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1、万能结尾句助人结尾句Only in this way could more and more people help each other in the future.只有这样,将来才能有越来越多的人互相帮助。感动感悟结尾句Whether rich or poor, we should be happy to do something for society.This is because giving is the source of happiness.无论贫富,我们都应该为社会做点什么。这是因为给予是幸福的源泉。脱险结尾句That unforgettable experience was

2、 carved into my heart and nothingwould be able to erase it. It turns out that theres always a way out ofany trouble as long as we never give up our hope.那段难忘的经历刻在我的心里,没有什么能够抹去它。事实证明,只要我们不放弃希望就总有办法摆脱困境成长改变结尾句1.学习知识促“改变Its never too late to learn. Each individual has the right to accept more challenge

3、s and make more attempts.学习永远为时不晚。每人都应该并且有权利去接受更多的挑战,做更多的尝试。2.发挥天赋促“改变”Actually, each of us possesses a unique talent that we are born with. Aslong as we are good at discovering it and developing it to the fullest, andalso make efforts, we can create miracles in the end.事实上,我们每个人都拥有与生俱来的与众不同的天赋,只要我们

4、善于发现它并将其发挥到极致,加上努力,最终你就一定能创造奇迹 。3.追逐梦想促“改变”Its never too late to pursue your dream. As long as you seize everyopportunity and take full advantage of it, and also make every effort, you are sure to realize your dreams.追梦永远不晚。只要你抓住并充分利用机会,加上努力,你就一定会实现梦想。4.克服困难促“改变”The journey to success is not smooth.

5、 It is full of challenges andhardships. We should be brave to face them. As long as we dontgive up hope and make every effort to overcome all the difficulties, we will surely achieve our goal finally.通往成功的路不会平坦,充满挑战和艰辛。我们要勇敢面对。只要不放弃希望并竭尽全力克服所有困难,我们最终会实现我们的目标。5.战胜恐惧促“改变”Determination and optimism are

6、 what it takes to conquer your fear,build your confidence and reach your goal.战胜恐惧、建立自信和实现目标,需要决心和乐观。6.战胜自卑促“改变”Ismiled as I eventually realized the real source of confidence. Now, I amproud of what I look like, because I have come to realize that it is yourpersonality that decides who you really ar

7、e.我笑了,因为我最终意识到了自信的真正来源。现在,我为我的样子感到骄傲,因为我已经意识到,决定你真正是谁的是你的个性.7.战胜消极促“改变”Attitude is more important than facts for us. We cannot change ourpast; we cannot change the fact. However, the only thing we can do ishold a positive attitude.对我们来说,态度比事实更重要。我们不能改变我们的过去,我们不能改变事实。然而,我们唯一能做的就是保持积极的态度。真题+范文2022年1月浙

8、江高考When Dr. Henderson was assigning(指定) project mates for his psychology class, I secretly hoped that he would pair me with my best friend or at least a classmate I could have some fun with. Above all, I hoped he wouldnt assign me to work with the fiercely competitive and extremely serious fellow wh

9、o always wore dark clothes and apparently had a personality to match. As fate (命运) would have it, Dr. Henderson very deliberately matched everyone in class and announced that I would be working with the one person in class I wanted to avoid.I went up to my new teammate and introduced myself. He look

10、ed at me as though I werent there. I felt he treated me as though I would hold him back and probably make him fail to get an A in the course. He wasnt mean or abusive; he just gave me the impression that he could do whatever project we dreamed up better if he did it alone.Needless to say, I didnt lo

11、ok forward to an entire term of being brushed off, but I tried to make the best of it and didnt say anything for fear that I would make things worse.The project required each team to develop a hypothesis (假说), set up an experiment to test the hypothesis, do the statistical analysis and present the f

12、indings. Whatever grade the team received would be shared by both students.When my teammate and I met to discuss our project, I was uneasy. Here was this challenging student who had a reputation for single-mindedness and good grades the exact opposite of me. I actually wanted to drop the class at on

13、e point, but stopped short because I didnt want to give him the satisfaction of my chickening out. I decided to stick to it no matter what.After long discussions we somehow agreed to do a study on the psychological well-being of teenagers. I wasnt sure what it meant exactly, but at least we had a to

14、pic.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans.Paragraph 2:One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.参考范文一We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans

15、.At first, it seemed that he dominated our discussion for he was familiar with the topic, but I was the opposite(与原文衔接自然). However, as days passed, I gradually got involved because he started to encourage me to explain my views! I could feel his icy shell gradually melting away(背诵的但是用的很自然) and event

16、ually I could discuss with him looking straight in his eyes. We finished the hypothesis and experiment procedure, in great harmony actually. Things came out that he was serious, indeed, but he seemed icy because he was lonely. We parted the day before analysis discussion with confidence for our proj

17、ect. But when I returned the next morning, he was nowhere to be found. The fact struck me feeling desperate. He didnt come either in the following days.One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.It was the day before deadline and I drowned myself doing analysis and pre

18、paring for the presentation. Hearing the word, I dashed to the hospital and found him, my dear teammate, lying on the bed, face pale. His eyes sparkled as he saw me. Beside him I managed to finish the last tasks with his guidance-his fingers pointing at certain figures. Then next day I went for the

19、presentation in class.参考范文二We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans.Serious as my teammate was, we gradually grew in good tune with each other. He had a way with technical things and approached every detail with a clear purpose. And I spared no effort to do my bit, collecting data and recor

20、ding results carefully, so as to make up for my academic disadvantage. I fully discussed my ideas and shared my insights with him, who was once indifferent but later listened to me with close attention. We were making steady progress with our project.One day I got word that he was admitted to hospit

21、al for a serious disease.The moment I saw him lying helplessly in bed, I decided I had to act alone and do my best. I assured him I would not let him down and he should concentrate on recovering. I poured more time and energy into that project than ever before, and finally presented our findings to

22、the class, which surprisingly earned us an excellent grade! When I told him about our shared success, he smiled. It had to do with trust and the joy of sharing a common prize.2021年6月新高考卷A MOTHERS DAY SURPRISEThe twins were filled with excitement as they thought of the surprise they were planning for

23、 Mothers Day. How pleased and proud Mother would be when they brought her breakfast in bed. They planned to make French toast and chicken porridge. They had watched their mother in the kitchen. There was nothing to it. Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what to do.The big day came at last. The alarm rang a

24、t 6 a.m. The pair went down the stairs quietly to the kitchen. They decided to boil the porridge first. They put some rice into a pot of water and left it to boil while they made the French toast. Jeff broke two eggs into a plate and added in some milk. Jema found the bread and put two slices into t

25、he egg mixture. Next, Jef turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan. Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread. The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds. Jenna threw the burnt piece into the sink and put in the other slice of bread. This

26、 time, she turned down the fire so it cooked nicely.Then Jeff noticed steam shooting out of the pot and the lid starting to shake. The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned off the gas quickly. But the stove was a mess now

27、. Jenna told Jef to clean it up so they could continue to cook the rest of the porridge. But Jeffs hand touched the hot burner and he gave a cry of pain. Jenna made him put his hand in cold water. Then she caught the smell of burning. Oh dear!The piece of bread in the pan had turned black as well.注意

28、:1.续写词数应为150左右:2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph1:As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared.Paragraph 2:The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.参考范文As the twins looked around them in disappointment, their father appeared.“Dont panic!” hehandedeach

29、 one a wet towel,helpingthem clean the mess quickly.After that,Jeffstammered outtheir plan,his face flushing. However, Father laughed, “Sounds great! I can teach you to cook.”At this, Jenna and Jef almostjumped to their feet, joy in eyes.Under his careful guidance,it didnt take long beforethe French

30、 toast and chicken porridge were ready.Everything settled,Father left the kitchen, promising to keep their secret.The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and woke their mother up.Meeting their smiling eyes, Mother felt confuseduntilthey presented the breakfast and said “Happy Mothers Day”. Motherga

31、ve them a tight hug, “Unbelievable! You can cook! Its the biggest surprise I have received.”Her face lit up with happiness. “They have known how to take care of others.” Father saidin response toher excitement,winkingat Jenna and Jef. They couldnt help giggling.It was a secret only shared between th

32、em.2021年6月浙江卷Mydad, George, only had an eighth grade education. A quiet man, he didnt understand my world of school activities. From age 14, heworked. And his dad, Albert, took the money my dad earned and used it to payfamilyexpenses.I didnt really understand his world either: He was a livestock tru

33、cker, and l thought that I would surpass(超过) anything he had accomplished by the time l walked across the stage at high school graduation.Summers in the mid, 70s were spent at home shooting baskets, hitting a baseball, or throwing a football, preparing for myfutureas a quarterback on a football team

34、. In poor weather, I read about sports or practiced my trombone(长号).The summer before my eighth grade I was one of a group of boys that a neighboringfarmerhired to work in his field. He explained our basic task, the tractor fired up and we were off, riding down the field looking for weeds to spray w

35、ith chemicals. After a short way, the farmer stopped and painted at a weed which we missed. Then we began again. This happened over and over, but we soonlearnedto identify different grasses like cockleburs, lambs-quarters, foxtails, and the king of weeds, the pretty purple thistle. It wastiringwork,

36、 but I looked forward to the pay, even though I wasnt sure how much it would amount to.At home, my dad said, A jobs a big step togrowing up.Im glad you will be contributing to the household.My dads words made merealizethat my earning might not be mine to do with as wished.My labors lasted about two

37、weeks, and the farmer said there might be more work, but I wasnt interested. I decided it was notfairthat l had to contribute my money.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右:2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1:The pay day arrived at last.Paragraph 2:I understood immediately what my parents were worried about.参考范文The pay day

38、arrived at last.I was glad that I finally got the payment after working hard for two weeks. While walking back home with an excited mind. I conceived many plans about how to dispose of it. I needed a new football because the old one we played had already worn out. I intended to purchase my favorite

39、chocolates. Upon approaching the house, I noticed my dad and mom standing beside the old truck, looking sadly. It seemed as if something unpleasant happened. “How much do we still need to pay for a new truck?. asked my mother. Three hundred dollars, but we just had two hundred left.”I understood imm

40、ediately what my parents were worried about.Really, the truck my dad drove often broke down on the way, which made my dad in trouble. My parents had intended to buy a new truck but couldnt afford it. Suddenly, I realized what I should do. Stepping forward, I said, “Dad, here is what Ireceived for my

41、 work. I think it would help you a little.” A little surprised at what Isaid, my mom hugged me tightly. That night, before I went to bed, l thought I would tell the farmer the next day that I would continue my work, after all l grew up.2021年1月八省联考During this past year, Ive had three instances of car

42、 trouble. Each time these things happened, I was sick of the way most people hadnt bothered to help. One of those times, I was on the side of the road for close to three hours with my big Jeep. I put signs in the windows, big signs that said NEED A JACK (千斤顶), and offered money. Nothing. Right as I

43、was about to give up, a Mexican family in a small truck pulled over, and the father bounded out.He sized up the situation and called for his daughter, who spoke English. He conveyed through her that he had a jack but that it was too small for the Jeep, so we would need something to support it. Then

44、he got a saw (锯子) from the truck and cut a section out of a big log on the side of the road. We rolled it over and put his jack on top, and we were in business.I started taking the wheel off, and then, if you can believe it, I broke his tire iron. No worries: He handed it to his wife, and she was go

45、ne in a flash down the road to buy a new tire iron. She was back in 15 minutes. We finished the job, and I was a very happy man.The two of us were dirty and sweaty. His wife prepared a pot of water for us to wash our hands. I tried to put a $20 bill in the mans hand, but he wouldnt take it, so inste

46、ad I went up to the truck and gave it to his wife as quietly as I could. I asked the little girl where they lived. Mexico, she said. They were in Oregon so Mommy and Daddy could work on a fruit farm for the next few weeks. Then they would go home.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1:When

47、 I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch.Paragraph 2:After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag.参考范文一When I was about to say goodbye, the girl asked if Id had lunch.I shookmy head and said no, wondering why she asked such a question was shegoing to treat me to lu

48、nch or something? “Wait a minute,” said the girl, andthen she went back to the truck. After a few minutes she came back with apaper bag. “Here are some Mexican snacks and you can have some whenyou are hungry,” the girl smiled. I was so surprised and touched that wordsalmost failed me. I just said a “WOW!” instead of a “Thank you!” when Itook the bag.After they left, I got into my Jeep and opened the paper bag.When I sawwhat was in the bag, I was overcome with a mi

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