1、雅思普通培训类(G类)写作(教师用书) 雅托教材编写委员会湛江市雅托英语培训中心 高等教育培训机构 电话:0759-2296349 网址: 地址:湛江市霞山区城市广场C幢1803室(即:沃尔玛超市的免费巴士候车处找电梯按门铃1803,上18楼)第一章 普通培训类小作文(书信篇)询问如何参加某体育俱乐部(1)题目大意分析 你是一位国际学生,而学校里却没有任何体育设施。要求你写信给附近一个体育俱乐部的经理,询问需要办理什么手续才能加入该俱乐部。 关键词汇分析 facility: 设施、设备 写作实例: Building a new childrens home will cost a lot of
2、 money, but be that as it may, there is an urgent need for the facility. inquire: 询问、咨询 写作实例: When the authorities inquired into his background, they found he had a criminal record. procedure: 程序、手续 写作实例: Social workers have standard procedures which they must follow when they are taking children aw
3、ay from their parents.布局清晰层次分明 Main Body 1 交代“写信目的或原因”: 我写此信的目的,是为了询问需要什么样的手续才可以参加贵俱乐部。 I am writing to inquire about the procedures that are needed to join your sports club. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实一”: 我是一个来自中国的新生,在附近的皇家大学读书,离贵俱乐部只有两个街区。 As a new student from China, I study in the Royal College nearby,
4、just two blocks away from your club. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实二”: 该校宣传手册上吹嘘有游泳池和灯光球场,但我失望地发现校园内无任何体育设施。 Attracted by their beautiful prospectus, which boasts of a large swimming pool and a spotlight tennis court, I discovered to my dismay that there are no sports facilities whatsoever on the campus. Main
5、Body 2 叙述“重要事实三”: 作为业余运动员的我实在难以容忍这样的局面,因此急于参加一个体育俱乐部。 Being an amateur athlete, I find this situation is almost intolerable and feel a strong urge to join a sports club immediately where I can participate in a wide range of sports activities. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实四”: 经朋友介绍了贵俱乐部的良好设施,我非常感兴趣,想了解办理入会的手续。
6、 Impressed by what my friend told me about the excellent facilities in your club a few days ago, I am very interested in the standard procedures that I must follow before joining the club. Main Body 3 阐明对收信人的“期望或盼望”: 如能寄给我一些宣传册子,使我了解入会细节,或附表让我进行填写,我将不胜感激。 I would appreciate it very much if you could
7、 send me some brochures and let me know the details or some forms for me to fill out.投诉有质量问题的激光唱机(2)题目大意分析 你在当地的商店买了一台激光唱机,而几天后它竟然坏了。要求你写信给生产商,询问出了什么问题,并同时投诉店员的不良态度。另外,告诉他们该如何补救。 关键词汇分析 manufacturer: 生产商、制造商 写作实例: Over the years, they have forged an international reputation as a successful manufactu
8、rer of computer equipment. assistant: 助理、助手 写作实例: The shop assistant said that he needed to get his supervisor to authorize my refund. handle: 处理、应付 写作实例: Some people are brilliant with computers, but have no idea how to handle other people.布局清晰层次分明 Main Body 1 交代“写信目的或原因”: 我写此信,是因为我购买的一台你厂生产的激光唱机出现
9、了问题。我是在一家你厂授权的零售店买的。 Im writing to you about a problem that I am having with the CD player produced by your factory. I bought it from one of your authorized branch stores named “Passion” here on May 1, 2004. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实一”: 由于该唱机无法用遥控来操控,我就把它带到商店,希望进行维修或更换。 Having found it unable to be contro
10、lled by the attached remote, I took it to that shop, intending to have it repaired or changed if necessary as you have described in the instructions. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实二”: 但是其中一个店员却坚持要收取 5 元的修理费,而保修卡上印有三个月免费保修的承诺。 However, one of the shop assistants, whose badge number was 17, insisted on charging
11、me 5 for mending while the service card promises free service within 3 months of the purchase. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实三”: 更为恶劣的是,他的态度极为无礼,当我给他看带有日期的发票时,他竟无动于衷。 What was worse, instead of acting in a polite manner, he turned a deaf ear to my request when I tried to show him the invoice with the exact dat
12、e when I bought it and your guarantee of free service. Main Body 3 阐明对收信人的“期望或盼望”: 如果你们能对此事立即予以关注,并在月底之前派人来解决该问题,我将不胜感激。 I shall appreciate it very much if you could pay immediate attention to this matter and send a responsible person to solve the problem for me by the end of this month. Main Body 3
13、 提醒收信人可能发生的“严重后果”: 否则的话,恐怕我只有向当地的消费者协会提出正式的投诉。 Otherwise, I am afraid that I have to lodge a formal complaint to the local Consumers Association.投诉挡在家门口的一棵大树(3)题目大意分析 你是一位当地居民,刚搬入一个新的小区,其中有一棵巨树,正好挡在你家门口。要求你写信给当地政府部门,抱怨该树对你的生活造成的种种不便。 关键词汇分析 resident: 居民 写作实例: He entered the United States in 1988 as
14、a permanent resident because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen. neighborhood: 附近地区、生活小区 写作实例: A neighborhood watch scheme has been established linking each home, where every door is permanently locked against intruders. authority: 有关当局、当地政府 写作实例: There was a lengthy debate about whether local author
15、ities are spending enough on the arts.布局清晰层次分明 Main Body 1 交代“写信目的或原因”: 我写此信,是为了投诉政府环境部门移植了一棵巨大的橡树在我们小区里面。 I am writing to lodge an official complaint about the transplantation of a gigantic oak tree to our neighborhood by the Environmental Department of the local government. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实一”:
16、作为新来的居民,我发现这棵巨树的存在给我们的家庭生活带来了诸多不便。 As a new resident who just moved to the new neighborhood, I find this giant tree extremely annoying because its presence brings a lot of inconvenience to our family life. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实二”: 其浓密的树叶和繁茂的枝条挡住了我们的城市风景,并完全遮蔽了寒冬中的日照。 For one thing, its dense canopy an
17、d numerous branches totally block our views of the city landscape and deny us any chance of sunshine in these cold winter months. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实三”: 作为一个理想的庇护所,该树吸引了无数的鸟类来此安居,每天清晨嘈杂不堪。 Also, due to the excellent shelter it provides, it has become an attractive nestling place for many bird specie
18、s whose chirping and twittering every early morning are relentless and intolerable. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实四”: 更糟的是,该树被故意安置在我家门口,使得我们根本无法从车库倒车出去。 What is worse, the huge tree is deliberately positioned just in front of my doorway, which makes it impossible for any driver to reverse his car from the gara
19、ge to the street. Main Body 3 阐明对收信人的“期望或盼望”: 我衷心期望能尽早替换或去除掉这棵讨厌的橡树,盼早日答复。 It is my fervent hope that something must be done immediately about the replacement or removing of this irritating oak tree. And I look forward to your prompt reply.对海外笔友的来访做出安排(4)题目大意分析 你的一位海外的笔友即将来探望你,但是由于某种原因,你不能按照事先的计划与他
20、/ 她碰面。要求你写明原因,以及你希望他 / 她在哪里等你、如何识别你。 关键词汇分析 previously: 事先地、事前地 写作实例: The last few years have seen the privatization of many industries previously owned by the state. arrange: 安排、整理 写作实例: Many students arrange internships or work study placements during the second trimester. recognize: 辨认、识别 写作实例: R
21、esearch has demonstrated that babies can recognize their mothers voice very soon after birth.布局清晰层次分明 Main Body 1 交代“写信目的或原因”: 我很遗憾地告诉你,由于突发情况,我不能按原先的计划,于本周四在机场见你。 I regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, I may not be able to meet you at the airport at 3 oclock in the afternoon t
22、his Thursday as we have previously arranged. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实一”: 在失业几个月后,我终于找到了一份很好的工作,在一家大型旅行社当导游。 As you know, after being unemployed for several months, I have finally found a fascinating job as a tour guide with one of the largest travel agencies in the country. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实二”: 由于工作的特殊
23、性,我必须随时准备去世界各地,因此经常打乱了我的私人生活。 Because of this special job, I am prepared to go to any tourist attraction around the world at short notice and my traveling schedule often interrupts my private life. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实三”: 上周五,我被要求从这周一起去马来西亚带一个四日游,这意味着你必须在机场多等我两个小时。 Last Friday, I was told to go on a
24、4 day trip to Malaysia starting from this Monday and the earliest time I can be expected to return is 5 o clock this Thursday, which means that you will have to wait for two extra hours at the airport. Main Body 3 阐明对收信人的“期望或盼望”: 很抱歉给你带来如此不便,你是否可以在机场门口的星巴克咖啡馆等我来接你? I am very sorry for this inconveni
25、ence, but could you spend these two hours at a Starbucks coffee shop near the gate of the airport and wait for me to pick you up? Main Body 3 告知初次见面的“辨认办法”: 我会穿一件紫色外套、蓝色牛仔裤和一双红色跑鞋,使你能在人群中很容易地认出我。 Since this is our first meeting, I will be wearing a purple overcoat, blue jeans and a pair of red runni
26、ng shoes to make sure that you can spot me easily in the crowd.投诉列车服务员的恶劣态度(5)题目大意分析 出差途中,你在列车上遇到了一位举止无礼的乘务员,对你的态度极为恶劣。要求你写信给铁路有关当局,对该乘务员的态度和服务提出投诉。 关键词汇分析 attendant: 乘务员、侍者 写作实例: The service was excellent, and every thirty minutes or so the flight attendant would wheel the drinks trolley down the a
27、isle. impolite: 没礼貌的、粗鲁的 写作实例: In Western cultures, it is considered impolite to ask a person how much they earn. attitude: 态度、举止 写作实例: The government has been accused of callous, uncaring attitude to the homeless and the unemployed.布局清晰层次分明 Main Body 1 交代“写信目的或原因”: 我写此信,是为了对某乘务员极为无礼的态度和恶劣的服务表示强烈的不满
28、。 I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with the extremely impolite manners of an attendant, who showed a terrible attitude and provided awful service to many passengers on board, especially me. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实一”: 上周六,我坐在去上海出差的火车上时,有一位中年女乘务员手上拿着肮脏的水壶和抹布,傲慢地走来。 Last Saturday, when I w
29、as on a railway train traveling to Shanghai on my business trip, I noticed a middle aged female attendant walking arrogantly down the aisle with a dirty kettle in one hand and a disgusting cloth in the other. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实二”: 当她往乘客杯中倒开水时,她甚至一言不发。 She didnt even utter a word when pouring hot wa
30、ter into passengers cups. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实三”: 当她靠近我时,其大摇大摆的动作将开水泼在我的座位甚至我的大腿上,引起了大量水疱。 When she was approaching me, her swaggering movement splattered plenty of hot water onto my seat and even my lap now it is covered with blisters. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实四”: 令人气愤的是,她竟连一点道歉的意思也没有,而且全然面无表情! To my grea
31、t annoyance, there was neither even the slightest attempt at making an apology nor a flicker of expression on her face! Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实五”: 她的唯一动作竟是把一块脏抹布扔在我桌上,示意要我来清理“事故”现场。 And the only thing she did was to throw the nasty cloth on my table, indicating that it was me who should be responsible f
32、or the cleaning up of the accident. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实六”: 我被她的行为大大激怒,从座位上站起来,试图与她理论。 Outraged by her behavior, I rose from my seat and tried to argue with her. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实七”: 谁知那位脾气恶劣的乘务员,对我的高声抱怨充耳不闻,然后竟扬长而去! However, the bad tempered attendant just turned a deaf ear to my loud complaint an
33、d walked away! Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实八”: 所幸的是,我瞄了一眼她的服务工号,是 200308 。 Fortunately, I caught a glimpse of her service number it was 200308. Main Body 3 阐明对收信人的“期望或盼望”: 我强烈要求由铁路当局在当地报纸上发表公开道歉信,并让该乘务员在信上签名。 It is strongly demanded that an official apology to me should be issued on all local newspapers by t
34、he Railway Authority and signed by the attendant herself. Main Body 3 提醒收信人可能发生的“严重后果”: 如果你们不能按照我的要求来解决该问题的话,恐怕我只有诉诸法律途径了。 And if you cannot solve the problem as I have requested, I am afraid I will have to take legal actions.要求重新安排学校住宿环境(6)题目大意分析 你是一位国际学生,被学校安排住在一户当地人家。出于某种原因,你对住宿的条件和环境产生了不满。要求你写信给
35、学校,解释所发生的情况,并请求重新安排住宿。 关键词汇分析 international: 国际的、跨国界的 写作实例: An international medical conference was established for the inter change of new ideas and approaches. satisfy: 使满意、使满足 写作实例: There are three main conditions that you must satisfy if you wish to be a member of this club. accommodation: 住宿、居所
36、 写作实例: The government is using prefabricated houses as temporary accommodation for homeless families who need housing.布局清晰层次分明 Main Body 1 交代“写信目的或原因”: 我写此信,是要对学校安排的住宿状况提出投诉,并强烈要求进行重新安排。 I am writing to complain about the poor conditions of my accommodation arranged by the university and strongly re
37、quest a rearrangement. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实一”: 我是一位专修法律的国际学生,今年九月才来到这里。 I am an international student majoring in law and I just arrived here in September. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实二”: 根据合同规定,我必须被安排住在当地人家,以确保我生活和学习的方便及舒适。 In my contract with the university, there is an agreement that I must be arranged to
38、live with a local family for the convenience and comfort of my life and study. Main Body 3 叙述“重要事实三”: 然而,校方为我选择的这户人家中,却有一位离异的母亲以及她的两个幼女。 However, the family they chose for me includes a divorced mother and her two young daughters. Main Body 3 叙述“重要事实四”: 母亲整日忙于打工挣钱,无暇照看孩子。很多情况下,她就任凭孩子在家里又哭又闹。 The mot
39、her is always busy making ends meet and has no time to take care of her dependent children, and on many occasions, she just left them crying and screaming at home. Main Body 3 叙述“重要事实五”: 如此状况令我根本无法集中思想学习,而她们的高声争吵使我度过了无数不眠之夜。 Under such circumstances, I find it impossible to concentrate on my studies
40、 and I have spent so many sleepless nights in my room listening to their loud quarrels. Main Body 3 叙述“重要事实六”: 很明显,她们没有给我带来帮助,更不用说舒适了。相反,我的生活被弄得一团糟。 Obviously, they did not give me any help, let alone comfort. On the contrary, they made my life a total mess. Main Body 4 阐明对收信人的“期望或盼望”: 因此,我郑重要求校方能尽早
41、给我重新安排住宿。 Thus, it is my earnest request that a rearrangement of the accommodation is made as soon as possible. Main Body 4 提醒收信人可能发生的“严重后果”: 否则的话,我得向教育委员会提出对于此事的上诉请求。 Otherwise, I am afraid I have to appeal to the Board of Education about this matter.调整商务会议的时间和地点(7)题目大意分析 你在组织一次商务会议。要求你写信给其他公司的与会者,
42、告知他们会议的变更(时间、地点等)。必须写明变更的理由和具体变更内容,并向他们表示歉意。 关键词汇分析 organize: 组织、安排 写作实例: They are hoping to organize a campaign group that will aim to get better conditions for prisoners. location: 地点、地方 写作实例: The exact location of the factory has yet to be decided, but it is likely to be in an area of high unempl
43、oyment. apologize: 道歉、抱歉 写作实例: We apologize for the interruption to our broadcasts this afternoon, caused by an electrical fault.布局清晰层次分明 Main Body 1 交代“写信目的或原因”: 我写此信是为了通知你,原定的我们两家公司的高层会议发生了一些变化。 I am writing to inform you about the changes we have made to the high level meeting between our two com
44、panies. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实一”: “阳光合作计划”的项目经理安德逊先生最近身体不适,现正接受住院治疗。 Mr. Anderson, project manager of “Sunshine Cooperation Campaign”, has been ill recently and is currently in hospital for treatment. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实二”: 他的康复状况良好,但还是要在两周之后,才能回来工作。 He is recovering well but wont be able to come back
45、to work until two weeks later. Main Body 2 叙述“重要事实三”: 由于他是该计划的设计者和协调者,我们感到这次会议不能缺少他的参加。 As he is the designer and coordinator of this program, we feel the meeting cannot be held without him. Main Body 3 叙述“重要事实四”: 因此,我们正在重新安排这次会议,现定于一个月,即七月十五日(周日)上午九点。 Therefore, we are rescheduling the meeting to b
46、e held one month later, on July 15, Sunday, at 9 oclock. Main Body 3 叙述“重要事实五”: 另外,会议的地点也从原来的希尔顿酒店改到我们公司总部的贵宾室,牛津街 100 号。 Also, the place of the meeting has been changed from Hilton Hotel to the VIP meeting room at the headquarters of our company, No. 100, Oxford Street. Main Body 3 叙述“重要事实六”: 格林威尔公
47、司的高层经理也会应邀参加本次会议,因为他们对该项目始终热心支持。 We also might invite senior managers from Greenwell Company to attend the meeting since they have always been an active supporter of this campaign. Main Body 4 表示“歉意及补救办法”: 我们对本次会议变更所造成的不便,表示深切的歉意。如有任何问题,请及时与我联系。 We are sorry for any inconvenience that the change of the meeting might have caused you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.对最近的某影评持反对意见(8)题目大意分析 有人在报纸上刊登了一篇文章,批评最近的一部电影。要求你写信给该文的作者,对其评论的观点表示反对,并解释反对的理由。 关键词汇分析 criticize: 批评、批判 写作实例: Doct