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1、1. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:说明人们选择上大学的具体原因(一个或者多个): 增加经验、拓展知识、开阔视野 为了实现理想

2、(ideal; idealistic)(如,周恩来就是为中华之崛起而读书) 为了保证将来的就业机会 父母要求子女上大学 别人都上大学了,所以自己也选择读书 找不到工作(无知,总是一部分人做出某个选择的理由。上大学如是1,去博物馆如是12,从事危险运动亦如是43。)相关题目:1682. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:因观点绝对而不能同

3、意。 不是所有的父母都是好老师 最好的老师不仅仅是父母 有些父母尽管善良,但对教育孩子一无所知 有些父母不配做孩子的老师,对孩子有不良影响3. Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:总体上,“食物变得越来越容易准备”是一种进步37,所以自然会带来improvement。使人们的生活方式发生了一些变化: 好的:o 节省时间,越来越方

4、便,一定程度上把妇女从繁杂的家务中解放了出来 也有不好的变化:o 准备食物是一种重要的家庭活动,可是食物变得容易准备一定程度上使家人在一起的时间减少了,比如“速冻饺子”quick-frozen dumplingo 快餐业的高速发展的一个直接结果是,人们普遍变胖了,尤其是孩子相关题目:134. It has been said, Not everything that is learned is contained in books. Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from

5、books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?参考分析: 注意一定要先进行比较 从书本中获取的知识o 优点: 题材、范围更多 有更多的深度 更加的系统o 缺点: 有时过于教条 也不见得完全准确 从经验中获取的知识o 优点: 获取直接、简单明了 更加地实用 有些知识无法从书本中获得o 缺点: 不系统,很大的随意性 很容易产生片面理解 不一定要说A比B更重要,或者B比A更重要。也可以选择在不同的情况下,有不同的比较。学习抽象的知识,书本是最好的来源。学习游泳,这只能靠经验。另外,大多数的知识要书本经验相结合才可以。相关题目:

6、116 有些科目或者知识适合通过实践学习,比如,语言,体育 有些科目或者知识适合通过阅读学习,比如,物理、化学、历史、地理 有些科目或者知识适合通过与别人交流来学习,比如销售技巧;管理技巧所以不能一概而论(treat different things/problems/matters as the same),要看学什么,以及学习的阶段。5. A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages o

7、f this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.参考分析:先讨论“假设工厂真的落成了,而带来的好处和坏处”,而后发表看法。 好处:o 直接增加了就业机会(到工厂去上班);间接增加了就业机会(会有很多服务业,比如饭店、商店、超市等等跟着开业)o 如果工厂规模足够大,物流规模也足够大,那么将最终成为交通改善的起点o 大的工厂可以缴纳很多税,对地方财政有好处,进而促进社区的繁荣 坏处:o 带来各种污染,比如,噪音、废气、污水等等o 工厂不一定会赢利相

8、关题目: 16、25、26、30、796. If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.参考分析:改变其环境,因为一个好的环境会使人们 更加快乐 更加健康 更加有效率相关题目:52、141、165都可以选择改变其环境。这些题目实际上可以用一篇文章应对。7. How do movies or television influence peoples behavi

9、or? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.参考分析:电影、电视等大众传媒(mass media)往往可以对人们的行为产生影响 通过改变人们的价值观、世界观、审美观而改变人们行为 通过制造“社会热点”而使大众不停地讨论一件事情 通过满足人们的幻想,或使人们处于平衡状态,或使人们一定程度上失衡8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and

10、family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.参考分析:不能同意这个观点。一方面人们看电视的时间越来越多;另外一方面人与人之间的关系越来越冷漠。但是这两个现象并不是完全、直接的因果关系。造成人们关系冷漠的原因很多,比如,来自方方面面的压力:工作、生活。9. Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use sp

11、ecific reasons and details to support your answer.参考分析: 生活在大城市的优缺点:信息发达,工作机会多,生活设施完善;人情淡薄 生活在小城市的优缺点:温馨,安静,空气好;人们相互了解、友善;信息闭塞;没有好工作 陈述自己的偏好(可以采取it depends的策略,不同的阶段有不同的偏好)相关题目:2010. When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. Do you agree or disagree with the

12、 quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.参考分析: nothing是一个绝对词,所以,不能完全同意也不能完全不同意。选择“很大程度上同意”。 指出luck确实存在 指出可能导致人们成功的若干原因:诚实、睿智、幽默;执著;肯于做不喜欢的事情27;相关题目:27、6311. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to

13、 their students sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.参考分析: 不能完全同意。same是一件做不到的事情。 普通大学,应该或更多的钱在图书馆上 体育专科大学,当然应该花更多的钱在体育设施上 资金分配的重要原则:产出应该大于投入 大学的办学原则:要better brains;也要better bodies.相关题目:Related Topic: 147. Some relevan

14、t issues about public investments: 1) investment vs. profit; 2) immediate needs vs. long-term benefits; 3) profit-making organization vs. nonprofit-making organization. Topics about money allocation: 11. 19. 56. 95. 100. 167*) personal attitudes of money: 32. 33. 48. 53. 131. 173. 177. 185.资金分配问题:资金

15、的有效运用(efficiency of money allocation)的重要体现是投入产出比(input-output ratio)。即便是nonprofit-making organization也要保证资金的投入产出的平衡(balance of input and output)。12. Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answ

16、er. 参考分析: 个人偏好,或者习惯,比如喜爱历史。 可以短时间内了解一个地方的历史、文化。85提提供了一个线索:因为他只有一天的时间! 可以看到珍贵的艺术、文化、历史、科学等收藏。 著名的博物馆周边,由于游客众多,一般也会有很多其他值得参观的地方,也会有很好吃的餐馆。 另外,也有些人去博物馆,没有什么特别的理由。别人都去,于是他也去了1、42 。13. Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do y

17、ou prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:不要急于作出选择,先进行比较,然后根据情况选择 去餐馆或者吃快餐的优缺点:方便、快捷、多种口味;昂贵、卫生可能得不到保障、快餐使人发胖3 在家吃饭的优缺点:干净、可以做出自己喜欢的口味、节省、与家人和朋友共同准备实物很开心;花费时间、可能做的没有餐馆那么好吃; 在不同的情况下会有不同的选择。周末休息应该跟家人在家里吃饭。与老朋友久别重逢应该找一家安静的餐馆相关题目:314. Some people believe that university st

18、udents should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.参考分析:不要急于选择哪一个观点。因为两个观点都有些片面。尽量多地列举两种观点的优缺点,然后进行比较,最终选择一个立场。 上课的好处 17 自学的好处17 在培养大学生时,是否应该

19、以培养学生的自主能力为主? 如果强制所有的学生去上课,是否真地会提高所有学生的学习效率?有些学生可能在某些课堂上得不到有效的帮助。 如果允许所有的学生都可以自由选课,是否会有些学生失去目标? 有没有这种的办法?比如:选修课(optional course)/必修课(compulsory course)的设置相关题目:1715. Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and example

20、s in your answer.参考分析:共有8道题问及各种人的qualities或者characteristics。103提供了最好的答案:intelligence; honesty; a sense of humor。这些都是所有的人都应具备的基本优点。类似的还有optimistic and positive; politeness; loyalty; perseverance; justice等等。46要求回答Have these qualities changed or remained the same over time in your culture?而以上提到的各个特征都是r

21、emained unchanged in any culture, and any period of time的相对容易回答(只需要说从来就没有变过就可以了)。相关题目:18、22、46、62、93、103、179。另外,174题的作文中(这一代人与上一代人有什么不同?)可以用一段的篇幅来描述一些不曾改变过的东西。16. It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use spec

22、ific reasons and details to support your answer.参考分析:社区内的餐馆越多,竞争就越激烈,那么价钱就会更公道;可能会出现卫生问题;也可能有客人酗酒闹事(excessive drinking; get drunk and create a disturbance; make trouble after getting drunk.)。参见:5。17. Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it

23、 is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.参考分析:不要急于选择哪一个观点。因为两个观点都有些片面。 有老师的好处:系统的指导;提供疑难解答;更快、更有效率 自学的必要性:自学能力应该是追求知识的过程中最重要的能力之一。 任何科目都应该指导和自学相结合。 不同的科目、不同的阶段有不同的选择。18. What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use spe

24、cific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.参见:1519. Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop y

25、our essay.参考分析:资金运用的基本原则a higher input-output ratio is desirable。参见:11分析。 政府也需要盈利 高速公路,是有盈利的。并且有利于促进经济繁荣,进一步增加税收。 公共交通,是政府开销。但是市政府的职责。 结合我国情况选择立场。比如:可以认为目前要大力发展高速公路,而其收入可以用来开发公共交通。20. It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific r

26、easons and examples to develop your essay.参考分析:不要急于同意或者不同意这个观点。因为那个回答都有些片面。地点并不是影响孩子成长的唯一因素,也不是众多因素中最重要的因素。 生活在城市的优缺点 生活在乡村的优缺点 也可以用一系列“不一定”的事实来反驳题目中观点,比如:o 在乡村长大的孩子不一定比在城市长大的孩子淳朴(honest; simple; simple sentiments);o 在乡村长大的孩子不一定比在城市长大的孩子健康(healthy); 不同的阶段有不同的选择:o 学龄前儿童,小学生在哪里都无所谓o 初中、高中就可能在大城市更好一点21

27、. In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.参考分析: 现象描述:20世纪初全球平均年龄(life expectancy)大约45岁。到20世纪末,这个数字已经增长到70岁左右。 人们越来越长寿的原因:o 越来越好的饮食条件,饮食卫生,越来越科学的饮食模式o 越来越发达的医疗技术、越来越完善的医疗保健系统o 经济稳定、社会稳定。极端的例子:前苏联(the previ

28、ous Soviet Union)解体(disintegration/breakup)后,俄罗斯的平均年龄大幅度下降22. We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these char

29、acteristics are important.参见:1523. In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.参考分析:注意审题。是teenager而不是college students。Teenagers have jobs,这显然是一个BAD idea。Teenager,意指十几岁的孩子16岁或者18岁以下(

30、18岁以上就是adult了,16、7的孩子往往被称之为 young adults。参见:61)。雇用童工(Employing children labor)目前在很多国家是非法(illegal)的。也违反国际儿童保护条约(International Children Act )。允许雇用童工,或存在童工现象,都是一个国家落后愚昧的表现。 不要说teenager打工可以锻炼自我,teenager需要的是接受教育,健康成长 不要说teenager打工可以认识社会,teenager还不具备足够的心理承受能力(psychological endurance),过早步入社会 (early exposur

31、e to the real world),只能导致世界观、价值观(out look of world, value, etc.)的扭曲(deteriorated; distorted)。 24. A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your

32、essay.参考分析:这是一个讨论假设问题的题目。尽量展开想象。注意:不要只说my city,要指出你所在城市的名字, 比如:Beijing, Shanghai等等。 人们会喜欢的有:女人喜欢商场;男人可能喜欢书店;大的公园、动物园;名胜古迹;文化氛围 人们会讨厌的有:交通堵塞;空气不新鲜;大城市的排外主义(exclusivism)、不友善(unfriendly);25. It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or

33、 oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.参见:526. It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.参见:527. Do you agree or

34、disagree with the following statement? People should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:这个statement里面的限定词是sometimes。应该同意这个观点。63可以作为27的理由之一,因为,Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable l

35、essons for the future。这道题甚至可以作为43的答案。Most successful people have one thing in common: they are capable of doing things that they virtually do not enjoy doing. 28. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the p

36、ersonal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.参考分析:不能同意这个观点因为这样的说法过于片面。 有些媒体(大众传媒mass media)表现得过于关注名人。但是真正的起因(the real cause)却是大众(the public; the broad masses of the people)本身大众过于关注名人以及名人的私生活。媒体不过是在迎合大众(cater to the ne

37、eds of customers; 过去几年里, 电视一直迎合大众的口味。 In the past several years, television has been playing to the gallery.),因为媒体也是商业机构(commercial organization),也要盈利(profit-driving)。 不是所有媒体都在一味迎合大众,也不是所有的television program, newspaper column都在关注名人。29. Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by

38、human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.参考分析:不要急于选择。两种观点都过于含混。Human activity指的是什么? 饮食起居:广东人把某种海豚(dolphin)吃得almost extinct;美国人养宠物鹦鹉(parrot),导致南美洲很多稀有品种(rare species)濒临灭绝。 科学研

39、究:好的例子很多,比如电的发明。不好的也很多,克隆(clone)技术、基因重组(gene engineering)技术,可能导致道德(moral value)的沦丧(deteriorated; ruined); 诺贝尔的发明(炸药explosive)究竟杀了多少人?塑料袋(plastic bags)的发明,导致了多少white pollution? 战争:从来都是灾难。生化武器,比如炭疽病毒(anthrax)结论:人类的行为对地球的影响,有好的,也有坏的。很难说哪一种更多。相关题目:3730. It has recently been announced that a new high sch

40、ool may be built in your community. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details in your answer.参考分析: 教育是百年大计(a fundamental task crucial for generations to come),当然要同意。 社区的孩子就近上学很方便,减少了路上可能发生交通事故的可能性; 可以提高社区文化氛围(将有更多的书店,音像店); 进而促进社区经济繁荣;提高就业率等等。 尽管社区可能变得嘈杂一些,但是总体上还是应该支持的

41、。参见:5、11331. Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons and specific examples to supp

42、ort your opinion.参考分析: 选择哪一个都无所谓。直接选择一个立场,文章就变成了罗列三个理由的简单说明文。 后者比较容易操作一些。 也可以采取it depends的策略。o 小的时候,没有选择,父母在哪里,自己就要在哪里;o 长大了,就会不停地寻找合适的地方;o 到了老年,就喜欢停留在一个地方了。32. Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and

43、examples to support your opinion.参考分析:先讨论一下储蓄的必要性以及及时享乐的好处。然后可以采取it depends策略进行选择。是花钱及时享乐好呢还是把钱存起来好,要看钱的数目是多少。如果一个月赚 800块,只有一个选择,花掉。 2000块,就可以花掉一些,存起来一些。 20000块,就多花一些,也可以多存一些。33. You have received a gift of money. The money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry you like or tickets to a concert

44、you want to attend. Which would you buy? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.参考分析:选择哪一个都无所谓,只要列出三个理由。比较偷懒的方法是,“根据不同的时间,有不同的选择”。参见:范文。相关题目:142、16134. Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support you

45、r answer.参考分析:不同意比较好写一些。Entire是一个过于绝对的修饰词。雇用人员的原则是:The employees should be able to create more than they are paid.但是,The business also has responsibility to support those old employees, especially when they have contribute a lot to the business.35. Do you agree or disagree with the following stateme

46、nt? Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.参考分析:同意或者不同意都是片面的。讨论现场的好处(比如气氛好air of excitement;投入感强 getting involved)和电视转播(television live show

47、)的好处(比如,有解说commentary/commentator;多镜头various angle of view; 镜头组接 montage),至于选择,要视情况而定。 如果是中国甲A足球赛,才不去现场呢!生气。可是如果是有机会去看欧洲杯的话,不知道要比看电视过瘾(to ones hearts content)多少倍! 如果是F4的演唱会,是绝对不能去的,电视也不看!可是如果是rolling rock的演唱会,就一定要去了可惜,因为SARS取消了。36. Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed peoples lives. automobiles bicycles airplanesUse specific reasons and examples to supp

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