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1、_ *学院网站英译的实践报告A Report on the C-E Translation of the Website of College of *CONTENTS1. IntroductionWith the increased internatinal academic exchange and reseach communication between universities home and broad, it is indispensible for universities to be equipped with English websites, publicity alb

2、ums and video clips. English website, with its diversification of forms, massive amounts of information and easy accsess, plays an important role in intenational exchange and communication. This report is based on the project of website translation for*.The author of this report was fortunate to par

3、ticipate in the translation project as a translator. Through a detailed anaysis of the project procedure and cases studies of the translation, the report will focus on the two aspects of issues. Firstly, how to get an accurate and appropriate translation by adopting Skopostheorie as the tanslation t

4、heory. Secondly, how to use parallel texts to solve the problems relate to terminology, language style, figure of speech and cultural factors . 2. Project DescriptionThis project of translation was authorized by College of Technology and Engineering, and undertaken by the faculty of English as a tea

5、ching program. The author of this report, together with other three team members accepted the project in September, 2014. The college supplied the manuscripts of the Chinese website and appointed a teacher in the Publicity Department for consulting in case of meeting problems relate to Chinese versi

6、on during the process of translation. After a discussion in-depth with the Publicity Department, the team got a clear and definite orientation on what and what will not be translated. The task would be composed of 2 phases. The first phase includes five main parts- About the College, Faculties, Depa

7、rtments and Majors, International Exchange and Latest News (news from January to August, 2014). The second phase mainly includes the update of the information and news items. So far, the first phase of the project has been carrying out and will be completed by November, 2014. The author of this pape

8、r is in charge of translating “About the College, Faculties, Departments and Majors, International Exchange” as her assigned task, which covers about 11,330 Chinese words.3. Literary Features AnalysisA good knowledge of literary features of college website plays a dominant role in achieving the goal

9、 of getting a good translation. According to the analysis of the texts functions, language style, 3.1 Text Functions“Text functions are defined as effects given by the text in specific communicative context” (Fan Yong). The first and most important obvious function of college English Website is to p

10、rovide the readers necessary information, such as the history, the staff and faculties, the disciplines and majors, college facilities and international cooperation and exchange. Besides, the English Website also has the functions of appealing and aspiring more students to enroll by publicity and pr

11、omoting its own image. To conclude, the English website is built to provide necessary information for the target readers, the source texts should be translated and edited to mainly fulfill the informative function. 3.2 Language StyleLexically, the source text is very Concise and rich in information

12、with a lot of highly condensed, peculiar vocabulary, such as “多学科、教学型、应用性、有特色” , ,and many terminologies relate to disciplines, organizations. Syntactically, scattered short sentences, parallelism sentences and non subject sentences are common and typical sentence pattern and unique language phenome

13、non in the source texts. Undoubtedly, these features of the source texts make it more difficult to get an accurate translation.4. Translation Preparation Since both the college and the translation team attached great importance to the program, the Program Proposal made clear the responsibilities and

14、 duties of both parties, which include the job requirements, expectations to the project team and the continuing supporting from the college. Similar to any translation project, the translating of website also contains three main partsPre-translating, While-translating and Post-translating. In order

15、 to have a smooth procedure, it is indispensable for the team to do plenty of preparations in Pre-translation part. The preparations mainly focus on making a plan about the whole project, which includes the staffing, the translation procedure as well as analysis of the website manuscripts and the st

16、rategies applied in this project. 4.1Translation PlanningA general plan of the project staffing, procedure will be made in this part. As illustrated in Figure 1, the project team was composed of four members. The author works as translator and takes the whole charge of the project. The consultant is

17、 responsible for any problem relates to the Chinese manuscript. Any deletion or addition to the English translation should be fully discussed with and permitted by the consultant. The Proofreader is a professional translator who is responsible for proofreading of the drafts and supervision of the wh

18、ole project.Figure 1 Staffing StaffTasks and Responsibilities Translator No. 1(The author)Project management, Pre-translating analysis, tanslating the assisgned parts, Compleletion ReportTranslator No. 2Pre-translating analysis, tanslating the assisgned partsConsultantConsulting, Typesetting and upl

19、oading the final draftProofreaderProofreading and SupervisionAs illustrated in Figure 2, the project will last for 2 months. During the process, the whole team will hold formal team meeting at least twice,one before the project for discussing, one after for conclusion. The allocation of tasks, respo

20、nsibilties and the strategies apllied to the translation would also be fully discussed during the meeting. After the meeting, the tanslators will begin their work with fully comprehension of the source texts, searching for the relative parallel texts, making Glossaries, and then the first daft, seco

21、nd draft and final draft. The Consultant would be in his position for any consultation at the same time. The profreader will work diligently to profread the drafts at least twice.Figure 2 Time PlanningPeriodTimeStaffWorking Contents1st Period Sep 15 to Sep 17Whole teamTeam conference Sep 18 to Otc 1

22、5Translators and ConsultantFirst draft of their assigned tasksOtc 15 to Otc 25ProofreaderProofreading of the first drafts2nd PeriodOtc 26 to Otc 31TranslatorsSecond draft of their assigned tasksNov 1 to Nov 5ProofreaderProofreading of the second drafts3rd PeriodNov 6 to Nov 10TranslatorsFinal drafts

23、Nov 12Whole teamTeam conference4.2 Translating Strategies Adopted The German linguist and translation scholar Katharina Reiss reasrched the features and relative translating strategies of different type of texts in the“Functional Characteristic of text types and links to translation methods (adapted

24、 from Reiss 1971)”. She divided texts in to three types: “information text”, “expressive text” and “operative text”. And Reiss pointed out that although there may be different functions of each text, but the determining factor for a translation is “whether the translation transmits the meaning of th

25、e source texts”. “Information text” refers to “those texts focusing on its content and with a main function of exchanging information, knowledge and opinions”. According to those theories on translation, we can find the source texts of this project, has the features of “information text”, and “opera

26、tive text”. So Scopes Theory and Text Typology will be adopted in this project to guide the whole process of translation. 4.3 Contingency PlanBefore starting translation, the College of Technology and Engineering assumed the whole team members are qualified and able to complete the project under the

27、 timetable. Given any emergency would happen during the process, such as health conditions, change of workload or unexpected situations of the team members may influence the planned procedures. Thus, the project team made a contingency plan to make sure the project will be accomplished punctually. T

28、he plan mainly contains two aspects. Firstly, each team member should try his or her best to fulfill his or her duty, but in the event of any emergency, some spare time is needed to be reserved. Secondly, once any member of the team could not continue the work, she or he should try to make a notice

29、in advance. The work he or she left would be given to the other backup teachers in the Faculty of English. Any disputes caused by emergencies should be solved and remedied under the permission of the college. 5. Translating ProcessThe project team established a specific translation process after dis

30、cussion, which includes task assignment, translation, proofreading, editing, delivery and backup. During translation, the team used personal computers, online dictionaries, search engine and other tools to help making glossaries and parallel texts. 5.1 The Glossary As the project is translation of t

31、he college website, it has a lot of vocabularies relating to majors, faculties, disciplines. The project team made full use of Internet resources, dictionaries and parallel texts to get authoritative and convincing Glossaries. 5.2 The Implementation of the TranslationAccording to the project proposa

32、l, the whole translation project will last for 3 months. Because the author will compose her report on the basis of the translation, the task of the author would be completed in advance. So far, the author has finished the analysis of the text feature of the source texts, adopted proper translating

33、theory as guidance, the first part of the Glossary and almost half of the translation. The rest part of translation will be completed ahead of time.6. Quality Control Similar to other translation project, effective quality control system plays a dominant role in acquiring a sound translation. The qu

34、ality control system of this project is composed of two parts. Firstly, group discussion and parallel texts assured a convincing glossary, which is the most basic part of the translation. Before we translate the assigned part, we put all the uncertain terms and expressions together and began to look

35、 up them in dictionaries and search engines respectively. Then we share and discuss them until get a satisfied one. Secondly, proofreading and editing is another important part. The translators were required to proofread their own translation first to avoid misspelling and obvious incorrectness. The

36、n the professional proofreader would read through the translation at least twice to do further proofreading and editing. 7. Case Study7.1 Deletion and Simplification of the Unnecessary Information 7.2 Combination the Scattered, Short Sentences7.3 Splitting the Long and Complicated Sentences7.4 Utili

37、zation of the Parallel Texts8. Reflections and ConclusionTaking the Chinese to English translation of the website of College of Technology and Engineering, the author of this report begins with an analysis on the features of source texts. Since the source texts have obvious features of informative t

38、exts, the author adopted Scopes Theory and Text Typology to guide the translation. The project was accomplished punctually under the detailed staffing, time plan. In the most important part of this report section, case study, the author analyzed three kinds of problems encountered in translating and

39、 tried to supply solutions by using deletion and simplification of the unnecessary information, combination, splitting and utilization of the parallel texts. Then the author will conclude the pains and gains in the whole translating process, which is expected to give some referential value in transl

40、ating Independent College websites. 精品资料参考文献1 Jeremy Mundy. (2001).Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications, Routledge 出版社:Routledge; 3rd Revised edition (2012年2月22日) 精装:384页2 刘宓庆,1999,当代翻译理论M,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司。1 Nord, Christine. (2001).Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionali

41、st Approaches Explained M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2 Reiss, Katharina. (2004). Translation Criticism: Potentials and Limitations M. Shanghai: Shanghai, Foreign Language Education Press.3 陈宏薇,2009,高级汉英翻译M,北京:外语教学与研究出版社。4 贾文波,2004,应用翻译功能论M,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司。5 卢小军,2012,中美企业网站企业概况的文本对比与外宣翻译J,中国翻译第一期,92-97。6 王银泉,2007,跨文化语境下的外宣电视新闻导语译写策略J,中国翻译第二期,59。7 徐建中,2002,工商企业翻译实务M,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司。Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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