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1、总共三个小时,十个问答,有时候给例子,有时候要求解释,写38开头的学号,外教判卷1. 国际营销的实质?怎样为客户创造价值?P5value equation给了很好的答案,四个要点都要包括4P的分析(1) The essence of marketing is to surpass the competition at the task of creating perceived value for customers.(2) Value equation = benefit/price 4Ps(price, promotion, product and place)(3) Create val

2、ue for customers by improving benefits or reducing pricel Improve the productl Find new distribution channelsl Create better communicationsl Cut monetary and non-monetary costs and prices* Standardization和adaptation全球营销面临的基本问题标准化与适应化贯穿始终了解可以说全球公司,比如麦当劳,都用的combination的方式,即think globally,act locallyTh

3、e extent to which each marketing mix element can be standardized or adapted in various country markets.2. 四种PTA注意不是FTA,FTA只是其中一种,包括这四个形式:FTA(自由贸易区);CU(FTA的进化,比FTA多了对外统一关税);common market(生产要素自由流动,包括劳动力、资本信息);EU(比前面多了经济政策的统一);FTA是其中等级最低的合作形式,countries继续保持独立对外关税;CU比FTA多一个external barriers to trade;共同市场

4、经济联盟(1)Free Trade Area- Two or more countries agree to eliminate tariffs and other barriers that restrict trade. - Countries continue independent trade policies with countries outside the agreements. - Rules of origin: requirements restrict the transshipment for the country with the lowest tax to an

5、other. (2)Custom Union- include the elimination of the internal barriers to trade - establish common external barriers to trade(3)Common Market- (2) + allows for free movement of factors of production, such as labor, capital and information (4)Economy Union- (3) + coordinate and harmonize economic a

6、nd social policy within the union 贸易协定:自由贸易区:两国或者更多的国家同意取消关税和其他障碍,这些国家之间没有这些贸易障碍,这些国家维持相对于第三国的独立贸易政策;如北美自由贸易区,加拿大和智力也确定了这样一个协定。l Rules of origin:原产地规则,原产地政策要求限制了为避免贸易转移而带来的货物的流动在北美的自由贸易区NAFTA,通过较少关税,扩张的贸易和投资进行经济发展,非关税同盟,没有对外统一关税,对于劳动力和其他要素的流动是限制,如墨西哥移民到美国是不被允许的关税同盟:自由贸易区进化,除了取消贸易障碍外,还建立共同的对外贸易政策,即对非

7、成员国实行统一关税,叫做关税同盟共同市场:共同市场比关税同盟更进一步,除了以上所述,还允许要素的自由流动,如产品、劳动力、信息、资本等经济联盟:在共同市场基础上更进一步,除了以上所述之外,在整个联盟之内,实行社会政策与经济政策的统一,甚至政治的统一,即欧盟3. 文化(1)什么是文化?What is Culture?- Cultureways of living, built up by a group of human beings, that are transmitted from one generation to another 文化值得是生活的方式,由一组人群创建的,代代相传的东西-

8、 Culture has both conscious and unconscious values, ideas, attitudes, and symbols- Culture is acted out in social institutions- Culture is both physical (clothing and tools) and nonphysical (religion, attitudes, beliefs, and values)(2)高背景文化和低背景文化High- and Low- Context Cultures(文化藏在文字里,需要猜;强调背景和基础的价值

9、观与社会地位,如日本;不注重法律文件,更相信关系,非常在于个人声誉,彼此建立信任),和低背景文化(文化明确清晰,每一句话包括了很多,如美国,重视法律文件等);可以举例,比如律师在高背景文化中不那么重要,而在地背景文化中很重要。单一的时间观:一段时间里只能做一件事,时间观念强,多种的时间观:时间的融通性更强High Contextl Information resides in context 文化藏在文本中,必须仔细的猜和推断l Emphasis on background, basic values, societal status, focus on personal reputation

10、, thus ones words are his or her bonds 背景、基本价值观、社会地位,看中个人信誉,一个人的话是信条l Less emphasis on legal paperwork, lawyer is less important 不重视法律文件,Low Contextl Messages are explicit and specific, Words carry all information 信息清晰明确, 语言本身即可传递很多信息l Deals are made with much less information about the character, b

11、ackground and values of the participants; l but focus on non-personal documentation of credibility, ones words are not reliable - must get in writingl Reliance on legal paperwork, thus lawyer is very important 重视法律文本l 高背景文化律师不大重要、作用有限、所说的话就是信誉, 低背景文化律师很重要,对于oral和writing是不同的东西,必须是纸面的东西才能表示合同的成立。l 对于公

12、司组织的错误,在高背景文化由高层负责,在低背景文化中由低层负责l 在个人空间方面,高背景文化:个人空间小 低背景文化:必须有距离,否则他会感觉个人隐私受到侵犯l 在时间方面,高背景:多元时间观生命中的任何事情都有其时间规律,应顺其自然; 时间不重要;低背景:单一时间观时间就是金钱,线形的一时一事,守时非常重要; l 竞标:高背景:不常见 低背景:常见l 高:不强调个人空间 低:强调个人空间* Hofstedes Cultural Typology P126从5个维度考虑国家文化,基于国家角度:具体权利距离解释(比如日本较高、德国较低社会地位低的成员能否接受较低的社会地位,如果能够接受,则说明权

13、利权利比较高),个人注意和集体主义、男权文化(比如日本、奥地利)、不确定行规避(社会成员对于社会当中出现的模糊的不确定性东西的看法,不喜欢就是不确定性规避很强,比如美国这个指数非常高)、长期导向(比如日本),后面讲到的广告诉求(rational 和 * appeals的)里面说明,那张表格也会结合有文化的considerationl Power distancel Individualism/collectivisml Masculinityl Uncertainty avoidancel Long-term orientationSRC会形成cultural myopia第四章 全球管理信息

14、系统 Global Management Information Systems and Marketing Research一共两个重点FRID和国际市场与国内市场调查的不同4. 管理信息系统了解tools of MIS重点了解RFID是什么?确切解释是什么(P432 CASE 12-2)有跟踪作用,方便物流、仓储运输l Intranet, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Efficient Consumer Response System (ECR), Electronic point of sale, RFIDl RFID is a new tech

15、nology employing tiny tags 编程程序equipped with microchips and antennas天线. l RFID has been used for such applications as security and access control and toll collection on roads and bridges. Now, global companies are accessing the technology as a means of improving supply chain management. RFID tags ca

16、n facilitate a companys effort to track the location of components and parts as they move along an assembly line, or shipping containers as they move from global factories to retailers in various parts of the world; RFID-based inventory system. l It is too expensive to put on individual items. And m

17、ay be concerned with privacy. 5. 国际市场营销相比国内市场营销来说对问题的界定有什么不同four specific environmental factors that may require international research efforts to be conducted differently than domestic research. 国际市场:为国际市场调研存在的,与国内相关比存在挑战,P192有两个人的例子,国际市场营销专门为某一些项目设计的营销,与国内相比主要存在一些挑战,要意识到并且对national differences but

18、 influence the way information is obtained有所反映The objectives of international market research are the same as the objectives of domestic research. Global marketing research is the project- specified, systematic gathering of data in the search scanning mode on a global basis. Challenge is to recogniz

19、e and respond to national differences that influence the way information is obtained. (1) researchers must be prepared for new parameters参量of doing business. Different requirements and the ways in which rules are applied may differ.(2) Cultural megashock强烈的文化冲击, may occur as company personnel come t

20、o grips with a new set of culture-based assumptions about conducting business. (3) A company entering more than one new geographic market faces a burgeoning急速成长 network of interacting factors. Research may help prevent psychological overload. (4) Company researchers may have to broaden the definitio

21、n of competitors in international markets to include competitive pressures that would not be present in the domestic market. 当你确定要调查什么问题的时候,SRC自我参照标准的存在其存在可能影响国际市场调查或者调查数据的有效性* Self-reference criterion and perception自我参照标准SRC的概念,应该了解诶,不需要背文化的偏见l Unconscious reference to ones own cultural values; cre

22、ates cultural myopia 不自觉的参考自己文化里的价值观造成文化短视l How to reduce cultural myopia: 如何较少文化短视n Define the problem or goal in terms of home-country cultural traitsn Define the problem in terms of host-country cultural traits; make no value judgmentsn Isolate the SRC influence and examine itn Redefine the probl

23、em without the SRC influence and solve for the host-country situation母国中心主义往往会以自我为标准市场细分人口的标准要了解,CET消费者母国中心主义(不同收入的人有什么影响、性别、年龄,人口统计数据经常会用到)6. 产品(内容集中) 产品形象的界定P328,什么是产品形象Brands: brands are bundle of images and experiences in the customers mind. It has two functions: a promise made by a particular c

24、ompany about a particular product and a quality certification; and also a differentiation between competing products. 关于品牌形象的概念,来自使用的经验和体验,在P328有定义。Brand image: customers integrate all their experiences of observing, using, or consuming a product with everything they hear and read about it. The sum

25、of impressions about a brand is the brand image - mental image about both the product itself and the company that markets it. 消费者整合所有的观察、使用以及消费产品的体验和他们所听到和督导的一切。关于一个品牌印象的综合就是品牌形象关于产品本身和生产它的公司的头脑中的印象包装等这些都会影响品牌形象: family, friends; brand name/logo; service by company employees; packaging; company name

26、;advertising; publicity, news stories; promotion, sponsered events; pricing; distribution 7. 品牌策略梯度,和联合品牌策略、品牌延伸不管什么都用同一个名字; 重点了解co-branding,在包装和广告当中的使用,使得原来不知名的品牌很快被市场认可(1) Combination or tiered branding allows marketers to leverage a companys reputation while developing a distinctive identity for

27、a line of products. Sony Walkman(2) Co-branding features two or more company or product brands 包装上和广告中,使品牌很快为市场认可l Properly implemented, co-branding can engender产生 customer loyalty and allow companies to achieve synergy合作力. However, co-branding can also confuse consumers and dilute brand equity. The

28、 approach works most effectively when the products involved complement补助 each other. Credit card companies were the pioneers先锋, and today it is possible to use cards to earn frequent flyer miles and discounts on automobiles. 适当的执行,联合品牌策略可以产生消费者忠诚度,并且允许公司获得合力。然而,这种策略亦可能迷惑消费者并且稀释品牌资产。这种方法在产品互补的时候最有效。信

29、用卡公司是先锋,今天依然可能用信用卡来赚取频繁的飞行公里和移动工具的折扣。(3) Brand extension: brand acts as an umbrella for new products. 8. Country of origin和foreign branding的区别COO(在哪生产)对一个国家的态度:made-in的一种态度,使一个产地的概念,其实最真实,反映产品在哪生产;区别foreign branding:使一个品牌名称听上去更像外国名字,和COO还是有区别的(1) COO在哪生产made-inCOO强调的是原产地:德国的科技的东西,日本的电子,会让人觉得很好,这就是CO

30、OeffectPerceptions about and attitudes toward particular countries often extend to products and brands known to originate in those countries. Such perceptions contribute to the country-of-origin effect; Perceptions and attitudes about a products origins can be positive or negative.(2) Foreign brandi

31、ng一种产品策略,如何给产品取名,比如宇宙牌香烟起名universe,在中国生产,中国是COO,但是universe是其foreign branding,其是一种策略,相对于local branding。是本地名称还是外地名称。In some product categories, foreign products have a substantial advantage over their domestic counter-parts simply due tot their “foreignness”. Always, the subjects perceptions were posi

32、tively influenced by the knowledge they were an export. It disguises the foreign origin of products by package, label and product design to minimize evidence of foreign derivation. 9. Consumer Ethnocentrism and consumer animosity* Management Orientation母国导向还有一种消费者母国中心主义Ethnocentric orientation: Home

33、 country is superior to others; See only similarities in other countries; Assumes products and practices that succeed at home will be successful everywhere; Leads to a standardized or extension approach KW: superior, similarities(只看到相似处), 本国成功可推广到其他地方,标准化或延伸 (1) Consumer ethnocentrism: 消费者母国中心主义:由于自

34、己的爱国主义倾向母国中心主义的倾向觉得自己国家的东西是最优秀的,尽管有COO效应,但是如果他是CET,还是会购买美国的产品,导致的结果是buy local,购买本国产品如果购买外国产品就是提高了当地的失业率,伤害本地经济The consumer ethnocentrism effect: - preference of home country products, which is based on ethnocentrism. - it is general in the sense that is tends to affect all products more or less equa

35、lly. - It holds the belief that the purchase of foreign product is morally wrong, will harm local economy and increase unempolyment. They can be targeted by stressing nationalistic themes. 旨在强调民族主义的主题- The less educated and older people tend to be more ethnocentric. 市场细分的人口标准有印象就可.用于消费者母国中心主义不同分类的人有

36、不同的印象,会用到; FTP影响细分的标准人口?心理?行为?利益?人口细分最常见,比如从收入角度、年龄、性别、受教育程度等; Demographics (income, population, age distribution, gender, education, occupation), psychographics, behavioral characteristics, Benefits sought (2) Consumer animosity 还存在一些怨恨愤怒等 CA导致的结果是boycott- Consumer Animosity定义: The unwillingness of

37、 consumers to buy products stemming from companies based in or associated with a country towards which they harbor remnants残余 of antipathy反感 related to previous or ongoing military, political or economic events - purchasing just those of some specific country will damage the domestic economy.- The A

38、nimosity effect has been found in a variety of cultures and countries. It seems to be stronger in developed countries, but is also existent in developing countries.- it is completely divorced from considerations of product quality, consumers avoid products from the offending country simply because o

39、f their anger over that countrys past or current actions.对于购买意愿的作用是直接的,一般先要形成对产品的评价形成,但是CA跳过这一步,直接,对于CET来说,不因为产品不好,而是因为爱国,由于文化和历史因素形成的。Effect and cause(定义中)The model of International consumer behavior 国际消费者模型 这个模型一定要熟悉CA在PDF老师发送的有,看一下摘要和总结:消费者由于历史上的和别的国家的冲突,特别仇视那个国家的所有产品,会与CET的表合起来构成国际消费者模型。它的前因:各种仇

40、视倾向,所有种种仇视导致这个国家的消费者不会去购买这个国家的一切的产品,所以他已经不会去评价这个国家是好还是坏了。知道产品好也不去购买,会直接越过评价还价,进入purchase willingness,最终导致boycott这个国家的产品;其区别于CET,CET是不买外国货,只买自己的货,另一个是买外国货但是不买仇视国家的货物。一个是buy local,另一个是boycott这两个的作用机理是一样的,都是不经过产品影响的形成,直接作用于购买决策,很重要的是人口统计数据的因素都会有影响性别、年龄等COO,CA,CET BRAND IMAGE SUPPLY CHAIN SUPPLY CHAIN I

41、MAGE都要知道,那种表格而要用话叙述出来,显然判断会影响,影响判断(产品形象,供应链形象,COO会影响判断);CET直接影响最终决策,没有对产品的判断的过程,有两个因素越过这个关节,即CET和CA,这两个必须提到,只有COO对产品是有评价的必须有所解释:For a marketer, the most important thing is if the consumers will buy his product, the judgment is .作为营销人,最关心得是购买意向;Surply chain definition描述一下,描述一下其image、从供应商到经销商的问题10. Communication的广告,广告的诉求和文化的联系理性诉求和感性诉求首先要知道什么是advertisingglobal advertising。面对一个有一些针对性,文化因素成为考虑因素,引入了五个维度,P453,会有相应描述(1) 全球广告: Global advertising is the use of the same advertising appeals, messages, art, copy, photographs, stories, and video segments in multiple country markets

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