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1、新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 六级听力六级听力通关班讲义主讲:傅思瑶欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材教材说明:本讲义的顺序跟老师授课的顺序是一样的,请学员根据顺序来学习即可听力基本知识考试类型,考试时间安排:4:00-4:35。听力部分,36题目 35分。考试题目题型设置:短对话 8题 长对话7题 短文10题 复合式听写 11题。分值设置。08年6月份刚刚结束的考题简要介绍以及展望短对话:8道短对话中,出现了12, 14, 15, 16, 17,总共5题涉及到了熟悉的校园场景。然而,仍然一如既往地重视对某个关键的核心词、词组的考核,这也进一步体现了六级听力在新题型被大家逐步接受、稳定之后,开始在

2、词汇上继续探索和发掘新考点。以12题为例:M: I really need to make some extra money. You know, Ive practically spent my entire budget for the semester.W: Why not check out the new cafeteria at the Market Street. I think theres still a few opening suitable for seniors like you.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?听到

3、semester(学期),senior(大四学生)可以轻而易举地判断出校园场景,直接排除C)。但这题真正的考点在于opening一词。大部分考生的第一反应是“开口、洞、开始”,但这里意思是“职位空缺”。把握住这一词,才能理解女孩建议男孩尝试一下可能是适合大四学生的兼职工作,直接锁定D) Solve his program by doing a part-time job.所以也提醒广大考生,对“一词多义”现象要足够重视。(听什么不选什么)短对话情况A) Work out a plan to tighten his budget. B) Find out the opening hours of

4、 the cafeteria. C) Apply for a senior poison in the restaurant.D) Solve his program by doing a part-time job.再以14题为例:W: Hello, Professor White, I got my grade in the mail this morning, but I think there might be a mistake in my mark.M: Yeah. Ive got several calls just like yours. There must be a pro

5、blem with a computing system. It should be straightened out in a couple of hours.Q: What does the man mean?考点集中在be straightened out,加上straightened out连读得很猛,考生可能听得一头雾水,做题也就无从下手了。be straightened out意思是“被解决”,理解词义之后,答案A) The errors will be corrected soon.也就无处藏身了。不过,同样,这里出现了一个出现多年的做题选项特征。当你听到there might

6、be a mistake in my mark中的核心词mistake时,转而发现A) 当中的errors,作为“听力原文中的核心词同义替换项”往往就是正确选项,所以说,依然贯穿了这一历年来常见常考的解题技巧。以13题为例:M: I hear John left his cat in your care while hes on vacation abroad. How are you getting along with it?W: Well, it never comes when I call it. It spills its food and sheds all over the p

7、lace. I cant wait till John gets back.Q: How does the woman find the cat?女孩替在外度假的John照看他的宠物猫。但小猫要么打翻食物,要么弄得地上到处是留下的食物。一肚子的怨气,就盼着猫主人早点回来把它带走。对话内容难度不高,但选项中,考生们要理解“nuisance”的意思“让人恼火的事、人”,这样C) A real nuisance.就是正确答案。长对话:总体而言,比07年12月的考题,难度略微下降。第一个长对话讲的是关于百货巨头英国哈罗得百货(Harrods Store)的介绍。第二个长对话中,两个人久未碰面的老朋友见

8、面之后,就对方的一些近况闲聊了一番,用词和内容非常口语化,生活化,体现了六级长对话强调在实际环境中的语言运用能力的大势所趋。今年的长对话没有什么特别棘手的难点。这次长对话仍然围绕着“问答原则”出题。即对话中出现一问一答的回合要注意,一般都会在念题目时再直接或间接的重复出现,考试的重点往往落在答语上。以Conversation One为例:W:(问)What is special about the food hall?M:(答)It sells many different kinds of food. For example, it has 250 kinds of cheese from

9、all over the world and more than 180 kinds of bread. 在选项问题出现时19. What is the food hall of Harrods noted for? 其实就是对话中W:(问)What is special about the food hall? 的变相重复。而听到回答中的many different kinds of food,根据所听所得原则,可以轻松地选出B) Numerous varieties of food. 另一点需要指出的是,在第二个长对话从第一句话开始就出现了W: Hi, Kevin.M: Hi, Laura

10、. Long time no see. Whatve you been up to lately?W: Not much, I can assure you. And you?M: Much the same, except I do have some big news.W: Come on! This suspense is killing me.对话一开始的这9句,是继2007年6月CET-6以来,长对话中见面寒暄最长的一次。在实战中,很多考生会被这“无聊至极”的开场白分散注意力,容易产生些许懈怠的思想。而命题者正是抓住考生这一命脉,在看似漫不经心,无关痛痒的你一句我一句的几个回合后,立

11、刻导入对话的第一个核心考点:Whatve you been doing these past few weeks? The last time I saw you, you were looking for a new job.而第一个问题23. What was the woman doing when the man last saw her? 就是从这句话中找到答案。还有一点需要提醒的是,对话中把考点放在了有长对话特色的“自问自答句式”或“反问句式”中,是含有“强烈提示”意味的句式,以提醒考生此处要引起注意。再加上我们都知道长对话中有一个先来后到听题原则,第一题去听开头的东西,第二题去听

12、中间的东西,最后一题去听结尾的东西,这又是另外一常见的解题思路。最后值得一提的是,这次在第22题 A) 11,500 B) 30,000 C) 250,000 D) 300,000中出现了对于数字辨析的考点,是时隔两年之后再次出现在长对话中的一个重要听题环节。只要考生在听题过程时足够的细心、对数字足够的敏感,加之在长对话中是不需要做加减乘除的计算,因此在分辨出每个数字所针对的说明对象,就不难锁定正确答案了。段子题:今年的三篇文章整体难度都较以往有所下降。第一篇文章中的 “water scooter”:Water scooters are water vehicles that look ver

13、y much like motor cycles。不少考生或许一开始并不理解,但是你只要继续往下听下去,就会发现紧跟其后会用简单的基础词汇告诉这个东西是什么,立刻会给你一个定义解释。这也就是说六级短文里面有一种非常有特色的情况,一开始你可能会听见一个比较生僻的单词,如果这个生僻词不是文章考点,一般不会费时间去解释它;但是,如果这个生僻词是考点,它后面肯定会解释,所以同学们听到这些生僻词不要惊慌失措,手足无措,它不会对你有干扰。举例,truancy, graffiti的文章。第一篇文章。这篇文章讲的是水上摩托车,谈关于水上摩托车安全性以及如何建立规章制度来控制水上摩托车事故频发的问题。第二篇提到

14、的是在美国,邻里关系日渐疏远。这一点在个人主义强势的美国,早已不是什么新鲜的话题了。随着人们频繁的搬家、人与人之间的关系变得愈来愈冷淡,邻居的概念仿佛被打上了“马赛克”。即使在中国,也是一个讨论了好久的一个社会问题,所以考生们听起来还是应该倍感亲切的,难度不大。第三篇文章,细心的同学们会发现,似曾相识。对,在2005年12月的第三篇文章中考到极其类似的东西,就是学生辍学和旷课相关的一些的话题。当时这篇文章第一次考的时候提到一些很特殊的单词,但是这些单词这次考试中再次跃然纸上,甚至出现了,今年的这篇文章中的“truancy”:have a record of truancy. Thats sta

15、ying away from school without permission和05年那篇中的一句句子一字不差,而且类似话题的考点几乎没有作太大的改动。这也就是我们一直强调的,无论历年考过的老题也好,新题也好,它会有一个类似的话题循环重复的过程,当然这其中会有周期的变化。其实考的都是一些基本的一些常见话题、基本的知识,如果你把基本的场景词掌握的很清楚,基本的发音搞清楚。或者如果你对这些东西都不太清楚也无伤大雅,把历年的真题好好温故一下,听了、看了之后去清楚地理解里面反复考的一些核心语,或许是大词,或许是些小词,那么这道题的难度就不值一提了。所以不少考生认为的历年真题,考过的题,不会再出现所以

16、不用去复习的观点是站不住脚的。复合式听写:总体来讲,今年复合式听写部分它的难度实际上比07年12月份难度下降了不少。前8个单词当中,36) survive 37) complicated 38) offenders 41) influence 42) serving 43) restore这些可能对大部分考生而言难度几乎为零。但是也确实跳出了一些颇有难度的词汇。比如说39) whereby,这个单词的翻译叫做“凭借那个,借以”,可能同学们平时根本没用过这个词,有些生僻。但我们也发现,这是一个复合词“where”“by”,只要同学们听清楚发音,是不难写出两个词的合成的。再者,就是40) incu

17、rring,意思是“遭受”,也是较偏的词。不仅如此,这个词还重点考察了关于字母double的问题,这里的“r”需要double。我相信如果能写出“incur”这个词,根据类似同根词汇“occur occurring”的经验,就不会忘记“r”需要double。接下来后面三句句子,整体来讲长度和难度比去年简单一些。举一个例子,比如第44题,这道题看似三句中最长,也有几个长单词,如“alternative” “capital punishment”,但这两个长单词在前一句话中“Of course one alternative to this is to (43) restore capital p

18、unishment.”都出现了,因此毫无难度可言了。而第45题,that does not mean that the person isnt guilty of the crime or that he shouldnt pay society the debt he owes. 只要能把握住not mean that or that 这样一个重点的结构,当中的内容就不是那么难了。最后一题,46题,a large part of it in prison for acts that he committed while not in full control of his mind.除了要注

19、意“committed”中的“m”和 “t”的double问题之外,其他单词也完全在同学们掌控之中。听写练习听写练习的难点有三:一是未能选择适合自己的听写练习素材,二是没有掌握循序渐进的正确听写方法, 三是没有合理地把做过的练习进行总结, 为了克服这种事倍功半的现象,首先要找到适合自己水平的材料。从材料的体裁内容上来说,可以选择大学英语课本上的课文、经典的散文、美文、时事新闻、四六级、托福雅思考题的语段材料、著名电影的台词等等,不一而足。但一定要注意以下几个问题:选择听写材料的五大黄金原则:1.不要选择专业术语、专有名词较多的材料2注意语段材料的时效性,时效性越强越值得练习3初学者不宜用影视剧

20、对白练习听写4刚开始练习时,材料篇幅不宜过长。5.不推荐听收音机节目来做听写练习综上所述,对于各位同学而言,如果起点较低,可以先从新概念课文(新概念三比较适合四六级程度的学生)入手;如果更胜一筹,且能适应更快的语速,可选择BBC或者VOA的新闻材料来练习。专注于应试的,可用四六级听力真题中短文理解(PASSAGE)部分的文章来强化。练习方法练习方法也很有讲究。一定要以句子为单位进行听写。根据练习的不同目的,听写练习可分为两个层次: 1练习信息概括能力和表达能力指听写句子时,不要求完全按照录音原文精确记录,而是根据理解,用自己的话概况,在纸上表达出大意,非常类似四六级复合式听写的最后三个长句子的



23、在积累词汇时,总是以为这个b是要念出来的,所以对于这个词的发音便留下了错误的印象。可见,一旦练习时精确到点,那么对答案时的分析总结非常重要。其实我们练习听写,并在原文上圈出错误部分,让自己学习中的薄弱环节呈现出来,这可以帮助我们发现和判断自己英语老提不高的“病根”究竟在哪里,然后“对症下药”单词不认识的背单词,拼写不熟悉的记拼写,发音不正确的纠正发音,从而全方位提高英语实力。综合热身练习Exercise 1B1.A) $16.B) $8.C) $32.D) $64.B 2. A) $40.B) $80.C) $14.D) $28.B 3.A) 6.B) 2.C) 4.D) 10.A 4. A)

24、 $46.B) $86.C) $56.D) $130.C 5.A) The man will pay ten dollars.C) The man will pay thirty dollars.B) The man will pay twenty dollars.D) The man will pay forty dollars.D6. A) He may write a check for ten dollars.B) He may not pay by check.C) He may write a check for the amount of purchase.D) He may w

25、rite a check for twenty-five dollars.B7.A) She must cover five miles.C) She must turn three corners.B) She must walk five or six blocks.D) She must walk three blocks.C8.A) $0.40.B) $0.45.C) $0.35D) $0.30A9.A) Four.B) Two.C) Five.D) Six.B 10.A) $150.B) $175.C) $200.D) $225.Exercise 1原文1.W: Is it true

26、 you only spent $32 on two dinners?M: No, I only spent half of that on the two meals.Q: How much did each dinner cost?2. W: The shoes were a bargain. I got them for half price.M: You mean you only paid $ 40 for them?Q: How much did the shoes cost originally?3. M: Six of us started to the movies, but

27、 only one-third of us actually made it to the theater.W: Then you could have asked four more people.Q: How many went to the movies?4. M: The radio costs $ 40, but I only have $ 30.W: I have $16. Would you like to borrow it?Q: How much money do they have between them?5. M: How much are the tickets?W:

28、 Theyre ten dollars each for the general public, but student tickets are half price.Q: How much will the man pay for two general tickets and two student tickets?6. M: Id like to pay by check. May I make it out for more than fifteen dollars?W: Certainly, theres a ten-dollar limit over the amount of p

29、urchase, though.Q: What is the maximum amount for which the man may write his check?7. W: Excuse me. Im trying to get to the Student Union.M: Sure. Just go down here to the corner and turn left. Then go straight for three blocks and turn left at the tower. Its two blocks from there.Q: How far must t

30、he woman walk to get to the Student Union?8. M: Id like to buy these four Thanks-giving cards. Are they ten cents each?W: Three of them are but that smaller one is only a nickel.Q: How much were the cards all together?9. W: If everyone runs for president, wholl run for the other offices?M: Of the si

31、x candidates, only two are not running for president.Q: How many people are running for president?10. M: How much is the rent?W: Its hundred and fifty dollars a month unfurnished or two hundred dollars a month furnished. Utilities are twenty-five dollars extra.Q: How much will it cost the man to ren

32、t an unfurnished apartment, including utilities?Exercise 12D1. A) Its a national holiday.C) The teacher is ill.B) There is a transportation strike.D) The teachers are on strike.C2. A) She has a cold.C) She must work over the weekend.B) Shes going away for the weekend.D) She has another date.B3. A) H

33、es on a diet.C) He doesnt like chocolate.B) He has a bad reaction to sweets.D) He just finished dinner. A4. A) There is only one bottle left.C) The store is already closed.B) She doesnt have enough money.D) The store doesnt carry her brand. D5. A) She watched a movie all night.C) She took an exam al

34、l night long.B) She had an eye exam.D) She was studying all night.C6. A) The man has a sore throat.C) The woman doesnt have the musicB) The man lost his voice.D) The woman has to work at the music store.A7. A) She was unable to have her picture taken.B) She has not chosen a picture for it.C) She had

35、 broken her camera.D) She had gone to a photography class instead.C8. A) To order some medicine for their aunt Margaret.B) To get some exercise.C) To buy some items.D) To see their aunt.A9. A) She may need to take another course.B) The maths course is too short.C) The graduation date has been change

36、d.D) She should have gotten a better score.C10. A) He believes Mark was the wrong person.B) He wants to know who is telling the truth.C) He finds the result unbelievable.D) He thought there wouldnt be any awards.Exercise 12原文1. M: I heard that school would be cancelled today because of the teachers

37、strike. Do you think well be able to make up the lost class time?W: Perhaps we can hold extra classes next week if the strikes over by then.Q: Why is there no school today?2. M: If its not too cold, lets go on a picnic this weekend.W: Id like to go, but I have to work.Q: Why cant the woman go on the

38、 picnic?3. W: I just got this candy from a friend. Would you like some? The chocolate is especially good.M: No. Thank you. Im allergic to sugar.Q: Why doesnt the man accept some candy?4. W: Id like three bottles of that perfume, please.M: Im sorry, but weve only one bottle right now and we wont get

39、in a new supply until next week.Q: Why cant the woman have three bottles of perfume?1. W: Do you mind if we dont go to the movies tonight? I can hardly keep my eyes open after studying for that exam all night.M: No, it doesnt matter. We can always go tomorrow or next week.Q: Why is the woman tired?6

40、. M: Should we practice our duet now?W: No, well have to wait until Monday. I lost the score and cant get a new one until the music store opens.Q: Why cant they practice?7. M: Have you picked up your ID card from the office yet?W: No. The camera for taking photos was broken.Q: Why hasnt the woman go

41、t her ID card?8. W: Im going to the drugstore to buy a birthday card for Aunt Margaret.M: If you wait a minute Ill go with you. I need some aspirin.Q: What does the woman mean?9. M: The maths requirements for graduation are being changed.W: Yes, and Im afraid I may be short of one course.Q: Why is t

42、he woman concerned?10.W: Mark didnt win that science award after all.M: Can you believe it? I thought for sure he would.Q: Why is the man surprised?短文题选出其中的灾难危机题2002年12月Passage OneQuestions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.11.A) To study the problems of local industries.B) To fi

43、nd ways to treat human wastes.C) To investigate the annual catch of fish in the Biramichi River.D) To conduct a study on fishing in the Biramichi River.(D)12.A) Lack of oxygen.B) Overgrowth of water plants.C) Low water level.D) Serious pollution upstream.(A)13.A) Theyll be closed down.B) Theyre goin

44、g to dismiss some of their employees.C) Theyll be moved to other places.D) They have no money to build chemical treatment plants.(D)14.A) Because there were fewer fish in the river.B) Because over-fishing was prohibited.C) Because the local Chamber of Commerce tried preserve fishes.D) Because the lo

45、cal fishing cooperative decided to reduce its catch.(A)Passage TwoQuestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15.A) Oral instructions recorded on a tape.B) A brief letter sealed in an envelope.C) A written document of several pages.D) A short note to their lawyer.(C)16.A) Refrain

46、 from going out with men for five years.B) Stop wearing any kind of fashionable clothes.C) Bury the dentist with his favorite car.D) Visit his grave regularly for five years.(A)17.A) Because he was angry with his selfish relatives.B) Because he was just being humorous.C) Because he was not a wealthy man.D) Because he wanted to leave his body for medical purposes.(A)Passage ThreeQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18.A) They thought it quite acceptable.B) They believed it to be a lux

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