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1、Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?Section B 2a-2d1-itsformclaycelebrationballoonpaper cuttingscissorslivelyfairyhistoricalheatpolishcompleteadj.它的它的n.形式;类型形式;类型n.黏土;陶土黏土;陶土n.庆典;庆祝活动庆典;庆祝活动n.气球气球剪纸剪纸n.(pl.)剪刀剪刀adj.生气勃勃的生气勃勃的n.童话故事童话故事adj.(有关)历史的(有关)历史的n.热;高温;热;高温;v.加热;变热加热;变热v.磨光;修改;润色磨光;修改;润色v.完成完成

2、Words Review2-Chinese claylion dancepaper cuttingBeijing OperaFace-Changing sky lanternsBeijing Operapaper cuttinglion danceFace-ChangingChinese claySky lanternsEach different part hasits own special forms ofChinese traditional art3-What do you know about folk or traditional art?Face-changing in Sic

3、huanShadow fingures4-Sky lanterns in HainanChinese clay artin JiangxiPaper cutting in Anhui5-6-1.What does the passage may talk about?2.What kind of arts can you see in the picture?1.It may talk about some Chinese traditional art.2.Theyre sky lanterns,paper cutting and Chinese clay.Before you readBe

4、fore you read1Look at the title and the pictures on page 38.Then answer the questions.7-Read the passage and complete the chart below.2bsky lanternsChinese clay artbamboo and paperpaper cuttingpaper,scissorsclay Moving from general to specificA general introduction of topic is usually followed by sp

5、ecific detailsAnd examples.1.Each different part of Chinahas its own special forms of traditional art.(总总)2.Sky lanterns3.Paper cutting 4.Chinese clay art 分分8-Beauty in Common ThingsEach different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.These usually try to show the things that ar

6、e important in life,such as love,beauty and family.The most common things,from paper to clay to bamboo,are turned into objects of beauty.9-1.What do traditional Chinese art forms try to show?They try to show the things that are important in life,such as love,beauty and family.Read Para1 and answer t

7、he question2.The _ common things,from paper to clay to bamboo,are _ objects of beauty.mostturned into10-中国民俗文化中国民俗文化-孔明孔明灯灯孔明孔明灯又叫灯又叫天灯天灯,俗称,俗称许愿灯许愿灯。是一种古老的。是一种古老的汉族手工艺品,在古代多做军事用途。现代人汉族手工艺品,在古代多做军事用途。现代人放孔明灯多作为放孔明灯多作为祈福祈福之用。男女老少亲手写下之用。男女老少亲手写下祝福的心愿,象征丰收成功,幸福年年。一般祝福的心愿,象征丰收成功,幸福年年。一般在元宵节,中秋节等重大节日施放。相

8、传是由在元宵节,中秋节等重大节日施放。相传是由三国时的三国时的诸葛孔明诸葛孔明(即(即诸葛亮诸葛亮)所发明。)所发明。11-Beauty in Common ThingsAccording to Chinese history,sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming.He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble.Today,sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations.They are made of bamboo an

9、d covered with paper.When the lanterns are lit,they slowly rise into the air like small hot-air balloons for all to see.They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.12-2.What were sky lanterns used for before and what are they used for now?They were used for asking for help when in t

10、rouble in the past.Today sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations.Read Paragraph 2 and answer the questions.While you readWhile you read213-According to Chinese history,sky lanterns were used by_.They were used to_when in trouble in the past.But now they are used at_ and other _.The

11、y are made of _and covered with _.They are like a _ when they are lit and rise into the air.They are seen as bright symbols of _and _.sky lanterns Zhuge Kongmingask for helpfestivalscelebrationsbamboopaperhot-air balloon happinessActivity 3:Activity 3:Challenge your memory.Challenge your memory.hist

12、oryshapesymbolmaterialoccasion场合场合good wishes14-剪纸剪纸中国民间剪纸源远流长,剪纸艺术家之多难中国民间剪纸源远流长,剪纸艺术家之多难计其数。唯有王老赏被专家学者记载的最为计其数。唯有王老赏被专家学者记载的最为突出,也比较全面。王老赏成为承上启下的突出,也比较全面。王老赏成为承上启下的一代民间剪纸艺人,他主要的技艺创新是刻一代民间剪纸艺人,他主要的技艺创新是刻纸的刻刀、点染技法和构图的创新,同时,纸的刻刀、点染技法和构图的创新,同时,他培养和影响了蔚县及周边地区的一大批剪他培养和影响了蔚县及周边地区的一大批剪纸艺人。纸艺人。15-Beauty in

13、 Common ThingsPaper cutting has been around for over 1,500 years.Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be difficult to do.The paper,usually red,is folded before it is cut with scissors.The most commom pictures are flowers,animals,and things about Chinese history.During the Spring Festival,they a

14、re put on windows doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.16-3.What kinds of pictures are usually found on paper cuttings?4.How do people use paper cuttings during the Spring Festivals?The most common pictures are flowers,animals,and things about Chinese history.Durin

15、g the Spring Festivals,theyre put on windows,doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.Para3 17-Paper cutting has been _for over 1,500 years.It is _ to do paper cutting.We _ scissors _paper.The paper was _ flowers,animals,andthe things about Chinese history.Theyre the _

16、 of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.Read Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks.arounddifficultto cutcut intosymbolsuse18-泥人张泥人张天津泥人张始于清天津泥人张始于清道光道光年间,创始人年间,创始人张明山张明山。它在继承传统的基础上它在继承传统的基础上创造自己的风格创造自己的风格,其,其作品取材广泛,塑造人物生动,塑与绘的结作品取材广泛,塑造人物生动,塑与绘的结合使作品更具生命力。其艺术地位获得国际合使作品更具生命力。其艺术地位获得国际认可。泥人张经过几代人的传

17、承,成为我国认可。泥人张经过几代人的传承,成为我国泥塑泥塑艺术的又一个高峰。艺术的又一个高峰。19-Beauty in Common ThingsChinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real.The pieces are usually cute children or lively characters from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story.The pieces are carefully shaped by

18、hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry.After drying,they are fired at a very high heat.20-Beauty in Common ThingsThey are then polished and painted.It takes several weeks to complete everything.These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for l

19、ife and beauty.21-The pieces are carefullyshaped by hand.allow to air-dryThey are fired at a very high heat.They are polished andpainted.22-23-Try to find out the passive voice sentences in the passage.Task 824-step 1:_by hand from a special kind of clay step 2:allowed to _step 3:_ at a very high he

20、at step 4:_ and paintedChinese Clayshapedair-dryfiredpolishedActivity 4:Read para.4 and Activity 4:Read para.4 and finish the steps of finish the steps of making Chinese claymaking Chinese clay.G6-9.G6-9 25.What are the steps for making clay art pieces?First,the pieces are carefully shaped by hand f

21、rom a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry.Second,after drying,they are fired at a very high heat.At last,they are polished and painted.25-6.Which art form do you think is the most interesting?Why?I think the _ is the most interesting.Because I can try to learn some_from it.26-1.Peo

22、ple used to _ sky lanterns when they were in trouble.But today,people light the lanterns and watch them _ the sky with their wishes.send outrise intosuch as turninto send outcover with rise into puton27-2.The art of paper cutting _ a simple thing like a piece of paper _ a beautiful piece of art.Peop

23、le often _ these art pieces _ the doors,windows and walls oftheir homes to celebrate the Spring Festival.turnsintoputonsuch as turninto send outcover with rise into puton28-3.To make Chinese clay art,the clay is shaped by hand into things _ cute children or characters from Chinese fairy tales and st

24、ories.They are then _ paint.such as covered with such as turninto send outcover with rise into puton29-重点短语,朗读背诵重点短语,朗读背诵 1.special forms of traditional art 独特的传统艺术形式独特的传统艺术形式 2.from paper to clay to bamboo 3.turn into=change into 变成变成 4.objects of beauty=beautiful objects 美丽的物体美丽的物体 5.according to

25、Chinese history 根据中国历史根据中国历史 6.send out 放出,发出放出,发出 7.in trouble rise into 升入升入 处于困境中处于困境中8.be covered with=be covered by 被被覆盖覆盖 30-9.as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.(作为幸福和美好愿望的鲜明的象征作为幸福和美好愿望的鲜明的象征10.put on 11.has/have been around for 大约存在于大约存在于.12.be fired at a very high heat 在高温下烧烤在高

26、温下烧烤14、uesd to do 过去常常做某事过去常常做某事 be used to do=be usd for doing被用来做某事被用来做某事 be/get used to doing 习惯于做某事习惯于做某事15、it takes sb+时间时间+to do sth 人人spend+金钱金钱/时间时间+on sth/(in)doing sth.人人pay+钱钱for sth 物物cost sb+钱数钱数 张贴张贴31-1.Its_(tradition)in America to eat Turkeys on thankgiving Day.2.He is eighty,but he

27、is still_(live).3.I can tell you,there was a_(celebrate)in our house.4.The scissors_ made of metal.(be)5.They _(fire)at a very high heat.6.It takes severals weeks_(complete)everything.traditionallivelycelebrationareare firedto complete32-1.Read the passage again after school.2.Try to write a short introduction on how to make a Chinese clay piece.33-34-

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