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1、_九年级英语单元检测题Unit 14I 根据句意及首字母完成单词:1 I often have a b_ in the sea in summer.2 Wed better take a travel g_ with us when we go traveling.3 Last month , my brother c_ much wood for my marriage.4 Its too cold. Lets l_ a fire to keep worm .5 He did best in the exam , so he won an a_.6 This school is run by

2、 the local g_.7 What is the p_ of the meeting? _ Sorry, I dont know either.8 Lumsda is just one young o_ Chinese who has come to his ancestors homeland.9 The song was a h_ at once and its recording tape rose to No.1 on the best-seller list.10 He has never been to China before and can h_ speak any Ch

3、inese.II 选择填空。1 They are looking forward to _ back to China.A to comeB comeC comingD came2 _, we have learned over 2,000 English words.A So longB So farC As longD As far3- Have you done your homework _, Jim? - Yes, Ive done it _.A already; already B already; yetC yet; alreadyD yet; yet4 I wish I cou

4、ld fly to the moon _.A a dayB daysC any dayD some day5 Kate, could you _ the radio a bit? Your father is sleeping now.A turn downB turn offC turn upD turn on6 Its your turn _ the blackboard.A for cleanB to cleanC cleaningD cleans7 Well have a _ summer camp. - Have a good time.A fifteen days B fiftee

5、n-dayC fifteen-daysD fifteen day8 One of _ bands on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves. Yes, so it is.A goodB betterC the bestD the better9 I really must return the camera to Mr Wu now. - Yes, you _ it for two weeks.A have keptB have lendC have boughtD have kept10 -_ have you had this new bike?

6、Over a year.A How longB How soonC How oftenD How many11 In the last six weeks, Jerry_ four books.A readsB has readC readD have read12 Toms been to Japan,_ he ?A isB isntC hasD hasnt 13 - _ you _ an e-mail to him yet? Yes.- When _ you _ it?A Have; sent; have; doneB Did; sent; did; doC Have; sent; did

7、; doD Did; sent; have; done14 Where is Mr Green? I have something to ask him. Dont you know? Hes_ to England for two weeks.A goneB beenC gone backD been back15 Where is Kate Green? I have something to tell her. Dont you know? Shes_ to England with her family.A goneB beenC leftD gotIII 用所给词的正确形式填空。1

8、The flood carried away everything and they became _(home) children. 2 The students are looking forward to _(have) winter holidays.3 Please be sure _ (call) me when you get home.4 I have so many chores _(do) today.5 I have to_(do) my homework at home, I cant go shopping with you .6 The radio _(turn )

9、 off just now.7 John and Jim _(have) had lunch. 8 _ the children ever _(be) to the Great Wall?IV 句型转换。1 I have already bought a dictionary.(否定句) I _ _ a dictionary _.2 He has already watered the flowers. (一般疑问句) _ he _ the flowers _?3 Li Lei has to stay at home to look after his sick mother. (一般疑问句)

10、 _ Li Lei _ _ stay at home to look after his sick mother?4 He and his family have lived on the farm .(就划线部分提问) _ _ he and his family _? 5 My mother went to Shanghai last week, and she hasnt come back yet. (同义句) My mother _ _ to Shanghai.6 Hes already visited the place where his ancestors lived.(同义句)

11、 Hes already visited the place _ _ his ancestors lived.V完形填空。After coming to China, I _1_ that my family was like a tall tree with long roots. I was just one young overseas _2_ who had come to the ancestors homeland _3_ a part of the “ In Search of Roots” summer camp program. I heard that this progr

12、am started in 1980 and it was organized _4_ the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Guangdong Province. There were so many young people _5_ 16 and 25 years old . So far, it has bought _6_ overseas Chinese students to come to explore the roots of their families. Im one of them. _7_ the two-week camp,

13、we had activities like _8_ Chinese culture sightseeing, looking at how China had changed. We tried our _9_ to find information about our ancestors. One of the most important things was to visit our ancestors villages. We _10_ our hands and faces in the village well. We walked through the countryside

14、. We _11_ hours watching the water buffalos. We watched the farmers _12_ in the fields. After the two weeks , we were deeply _13_ by our great experiences. I think this was really a turning point in my _14_ . The “In Search of Roots” program was amazing . _15_ the program.1 A foundB knowC understand

15、D think2 A memberB workerC young manD ancestor3 A holdB takeC asD with4 A asB byC forD with5 A behindB becauseC beforeD between6 A thousandB thousandsC thousand of D thousands of7 A DuringB AmongC AlongD At8 A tellingB speakingC studyingD saying9 A goodB wellC betterD best10A washedB heldC droppedD

16、got11A tookB costC spentD paid12 A workedB to workC workingD plays13 A movedB changedC amazingD surprised14 A lifeB headC dreamD study15 A Thanks forB Thanks ofC Thanks to D Thank forVI阅读理解Dear music fan,We hope you dont mind getting this e-mail about an exciting new fan club for the boy band Silk S

17、ound. If you keep up with music groups, you have probably already heard about this fantastic group. Although they are all very young-all of them are bleow18-they have been playing together for two years , and have had a hit CD called “Smoothie”. Their original music video , “Sounds of Silk” ,has app

18、eared on international TV. It won a CTV award for best video of the year. Next month the band starts a world tour and will travel to Beijing, Tokyo, Bangkok, Singapore, and Hong Kong before spending time in Europe. They will play in eight European capitals, then fly to North America for seven concer

19、ts in Canada and then the United States. After that the band flies to Brazil and Peru before finally returning home to China in March.Wouldnt you like to be a member of Silk Sounds fan club? You get special news about their recordings, awards, and concerts. You receive autographed pictures of all fi

20、ve musicians. Members get special T-shirts to wear at concerts. As a fan club member, you can get tickets even when none are available to the public .Best of all, you get special prices for tickets to concerts .For every four tickets you buy ,you get one free ticket. So talk with your friends, get t

21、hem to buy tickets and you could see Silk Sound free!Why not support your favorite band? Sign up today to become a member of the Silk Sound fan club .Its only$10a month for membership .If you want to join ,reply to silksound to get more information.P.S. If you join by the end of the month , you get

22、to sit in the fan club section at the big concert in June. Dont put it off ; join today!A)读短文,选择正确的答案:1.Silk Sound is sending this e-mail to get you to _A .buy a CD B. join a clubC. watch an award-winning video2.You received this e-mail because you _A .have lots of moneyB like musicC .are over 183.T

23、he band Silk Sound is made up of _A girls B .boys C .girls and boys4.The video “Sounds of Silk” was_A .an original workB .done before C .sung by another group5.When the band tours, they will play in _cities in Asia.A .fourB .fiveC .six6.When Silk Sound as finished in Europe, they will first travel t

24、o _A .the United States B .CanadaC .China7.The members of Silk Sound live in _A .AustraliaB .ChinaC New Zealand8.About how much does it cost to belong to the fan club for a year?A.$12B.$120C.$1200B)根据短文内容回答问题:1.What kind of news do members get?_They get news about Silk Sounds recordings ,awards and

25、travels._2.What is written on the pictures of the musicians?_3.What do members wear at concerts?_4.What sometimes happens with members even when tickets are all sold out to everyone else?_5.What happens if you are a member of the fan club, and you buy four tickets to a Silk Sound concert?_6.What hap

26、pens if you join the fan club by the end of June?_VII书面表达根据第VI大题短文内容及下面的要求,给你的好朋友Joe写一篇不少于60词的电子邮件。You dont know if you should join the fan club. Write an e-mail to your friend Joe and discuss the following questions:l the advantages of being a memberl if you would really use these advantagesl the d

27、isadvantage of costl why you like Silk Soundl other bands you like that dont cost as muchTo : joejoe_Unit 14I 1 bathing 2 guidebook 3 chapped 4 light 5 award 6 government 7 purpose 8 overseas 9 hit 10 hardlyII 1-5CACDA 6-10 BBCDA 11-15 BDCDAIII 1 homeless 2 having3 to call 4 to do5 do6 was turned 7

28、have 8 Have ; beenIV 1 havent bought ; yet2 Has ; watered ; yet 3 Does; have to 4 Where have; lived5 has gone6 in whichV 1-5AACBD6-10DACDA11-15CCAACVI A) 1-5 BBBAB 6-8CCB B)1 They get news about Silk Sounds recordings, awards and travels.2 The stars write their names/autographs on the pictures.3 Mem

29、bers wear special T-shirts.4 You can still get concert tickets.5 You get a free ticket.6 You get to sit in a special (fan club) section.VII 参考范文:Hi Joe,I am writing for your advice. I cant decide about joining the Silk Band fan club. I you join , you get a newsletter, autographed photographs, specia

30、l T-shirts, and even free tickets to concerts. The problem is that it costs a lot and Im not sure I really need these things. I like Silk Sound and I admire them because they are such a young band, but truly I like the band Bright New Day better. Their music is full of energy and their concerts are sometimes free. Please let me know your opinion.Your friend,_Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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