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1、后备猪HNS管理Gilts HNS Management1.目的 Goals 2.操作流程 Procedures 1.90%的配种后备猪至少要有一次HNS记录。Breed 90%of gilts with at least 1 HNS recorded.2.首配体重不得小于135公斤(300lb)。135Kg(300lb)at first mating.3.保证超过18天定位栏适应(并大于每日8磅的饲料摄入)18 days of Crate Broke(and8LB AFI).4.使用PG600处理的后备猪不多于10%。10%PG600 treatments.1.目的/Goals2.操作流程/

2、Procedures165天186天/day165 to day186 1.将公猪和后备猪圈在同一栏中,24小时催情。Heat stimulation everyday for 24 hours with the vasectimized boars in the pens.2.每天轮换公猪.Rotate boar everyday.2.操作流程/Procedures165天186天/day165 to day186 3.每天用本周或当天特定的颜色 喷漆标记外阴红肿的后备猪,填写记录表。Mark the gilt with swollen vulva by week(day)colors sp

3、ray,record them on the pens sheet.186天210天/day186 to day 2102.操作流程/Procedures1.此阶段开始HNS操作。Start HNS management.2.每天使用不同的公猪进行催情查情。Use different boars for heat checking and stimulation everyday.3.保证每头后备猪每天至少一分钟公猪接触。Ensure boar exposure of at least one minute per gilt everyday.186天210天/day186 to day 21

4、02.操作流程/Procedures4.每周或每天使用不同颜色的喷漆,用“H”标记发情后备猪,并作好HNS记录。Use the spray of color for that day or that week to mark a“H”on the back of gilts coming into heat and record them accordingly.-如果体重280lbs,下次发情配种。If 280lbs,breed at the next heat.-如果体重280lbs,下次发情不配种。If 280lbs,no breed at the next heat.1.186日龄开始

5、查情,14天后仍不发情的母猪,重复混群。At 186 days of age begin heat checking,and remix if still not coming into heat 14 days thereafter.2.210日龄不发情的后备母猪,再次混群,同时注射PG600。Remix again and give PG600 if not coming into heat at 210 days of age.3.7天后仍不发情再次混群。1.Remix again if not coming into heat another 7 days thereafter.3.不

6、发情管理/Non-cycling Gilt Management4.第一次注射PG600后21天不发情的后备母猪,重复注射 PG600。21 days after the first PG600 shot,give another shot of PG600 if not coming into heat.5.14天后仍不发情再次混群;Remix if not coming into heat another 14 days thereafter.6.260日龄仍不发情的后备母猪,淘汰。If not coming into heat by 260 days of age,cull.3.不发情管

7、理/Non-cycling Gilt Management186days heat checking186 天查情231days inject PG600,mixing231 日龄注射PG600,混群245days mixing245 日龄混群217daysMixing217日龄混群 210days inject PG600,mixing210 日龄注射PG600,混群200days Mixing200日龄混群 260days culling260日龄淘汰14days later14天后10days later10天后14days later14天后7days later7天后14days l

8、ater14天之后15days later15天后3.不发情管理/Non-cycling Gilt Management186天开始查情231 日龄注射PG600,混群245 日龄混群217日龄混群 210 日龄注射PG600,混群200日龄混群 260日龄不发情淘汰14天后10天后14天后7天后14天之后15d天后3.不发情管理/Non-cycling Gilt ManagementPens sheets:ID:_Breed Date:_ Week _ Due date_ _ID:_ HNS Date:_Second Heat:_Date Bred:_ Week _ Due date_ _1

9、.公猪接触对于后备猪的发情是非常重要的。Boar exposure is very important to giltsestrus.2.用于催情和查情的公猪至少10月龄(梅山猪6月龄就可用)。The boars that is used to stimulate heat and detect heat should be at least 10 monthes old(Meishan boars can be used only 6 months old).3.如果260日龄不发情的百分比超过5%,就要作进一步的调查。Further investigation should be done

10、 if more than 5%of gilts do not come into heat at 260 days of age.注意事项/Attentions4.使用后备猪胸围带估计后备猪体重时,将胸围带垂直绕在其胸部,即前腿后。注意绕胸时不要拉得太紧。后备猪胸围带只适合长白大白杂交后备猪体重估计。注意事项/Attentions1.后备猪在165天,经过公猪混栏催情,3周的发情比例分别是多少?解答:具体数据不确定,但是第二周和第三周的发情比例高于第一周,因为第二、三周公猪接触时间较长,刺激强度较大,所以发情比例较高。查阅PIC手册显示:后备猪经过3周的催情,70%的后备猪会有一次的HNS;经过6周的催情,95%的后备猪会至少一次的HNS。问题及答案/Q&AThank You

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