的帝国冠冕。盾徽底部的白色丝带上英王的座右铭熠熠闪光:“,神赐予我权利,”。,15,National song,“God Save the Queen”or“God Save the King”,16,Chief of the State Queen:Elizabeth,17,Area 244 820 sqkm,land 241590 sqkm,Water 3232 sqkm,Population 61.4million(by June 2008),18,Comparison,地区 面积
7、(平方公里)人口,英国,24,万,6140,万,山东省,16,万,9082,万,济南市,8177 605,万,广西省,23,万,4822,万,北京,1.6,万,1423,万,19,Population of the United Kingdom(in millions),England 50.187,Scotland 5.109,Wales 2.95,N.Ireland 1.708,The makeup of British population,20,The makeup of British population,Immigration from some of those Commonw
8、ealth,countries,which was encouraged in the 1950s and,1960s,has produced a population of which 1 in 20,are of non-European ethnicity(such as India,Pakistan,the countries of the Caribbean),so its a multiracial,society.,返回,21,Britains role in the past and now,Before the WWII,a huge overseas empire.,Af
9、ter the WWII,no longer an imperial country.,With independence of many former colonies such as,Australia,Canada,India,which maintain links with Britain,now through a loose and voluntary organization called,Now,the role as a member of European Union(,欧,盟,)(1973)is more useful when considering modern B
10、ritain,to emphasize its role as a European nation,rather than,its membership of the Commonwealth.,Now,it remains a relatively wealthy country,a,member of large developed,economies.On average,the,south is more wealthy than the north.,返回,the Commonwealth of Nations(,英联邦国家,),22,A Stereotype:English Gen
11、tleman,Many people who think of Britain,think of the English gentleman.But,this is just,a stereotype,which,never applied to the majority,of the British people,and really,has little validity today.,返回,23,Class-structure in the UK,Most countries have some kind of class system,but its true to say that
12、the class structure of the UK society is relatively obvious.They(factory worker vs stockbroker)tend to read different newspapers,watch different TV programs,speak with a different accent,do different,things in their free time,and have different expectations for their children.,In recent decades,more
13、 and more people have felt that they belong to the middle class and less to the working class.,24,London,London is in the south of the country,and,is dominant in the UK in all sorts of ways.,1)The largest city in the country,with about one seventh of the nations population;,2)The seat of government,
14、3)The cultural centre,home to all the major newspapers,TV stations,and the widest selection of galleries,theatres and museums.,Major newspapers:,Times The Guardian The Financial Times,The Daily Telegraph The Observer,The Daily Express The Daily Mail,泰晤士报,.,卫报,.,金融时报,.,每日电讯报,.,观察家报,.,每日快报,.,每日邮报,Muse
15、um:The British Museum,大英博物馆,世界三大博物馆?,大英博物馆,纽约的大都会艺术博物馆,巴黎的卢浮宫,中国三大博物馆?,故宫博物院,南京博物院,台北故宫博物馆,When a man is tired of London,he is tired of life;for there is in London all that life can afford.,-Samuel Johnson(1709-1784),25,TV stations:BBC,(British Broadcasting Corporation),Sky News,天空新闻频道成立于年,是英国第一个小时新
16、闻频道。全球多个国家能够收看到这一频道。,26,4)The business and financial center,headquarters of the vast majority of Britains big companies,one of the three major international financial centers.,But London also faces transportation and other,environmental problems.,27,England is a highly urbanized country,with 80%of i
17、ts population living in cities,and only 2%of the population working in agriculture.England is the largest of the four nations,and it has by far the largest population.This domination in size is reflected in a cultural and economic dominance too,which has the result that people in foreign countries s
18、ometimes make the mistake of talking about England when they mean the UK.Significantly,people in England sometimes make that mistake too,but people in the other three nations would not:they might call themselves British,or they might call themselves Scottish or Welsh or Irish,but they certainly woul
19、dnt call themselves English.So of the four nations,the English feel most British.,England,28,British history,has been a history of invasions.,Before the 1st century AD,it was made up of tribal kingdoms of,Celtic people(,凯尔特人,),in 43 AD,invaded by the,Roman Empire(,罗马帝国,),,,England and Wales(though n
20、ot Scotland and Ireland)became a part of the Roman Empire for nearly 400 years(till the 5th century AD),29,the,Germanic,日尔曼人,(the,Angles,盎格鲁人,and the,Saxon,撒克逊人,)invasion,the Anglo-Saxons either absorbed the Celtic people,or pushed them to the western or northern edges of Britain.,Anglo-Saxon invade
21、rs became the forefathers of the English,the founders of“Angle-land”or“England”as it has become known.,30,King Arthur,It is said that in the fifth century AD,King Arthur united the British,and with his magical sword,Excalibur,drove the Saxons out.According to the legend Arthur gathered a company of
22、knights to him,who sat together at Arthurs castle at Camelot.Conflicts between his knights led to Arthur creating the famous“round table”at which all would have equal precedence,.,注:,King Arthur-,亚瑟国王,,6,世纪时英格兰 统治者,圆桌武士的领袖。亚瑟的骑士们经常为开会时座位问题而争吵,致使亚瑟采用著名的圆桌,这样,骑士们就无法分出地位的高低主次了。,31,Perhaps this could be
23、 seen as an indicator of the way in which the English have wished to see their monarch as something other than a remote dictator,and have in fact managed to gradually bind the monarchy into a more democratic system,rather than completely rejecting it.,32,From the late 8th century till the 10,th,raid
24、ers,from Scandinavia(,斯堪的纳维亚,),the ferocious Vikings(,北欧海盗,),threatened Britains shores,leading to large areas of northern and eastern England were under their control.,33,The year of 1066,Norman,invasion(,诺曼人,),from northern France,who were descendents of Vikings.Under William Normandy(known as“Wil
25、liam the Conqueror,”,(,征服者威廉一世,),they crossed the,English Channel in 1066,and in the Battle,of Hastings,defeated an English army,under King Harold(,英格兰最后一位撒,克逊民族的国王,).This marks the last time,that an army from outside the British,Isles succeeded in invading.William took,the English throne(,加冕为英格兰国王,
26、),and became William the first of England.,The Tower of London,a castle in the center of London which he built,still stands today.,34,英国人心中的“故宫”:伦敦塔,注,:The tower of London-,伦敦塔,伦敦塔是一座蹲伏式的石头建筑,由高低起伏、功能不同的若干建筑组成。伦敦塔位于泰晤士河北岸,伦敦塔桥附近,是伦敦著名古迹之一。威廉一世于,11,世纪为保卫和控制整个伦敦桥而建造了该塔,占地,18,英亩。经过历代君主的扩建和修整,整个建筑反映了英国不
27、同朝代的建筑风格。,10,个世纪以来,曾作过堡垒,王宫,监狱,皇家铸币厂和伦敦档案馆。现在是王冠、王袍、兵器和盔甲陈列馆。,35,The next 300 years may be thought of as a Norman aristocracy(French-speaking)ruling a largely Saxon and English speaking population,(legend:Robin Hood,the Saxon nobleman oppressed by the Normans,rob from the rich to give to the poor),3
28、6,the next few hundred years following,the Norman invasion was a process of joining together the various parts of the British Isles under English rule;at the same time,power was gradually transferred(,转移,)from the monarch(,君主,)to parliament(,议会,国会,).At that time,Charles the Firsts attempt to overrul
29、e parliament in the 1640s led to a civil war in which parliamentary forces were victorious,and the king was executed.,1640-1651,England was ruled by parliaments leader,Oliver Cromwell,(,克伦威尔,),in 1651,the monarch was restored.,37,in 1688,the parliament invited William and Mary(from Holland)to take t
30、he throne,thus finally establishing parliaments dominance over the throne(1689,年,议会通过权利法案,限制国王权力,从此确立延续至今的君主立宪制,),返回,.,38,Big Ben,39,Tower Bridge,London,40,Glass and Old Brick,41,Chelsea Bridge,42,Night Street,43,Buckingham Palace,44,45,46,St.Pauls Cathedral,圣保罗大教堂,47,St.Pauls Cathedral,48,49,2025/1
31、/15 周三,50,51,Hyde park,London,52,British Museum,53,Windsor Castle,54,城堡简介,温莎城堡,(Windsor Castle,),位于,英国英格兰东南部区域伯克郡温莎,-,梅登黑德皇家自治市镇温莎,是世界上,有人居住的城堡中最大的一个。城堡的,地板面积大约有,45,000,平方公尺,(,484,000,平方英呎,),。与伦敦的白金汉宫、,爱丁堡,的荷里路德宫(,Holyrood Palace,),一样,温莎城堡也是英国君主主要的,行政官邸。现任的英国女王伊丽莎白,二世每年有相当多的时间在温莎城堡,温莎城堡中的王后谒见厅,(1819
32、,年,),度过,在这里进行国家或是私人的娱乐活动。她的另外两栋宅邸则是皇,室的私人住宅,分别是桑德林汉姆别墅(,Sandringham House,)及巴尔,莫勒尔堡(,Balmoral Castle,)。有许多英国的国王与王后对城堡的建造,与扩展有直接的影响,是他们的要塞、住所与行政官邸,有时甚至是监,狱。城堡的历史也和英国的君主体制有相当密切的关连,跟随着温莎城,堡的历史可以追溯到当时统治的英国君主。在和平时期时,温莎城堡会,扩建许多巨大且华丽的房间;在战争时期,城堡则会加强防卫,这个模,式直到现在仍然不变。,55,Imperial War Museum,帝国战争博物馆,56,10 Dow
33、ning street,57,Westminster Abbey,威斯敏斯特大教堂,58,House of Parliament,国会大厦,59,London Tower,伦敦塔,60,Royal Greenwich Observatory(RGO),61,Prime Meridian,62,Fish and Chips,63,Scotland,1)the second largest of the four,nations both in population,(5.1million)and geographical,area(78822sqkm),2)almost most confide
34、nt of its own,identity because alone amongst the non-English components of the UK,it has previously spent a substantial period of history as a unified state independent of the UK.,3)two parts:mountains and lakes in the north(the Highlands)and in the south(the Southern Uplands);between the two,highla
35、nd,(,高地,)areas is,lowland,zone(,低地,)where three quarters of the population lives.,4),Glasgow,(,格拉斯哥,)is Scotlands largest city.,5),Edinburgh,(,爱丁堡,)is Scotlands capital city.,64,65,5)Scotland was,not ruled by the Romans,though they did try to,and for a while occupied as far as the edge of the northe
36、rn highland zone.But the difficulty of maintaining their rule there caused them to retreat to a line roughly equivalent to the contemporary boundary between England and Scotland.Along this line,from sea to sea,they,like the Chinese,built a wall to mark the northern edge of their domain,and to help d
37、efend it.It is called,“,Hardrain,s Wall,”,(,哈德良长城,),66,67,68,6)Nor was most of Scotland conquered by the Anglo-Saxons.(Germanic),7)But like England,Scotland began to experience Viking raids in the 9th century,and it was the pressure from this outside threat that led Scottish kings to unify.,69,8)In
38、1603,Queen Elizabeth(1533-1603)the First of England died childless,and the next in line to the throne was James the Sixth of Scotland,so he also became,James the First,of England,unifying the two thrones.But for another hundred years Scotland maintained its separate political identity.,9)However,in
39、1707,by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments,Scotland joined the Union.(There followed two rebellions for Scottish independence in 1715 and1745).,10)Scotland is superficially integrated into the UK,but concealed beneath this is a still-strong Scottish identity.,返回,70,-Bagpipes are very
40、famous in Scotland.,71,-Kilt:not,Scottish skirt,72,-Social gathering known as,ceilidh,were very popular in the traditional culture in which folk stories were told.,73,Scottish step-dancing:,74,Scotland has a great tradition of innovation in the arts,philosophy and science.The inventor of the telepho
41、ne was a Scot.Its writers have given world such well-known work as“Auld Lang Syne”(by Robert Burns,who wrote in the Scots dialect).,75,Auld lang syne,歌手:,barenaked ladies,Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd days of Auld Lang Syne.For Auld
42、 Lang Syne,my dear,For Auld Lang Syne,Well take a cup of kindness yetFor Auld Lang Syne.And heres the hand,my trusty friendAnd gives a hand of thineWell take a cup of kindness yetFor Auld Lang Syne.For Auld Lang Syne,my dear,For Auld Lang Syne,Well take a cup of kindness yetFor Auld Lang Syne.,Auld
43、Lang Syne,这首诗被人谱了曲,在每年新年零点到来之时,全欧美都会齐唱的这首不朽之作。在经典电影“魂断蓝桥”中,此曲被用作为主旋律。,1.Auld,相当于,Old,Auld Lang Syne,相当于,Old Long Since,,意思是,The good old days.,49.mp3,友谊地久天长 怎能忘记旧日朋友 心中能不怀念?旧日朋友怎能相忘,友谊地久天长。我们往日情意相投,让我们紧握手,让我们举杯痛饮,友谊地久天长。友情常在我心,亲密的朋友 举杯痛饮,同声歌唱友谊地久天长。,76,A Red,Red Rose,红红的玫瑰,Robert Burns,罗伯特,彭斯,O,my L
44、uves like a red,red rose,Thats newly sprung in June.O,my Luves like a melodie Thats sweetly playd in tune.as fair as thou,my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will love thee still,my dear,Till a the seas gang dry.Till a the seas gang dry,my dear,And the rocks melt wi the sun:I will love thess t
45、ill,my dear,While the sands o life shall run:And fare thee well,my only luve!And fare thee weel,a while!And I will come again,my luve,Tho it ware ten thousand mile.,哦,爱人像红红的玫瑰,六月初绽芬芳;哦,爱人像美妙的乐曲,旋律轻轻流淌。,好姑娘,散发美丽光芒,爱你情深意切;亲爱的,我要永远爱你,直到四海枯竭。亲爱的,直到四海枯竭,太阳烧裂岩石;亲爱的,我要永远爱你,只要尚存一息。再见吧,我唯一的爱人!不过别离片刻!亲爱的,我会与你
46、重逢,纵使万里相隔。,A Red Red Rose.mp3,77,Town Hall,78,Caverlock Castle,79,Sanquhar Castle,80,Lowland Valleys,81,The Peoples Palace,82,Glasgow Museum of Transport,83,Univeristy of Glasgow campus outside the Hunterian Gallery and Museum,84,Edinburgh Castle,85,Edinburgh Parliament,86,Scott Monument,87,Wales,Ar
47、ea,:among the four nations of the UK,it is,relatively very small,just a little larger than,Northern Ireland.It is close to the most densely,populated parts of central England and has no,natural boundary,so it has been dominated by,England for longer than the other nations of the union.,Language,:(En
48、glish and Welsh);Wales also remains a powerful sense of its difference from England,it remains its own language,Welsh,a Celtic tongue completely different from English,spoken by 19%of the population.All those Welsh speakers are also fluent in English.,Capital city,:,Cardiff,(a small city with 300 00
49、0 people on the south coast.The south is more populated and industrial than the rural north of Wales),88,Resources,:,Wales was an important element in Britains,industrial revolution,as it had rich coal deposits.,Coal mining became a key industry for the Welsh,employing tens of thousands.So its recen
50、t,disappearance has been a major economic and,cultural blow.,But South Wales has been very successful in,attracting investment from abroad-particularly,Japan and the United States,which has helped to,create new industries to replace coal and steel.,89,History,:,Originally a land of Celtic people,it