1、单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。谢谢。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。谢谢。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。,poem,1/9,Down by the sally garden,Down by the Sally Garden,My love and I did meet,She passed the Sally Garden,With little snow-white feet,She bid me take love easy,As leaves grow on t
2、he tree,But I being young and foolishWith her would not agree,In the field by the river,My love and I did stand,And on my leaning shoulderShe laid her snow-white hand,She bid me take life easy,As the grass grow on the weirs,But I was young and foolish,And now Im full of tears,.,2/9,.,嘱我适爱,斯遇佳人,仙苑重深,
3、玉人雪趾,往渡穿林,瞩我适爱,如叶逢春,我愚且顽,负此明言,斯水之畔,与彼曾伫,比肩之处,玉手曾拂,嘱我适世,如荇随堰,惜我愚顽,唯余泣叹!,3/9,声声慢,李清照,寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。,乍暖还寒时候,最难将息。,三杯两盏淡酒,怎敌他 晚来风急。,雁过也,最难过 却是旧时相识。,满地黄花堆积,憔悴损 如今有谁堪摘。,守着窗儿,独自怎生得黑。,梧桐更兼细雨,到黄昏 点点滴滴。,这次第,怎一个 愁字了得!,4/9,Looking for something again and again,desolate after desolate,sad by sad,miserable and
4、 miserable,,I was so unhappy and worried.,It was most hard to recuperate myself,during the weather of suddenly got warm and again turned to cold.,A few cups of weak wine,how could help me withstand the terrible wind of night?,Seeing the wild geese flew across the sky,it had touched off me most heart
5、rending,for this scene was just like acquaintance,the time of past.,he yellow flowers fallen were heaped on the entire land of courtyard,thin and pallid to the most,nobody was willing to pick it at present.,Leaning against the window,it was hard to me,alone waiting from daytime to dark.,Let alone a
6、drizzle stroke lightly on the parasol trees,,but to evening,it turned to rain with drop after drop.,t,his scene how could be described,by worry,only this one word.,5/9,1.,黯然销魂掌 Deepblue press,(,深深忧郁掌法,),2.,七伤拳 7 hurted organ(被伤害七个器官,),3.,金刚伏魔拳 supermans cover(超人保护,),4.,含沙射影 shoot you with a machine
7、gun(用机关枪射你,),5.,葵花宝典 sunflower Bible/from gentleman to a lady(向日葵圣经,让你从绅士变成淑女,),6.,白虹剑 rainbow of milk(牛奶彩虹,),6/9,7.,九阳神功 nine mans power(九个男人力量,),8.,九阴真经 nine woman story(九个女人故事,),9.,九阴白骨爪 nine woman catch a white bone(九个女人抓一个骷髅,),10.,胡家刀法 Dr.Hu sword(胡博士剑,),11.,一阳指 one finger just like a pen is(一个
8、手指像笔一样,),12.,洗髓经 wash bone(洗骨头?,),13.,苗家刀法 Miaos sword(苗家刀,),14.,易筋经 change your bone(换你骨头,),7/9,15.,龙象波若功 D and E comble togeter(龙和象混合体,),16.,梯云纵心法 elevator jump(电梯跳跃,),17.,轻功水上飘 flying skill(飞行技能,),18.,小无相功 an unseen power(一个看不见力量?,),19.,太玄经 all fools daliy(傻子日志,),20.,胡青牛医书 buffulo Hus medicine book(水牛胡医书,),21.,吸星大法 suck star over china(吸收全中国星星,),22.,天山六阳掌 6 men of mountain Skys press(天山上六个男子掌法,),8/9,Thank you,9/9,