1、新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说 参考答案 LESSON ONEMUSICPart a 123456789101112131415BCDBDBABBADCCBAPassage 1Passage 2Part D12345123451. Practical 2. religious3. Sunday School4. piano 5. a walk6. join them7. other people8. go to the cinema9. at the time10. duty11. gentle12. discussion13. penniless14. vivid15. greeted16.
2、 love and warmth17. come home18. principles19. applyingDDCCCCBCDD1) rural areas in the southern United States2) simple themes and melodies3) day-to-day situations and the feelings of country people4) the blues5) sad feelings reflecting the difficult lives of American blacks 6) fast and repetitious r
3、hythms1. little value; sin and evil2. powerful symbol; Members of most societies ; keen feelings3. central social values of a society ;western culture; interrelationship; the need; strong cooperation; various kinds of specialistsLESSON TWO holidaysPart a 123456789101112131415baccabdbdddaccbPassage 1
4、Passage 2Part D12345123451. 19472. Yale Law School3. a brave face4. family life5. stood by6. on her husbands behalf7. highlight8. the White House9. relationship10. her marriage11. all Americans12. the First lady13. 199614. law firm15. public stage16. everybody17. the same thing18. in private19. publ
5、ic responsibilities20. a true homeacdccaddab1. f2. t3. t4. f5. t1. f2. t3. t4. f5. fLESSON threeeconomyPart a 123456789101112131415aabadcbadbdcaddPassage 1Passage 2Part D12345I:1. On November 16, 20002. it is essential to take advantage of the latest developments in science and technology3. it refer
6、s to the kind of economy initiated and sustained by new technologies and hi-tech industries.4. They are faced with the tasks of both transforming their traditional industries and developing new industries.5. it should stress the popularization of scientific and technological knowledgeii:1. the eight
7、h informal meeting of leaders 2. bio-technology; a new industrial revolution3. has widened the wealth gap; North and South; new imbalances in the world economy.4. developed and developing countries; human resources, technology 5. intellectual property rights; the spread of scientific and technologic
8、al knowledge; all countries may benefit1. opportunity2. distinguished guests3. his family4. Washington5. campaign6. the very best7. difference 8. involvement 9. First lady10. Vice President11. cooperation12. politics13. values14. Democrats15. Unity16. foundation17. details18. consensus19. common gro
9、und20. one nationbdacaLESSON foureducationPart a 123456789101112131415dcdbbdcacadabbcPassage 1Passage 21234512345bbcddbcabdLESSON five life on campusPart a 123456789101112131415cadbbccdbdacadaPassage 1Passage 21234512345cdabdbdadbLESSON six Part a 123456789101112131415acddbcdbddabacdPassage 1Passage
10、 21234512345dabcdaaabdLESSON sevenPart a 123456789101112131415bdccacbcdbdbcdcPassage 1Passage 21234512345abcbbbdacaLESSON eight Part a 123456789101112131415cdbbacdbcbacbdaPassage 1Passage 21234512345cacdacdadbLESSON nine Part a 123456789101112131415bcadccddbbcccdcPassage 1Passage 21234512345bdcadbcd
11、adLESSON ten Part a 123456789101112131415daacccccbbdbbcaPassage 1Passage 21234512345例句cacdcLESSON eleven Part a 123456789101112131415acadbbddcadbccaPassage 1Passage 21234512345acdcbcbdcaLESSON twelve Part a 123456789101112131415baaadaadbcbcdcdPassage 1Passage 21234512345dcbdccabdaLESSON thirteen Par
12、t a 123456789101112131415abccbdbbcadcdadPassage 1Passage 21234512345caabdacadbLESSON fourteenPart a 123456789101112131415addcadbcaadcdcaPassage 1Passage 21234512345bcabcdaadcLESSON fifteenPart a 123456789101112131415bacabcdacbacbdaPassage 1Passage 21234512345cdbabcdddb新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说 参考答案 LESSON ONE
13、MUSICPart a 123456789101112131415BCDBDBABBADCCBAPassage 1Passage 21234512345DDCCCCBCDDLESSON TWO holidaysPart a 123456789101112131415baccabdbdddaccbPassage 1Passage 21234512345acdccaddabLESSON threeeconomyPart a 123456789101112131415aabadcbadbdcaddPassage 1Passage 2123451345bdaca例句LESSON foureducati
14、onPart a 123456789101112131415dcdbbdcacadabbcPassage 1Passage 21234512345bbcddbcabdLESSON five life on campusPart a 123456789101112131415cadbbccdbdacadaPassage 1Passage 21234512345cdabdbdadbLESSON six Part a 123456789101112131415acddbcdbddabacdPassage 1Passage 21234512345dabcdaaabdLESSON sevenPart a
15、 123456789101112131415bdccacbcdbdbcdcPassage 1Passage 21234512345abcbbbdacaLESSON eight Part a 123456789101112131415cdbbacdbcbacbdaPassage 1Passage 21234512345cacdacdadbLESSON nine Part a 123456789101112131415bcadccddbbcccdcPassage 1Passage 21234512345bdcadbcdadLESSON ten Part a 12345678910111213141
16、5daacccccbbdbbcaPassage 1Passage 21234512345例句cacdcLESSON eleven Part a 123456789101112131415acadbbddcadbccaPassage 1Passage 21234512345acdcbcbdcaLESSON twelve Part a 123456789101112131415baaadaadbcbcdcdPassage 1Passage 21234512345dcbdccabdaLESSON thirteen Part a 123456789101112131415abccbdbbcadcdadPassage 1Passage 21234512345caabdacadbLESSON fourteenPart a 123456789101112131415addcadbcaadcdcaPassage 1Passage 21234512345bcabcdaadcLESSON fifteenPart a 123456789101112131415bacabcdacbacbdaPassage 1Passage 21234512345cdbabcdddb