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1、学习汇报2 基于技基于技术接受模型的行接受模型的行为理理论概述概述 1技术接受模型TAMTAM2社会影响过程认知工具性工程UTAUT内在动机TAM31.理性行为理论2.计划行为理论3.动机模型(MM)4.计算机可用性模型(MPCU)5.创新扩散理论(IDT)6.社会认知理论(SCT)7.组合技术接受模型和计划行为理论的模型8.满意度2Theory of Reasoned Action(TRA)Core ConstructsDrawn from social psychology,TRA is one of the most fundamental and influential theorie

2、s of human behavior.It has been used to predict a wide range of behaviors(see Sheppard et al.1988 for a review).Davis et al.(1989)applied TRA to individual acceptance of technology and found that the variance explained was largely consistent with studies that had employed TRA in the context of other

3、 behaviors.Attitude TowardBehaviorSubjective Norm3Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)Core ConstructsTAM is tailored to IS contexts,and was designed to predict information technology acceptance and usage onthe job.Unlike TRA,the final conceptualization of TAM excludes the attitude construct in order to

4、better explain intention parsimoniously.TAM2 extended TAM by including subjective norm as an additional predictor of intention in the case of mandatory settings(Venkatesh and Davis 2000).TAM has been widely applied to diverse set of technologies and users.Perceived UsefulnessPerceived Ease of use Su

5、bjective Norm4Motivational Model(MM)Core ConstructsA significant body of research in psychology has supported general motivation theory as an explanation for behavior.Several studies have examined motivational theory and adapted it for specific contexts.Vallerand(1997)presents an excellent review of

6、 the fundamental tenets of this theoretical base.Within the information systems domain,Davis et al.(1992)applied motivational theory to understand new technology adoption and use(see also Venkatesh and Speier 1999).Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Motivation5Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB)Core Constru

7、ctsIn TPB,perceived behavioral control is theorized to be an additional determinant of intention and behavior.Ajzen(1991)presented a review of several studies that successfully used TPB to predictintention and behavior in a wide variety of settings.TPB has been successfully applied to the understand

8、ing of individual acceptance and usage of many different technologies(Harrison et al.1997;Mathieson 1991;Taylor and Todd 1995b).A related model is the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior(DTPB).In terms of predicting intention,DTPB is identical to TPB.In contrast to TPB but similar to TAM,DTPB“deco

9、mposes”attitude,subjective norm,and perceived behavioral control into its the underlying belief structure within technology adoption contexts.Attitude Toward BehaviorSubjective NormPerceived Behavioral Control6Combined TAM and TPB(C-TAM-TPB)Core ConstructsThis model combines the predictors of TPB wi

10、th perceived usefulness from TAM to provide a hybrid model(Taylor and Todd 1995a).Attitude Toward BehaviorSubjective Norm Perceived Behavioral ControlPerceived Usefulness 7Model of PC Utilization(MPCU)Derived largely from Triandis(1977)theory of human behavior,this model presents a competing perspec

11、tive to that proposed by TRA and TPB.Thompson et al.(1991)adapted and refined Triandis model for IS contexts and used the model to predict PC utilization.However,the nature of the model makes it particularly suited to predict individual acceptance and use of a range of information technologies.Thomp

12、son et al.(1991)sought to predict usage behavior rather than intention;however,in keeping with the theorys roots,the current research will examine the effect of these determinants on intention.Also,such an examination is important to ensure a fair comparison of the different models.Job-fit Complexit

13、y Long-term Consequences Affect Towards Use Social FactorsFacilitating Conditions 8Innovation Diffusion Theory(IDT)Grounded in sociology,IDT(Rogers 1995)has been used since the 1960s to study a variety of innovations,ranging from agricultural tools to organizational innovation(Tornatzky and Klein 19

14、82).Within information systems,Moore and Benbasat(1991)adapted the characteristics of innovations presented in Rogers and refined a set of constructs that could be used to study individual technology acceptance.Moore and Benbasat(1996)found support for the predictive of these innovation characterist

15、ics(see also Visibility Agarwal and Prasad 1997,1998;Karahanna et al.1999;Plouffe et al.2001).Relative Advantage Ease of Use Image Visibility CompatibilityResults Demon-strabilityVoluntariness of Use 9Social Cognitive Theory(SCT)One of the most powerful theories of human behavior is social cognitive

16、 theory(see Bandura 1986).Compeau and Higgins(1995b)applied and extended SCT to the context of computer utilization(see also Compeau et al.1999);while Compeau and Higgins(1995a)also employed SCT,it was to study performance and thus is outside the goal of the current research.Compeau and Higgins(1995

17、b)model studied computer use but the nature of the model and the underlying theory allow it to be extended to acceptance and use of information technology in general.The original model of Compeau and Higgins(1995b)used usage as a dependent variable but in keeping with the spirit of predicting indivi

18、dual acceptance,we will examine the predictive validity of the model in the context of intention and usage to allow a fair comparison of the models.Outcome ExpectationsPerformance OutcomeExpectations PersonalSelf-efficacyAffectAnxiety10111213动机模型(MM)动机理论是指心理学家对动机一概念所作的理论性与系统的解释。用以解释行为动机的本质及其产生机制的理论和

19、学说。14本能论本能与学习相结合的动机理论精神分析学说 生存本能,如饮食和性等;另一种是死亡本能,如残暴和自杀等驱力学说本能发展的理论认知论的动机理论15创新扩散理论(IDT)罗杰斯杰斯(Diffusion of InnovationsDiffusion of Innovations)“创新”(innovation),是被个体感受为新的观念、行为、实践、或者物体。“扩散”(diffusion),扩散是一项创新经过一段时间,通过特定的渠道,在某一社会系统中传播开来的过程。这一过程包括四个要素,即创新、传播渠道、时间和社会系统。16创新扩散理论是传播效果研究的经典理论之一,是由美国学者埃弗雷特罗杰

20、斯(E.M.Rogers)于20世纪60年代提出的一个关于通过媒介劝服人们接受新观念、新事物、新产品的理论,侧重大众传播对社会和文化的影响。罗杰斯杰斯认为,创新是一种被个人或其他采用新是一种被个人或其他采用单位位视为新新颖的的观念、念、实践或事物;践或事物;创新新扩散是指一散是指一种基本社会种基本社会过程,在程,在这个个过程中,主程中,主观感受到的感受到的关于某个新关于某个新语音的信息被音的信息被传播。通播。通过一个社会构一个社会构建建过程,某程,某创新的意新的意义逐逐渐显现。173/9/2024 1927-19411927-1941年年进行的行的“艾奥瓦艾奥瓦杂交玉米种交玉米种”研究研究(玉米新品种推广)通(玉米新品种推广)通过农民个人民个人访问表明大众表明大众传播播可以可以较国有力地提供新的信息,而国有力地提供新的信息,而人人际传播播对改改变人的人的态度和行度和行为更有力。更有力。1819社会认知理论思想和行动的社会基础:社会认知论一书中 班杜拉最重要的理论基础是三元交互决定论的人性假设。三元交互决定论是:行为、人的内部因素和环境三者彼此相互联系,相互决定。人具有主体性能力或意向性能力的假设20

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